文件名称: An improved algorithm for retrieving chlorophyll-a from MODIS imagery
  所属分类: 专业指导
  文件大小: 831kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2013-08-22
  提 供 者: chenj******
 详细说明: In this study, an improved MODIS ocean chlorophyll-a (chla) 3 model (IOC3M) algorithm was developed as a substitute for the MODIS global chla concentration estimation algorithm, OC3M, to estimate chla concentrations in waters with high suspended sediment concentrations (SSC), such as the Yellow River Estuary, China. The IOC3M algorithm uses [Rrs-1(λ1)-k1Rrs-1(λ2)]/[Rrs-1(λ3)-k2Rrs-1(λ4)] to substitute for switching the two band ratio of max[Rrs(443nm), Rrs(488nm)]/Rrs(551nm) of the OC3M algorithm. In the IOC3M algorithm, the abs orption coefficient of chla can be isolated as long as reasonable bands are selected. The performance of IOC3M and OC3M was calibrated and validated using a bio-optical data set composed of spectral upwelling radiance measurements and chla concentrations collected during three independent cruises in the Yellow River Estuary in September of 2009. It was found that the optimal bands of the IOC3M algorithm were λ1=443nmnm, λ2=748nm, λ3=551nm, and λ4=870nm. By comparison, the IOC3M algorithm produces superior performance to the OC3M algorithm. Using the IOC3M algorithm in estimating chla concentrations from the Yellow River Estuary decreases 1.03 mg/m3 uncertainty from the OC3M algorithm. Additionally, the chla concentration estimated from MODIS data reveals that more than 90% of the water in the Yellow River Estuary has a chla concentration lower than 5.0 mg/m3. The averaged chla concentration is closed to the in situ measurements. Although the case study presented herein is unique, the modeling procedures employed by the IOC3M algorithm can be useful in remote sensing to estimate the chla concentrations of similar aquatic environments. ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: chlorophyll; Yellow River Estuary