文件名称: easyload 9.0
  所属分类: Oracle
  文件大小: 6mb
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  上传时间: 2008-09-25
  提 供 者: yht****
 详细说明: MapInfo空间数据库建立 MapInfo空间数据库方案: 数据库:Oracle9i 数据上传工具:easyload 9.0 建立空间数据库时,easyload会自动创建一个mapinfo用户以及MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG表,但是easyload自己创建用户和表的时候好像不行,只能创建用户,MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG表创建失败,所以采用手工创建MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG的方式。 创建时,使用mapinfo用户登陆,默认密码是mapinfo ,空间数据可以都上传到这个用户下。 创建MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG表的sql语句如下: Create Table MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG ( SPATIALTYPE Float, TABLENAME Char(32), OWNERNAME Char(32), SPATIALCOLUMN Char(32), DB_X_LL Float, DB_Y_LL Float, DB_X_UR Float, DB_Y_UR Float, COORDINATESYST EM Char(254), SYMBOL Char(254), XCOLUMNNAME Char(32), YCOLUMNNAME Char(32), RENDITIONTYPE INTEGER, RENDITIONCOLUMN CHAR(32), RENDITIONTABLE CHAR(32) ) 每个参数的具体描述如下: SPATIALTYPE NOTE: This column describes the Spatial Object Format of how the data is stored and indexed and the Spatial Object type(s) supported and not supported in the column. The digits to the left of the decimal point are the Spatial Object Format. The digits to the right represent the type of Spatial Object Type that can be stored in the column. MapInfo Spatial Object Format 1.x: Point layer in X/Y columns indexed with micode (a serialized quadtree key) 2.x: Oracle MD/SDO version 1 HHCODE_ - Not Supported 3.x: Oracle MD/SDO version 1 HHCODE_PARTIONED - Not Supported 4.x: Point layer in X/Y columns 5.x: SpatialWare for Oracle 6.x: Ingres SOL - Not Supported 7.x: Sybase SQS - Not Supported 8.x: Oracle SDO version 2 - Not Supported 9.x: MapInfo Geocoding DataBlade SpatialWare Point Module 10.x: MapInfo Geocoding DataBlade XY Module 11.x: SpatialWare IDS/UDO datablade 12.x: SpatialWare Extender for DB2 13.x: Oracle Spatial 14.x: SpatialWare for Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Object Type x.0: Points only x.1: Lines only x.2: Regions only x.3: All types supported 5.3 TABLENAME The name of the table. DRAINAGE OWNERNAME The owner name of the table. GEORGETOWN SPATIALCOLUMN The name of the column, if any, containing spatial features: SW_GEOMETRY (mappable using SpatialWare Type/IDS/UDO) NO_COLUMN (mappable using X–Y) MI_SQL_MICODE (mappable using MI Code) Or the name of the IDS/UDO, DB2, or Oracle column that is ST_SPATIAL datatype. Name of the Oracle 8i SDO_GEOMETRY column. SW_GEOMETRY DB_X_LL The X coordinate of the lower left corner of the layer’s bounding rectangle, in units that are indicated by the COORDINATESYSTEM (see below). –360 DB_Y_LL The lower left bounding Y value. –90 DB_X_UR The upper right bounding X value. 360 DB_Y_UR The upper right bounding Y value. 90 COORDINATESYSTEM A string representing a MapInfo CoordSys clause (but without the keyword "CoordSys" at the very start), which specifies a map projection, coordinate units, etc. For simple Lon/Lat maps, specify "Earth Projection 1, 0". Earth Projection 1, 0 SYMBOL A MapInfo Symbol clause (if the layer contains only points); or a Symbol clause followed by a Pen clause (indicating styles for linear features) followed by another Pen clause (indicating styles for the borders of regions) followed by a Brush clause. Symbol(35,0,12) Pen(1,2,0) Pen(1,2,0) Brush(2,255,255) XCOLUMNNAME For the X/Y mappable tables, specify the name of the column containing X–coordinates. If there is no such column (i.e., if this table uses a single spatial column instead of a pair of X–Y columns) then specify NO_COLUMN or leave empty. NO_COLUMN YCOLUMNNAME For the X/Y mappable tables, specify the name of the column containing Y–coordinates, or specify NO_COLUMN. NO_COLUMN RENDITIONTYPE This indicates how the object style information is applied. ? “0” - Indicates that all the objects will have the style specified in the symbol field of the Map.Catalog applied to them. ? “1” - Indicates that the table has a separate column which contains a string representation of the style information for each object in the table (e.g. each object may have its own style). 0 or 1 RENDITIONCOLUMN If RENDITIONTYPE is “1”, this field stores the name of the column in the spatial table (identified by the TABLENAME) that contains style information. This column is automatically added to any query against the table and is maintained (updated) as the object is updated. Users should NOT specify this column in their queries as problems can occur with intersect or update statements. Queries which include this column in the select clause (excluding the wildcard character “* “) may access the values through the Dataset object. Rows with a NULL value in their style column will have the style from the SYMBOL field of the MapCatalog applied to the object. MI_SYMBOLOGY RENDITIONTABLE Currently not used, but reserved for future use, this column must exist in order for MapX to correctly identify and apply record-level styles. NULL ...展开收缩



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