文件名称: 磁盘数据恢复技术员版(简体中文)
  所属分类: IT管理
  文件大小: 7mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2013-12-30
  提 供 者: xdey****
 详细说明: ================================================================= README O&O DISKRECOVERY RELEASE 6.0 BUILD 6298 ================================================================= CONTENTS: --------- 1) INSTALLATION NOTES 2) SUPPORT / CONTACT ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1) INSTALLATION NOTES --------------------- * O&O DiskRecovery works with the following operating systems: + Windows 2000 Professional + Windows 2000 Server + Windows 2000 Advanced Server + Windows XP H ome Edition + Windows XP Professional Edition x32/64 + Windows Server 2003 (all editions, x32/x64) + Windows Vista (all editions, x32/x64) + Windows Server 2008 (all editions, x32/x64) + Microsoft Windows 7 (all editions, x32/x64) + Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (all editions) * You need Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher for correct functioning of O&O DiskRecovery. In addition, it is required for displaying the online help. This is due to the nature of the new, compiled HTML help, which only can be displayed when certain library files of the Internet Explorer are installed. * To uninstall O&O DiskRecovery, you may remove the entry "O&O DiskRecovery" using "Add/Remove Software" from the control panel. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2) SUPPORT / CONTACT -------------------- O&O Software GmbH Office: Am Borsigturm 48 13507 Berlin Germany Phone: +49-(0)30-430343-00 Fax: +49-(0)30-430343-99 Sales: sales@oo-software.com Info: info@oo-software.com Support: support@oo-software.com Internet: http://www.oo-software.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- ...展开收缩



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