文件名称: ue文本编辑工具
  所属分类: 其它
  文件大小: 10mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2014-06-01
  提 供 者: qq_16******
 详细说明: UE3 refers to UltraEdit customized for installation on a U3 smart drive UE3 supports the functionality of UltraEdit except as follows: File associations are not supported Shell integration context menu access from Windows Explorer is not supported as the U3 conventions forbid access to the parts of the registry which must be modified to support shell integration In nearly all other respects UE3 allows the use of UltraEdit as if it was installed on a standard desktop hard drive allowing users access to the mo st needed features of UltraEdit macros scripting syntax highlighting column mode code folding UNICODE support FTP Telnet and more all on your U3 smart drive The primary difference is that when UE3 is shut down and the U3 smart drive is ejected any references to files settings that don"t reside on the U3 smart drive are removed from the UE3 INI file ue3 ini when this is written back to the U3 smart drive For example: Files added to the Favorite files list during an editing session that belong to the host system will be removed from the application when the U3 drive is ejected Open files except in the case of files opened via FTP will not be remembered between sessions Note: U3 the U3 smart Logo and all U3 formative trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of U3 LLC worldwide ">UE3 refers to UltraEdit customized for installation on a U3 smart drive UE3 supports the functionality of UltraEdit except as follows: File associations are not supported Shell integration context menu access from Windows Explorer is not supported as the U3 conventions forbid access to [更多] ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: UE编辑器