文件名称: SaliencyToolbox2.3
  所属分类: 其它
  文件大小: 1mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2014-09-29
  提 供 者: h200806621**********
 详细说明: The SaliencyToolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scripts for computing the saliency map for an image for determining the extent of a proto object and for serially scanning the image with the focus of attention It has been cited in more than 500 papers System requirements: Any computer and operating system that runs Matlab Matlab Release 13 or later Image Processing Toolbox The SaliencyToolbox is in part a reimplementation of the iNVT toolkit at Laurent Itti"s lab at the USC This toolbox complements the iNVT code in that it is more compact about 5 000 versus 360 000 lines of code and easier to understand and experiment with but it only contains the core functionality for attending to salient image regions ">The SaliencyToolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scripts for computing the saliency map for an image for determining the extent of a proto object and for serially scanning the image with the focus of attention It has been cited in more than 500 papers System requirements: Any comput [更多] ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: Saliency matlab