文件名称: Nessus_Network_Auditing.chm
  所属分类: 网络安全
  文件大小: 8mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2014-11-11
  提 供 者: jaso****
 详细说明: 这是Nessus扫描器方面的经典书籍,英文原版,CHM文件格式,通过缩放阅读可保证清晰。个人觉得不错,所以分享给网络安全爱好者。 目录: Table of Contents Nessus Network Auditing Foreword Chapter 1 - Vulnerability Assessment Chapter 2 - Introducing Nessus Chapter 3 - Installing Nessus Chapter 4 - Running Your First Scan Chapter 5 - Interpreting Results Chapter 6 - Vulnerability Types Chapter 7 - False Positives Chapter 8 - Under the Hood Chapter 9 - The Nessus Knowledge Base Chapter 10 - Enterprise Scanning Chapter 11 - NASL Chapter 12 - The Nessus User Community Appe ndix A - The NASL2 Reference Manual Appendix B - Utilizing Domain Credentials to Enhance Nessus Scans 本书介绍: This book focuses on installing, configuring and optimizing Nessus, which is a remote security scanner for Linux, BSD, Solaris, and other Unices. It is plug-in-based, has a GTK interface, and performs over 1200 remote security checks. It allows for reports to be generated in HTML, XML, LaTeX, and ASCII text, and suggests solutions for security problems. As with many open source programs, Nessus is incredibly popular, incredibly powerful, and incredibly under-documented. There are many Web sites (including nessus.org) where thousands of users congregate to share tips, tricks, and hints, yet no single, comprehensive resource exists. This book, written by Nessus lead developers, will document all facets of deploying Nessus on a production network. * Nessus is the premier Open Source vulnerability assessment tool, and was recently voted the "most popular" open source security tool of any kind. * This is the first book available on Nessus and it is written by the worlds premier Nessus developers led by the creator of Nessus, Renaud Deraison. * The dramatic success of Syngress SNORT 2.0 INTRUSION DETECTION clearly illustrates the strong demand for books that offer comprehensive documentation of Open Source security tools that are otherwise Undocumented. ...展开收缩



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