文件名称: Interpreting LISP 及用C实现LISP的代码 by Gary D. Knott
  所属分类: 专业指导
  文件大小: 439kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2015-02-01
  提 供 者: hztj****
 详细说明: LISP 解释器构造方法及用C实现LISP解释器的代码 作者序言: I wrote this book to help teach LISP to students in a course on data structures. Consequently it contains a careful description of the data structures manipulated by LISP functions. These data structures and others, notably hash tables, are also used in constructing a LISP interpreter. I wish to acknowledge the help of readers in shaping and debugging this material. The study of LISP, coupled with the study of a LISP interpreter intended for exhibition, is of special interest to students in th e areas of programming languages and computer architecture as well as data structures. Indeed, I hope this book will be useful to students in all areas of computer science, and I also hope it will be useful to autodidacts, professional programmers, and computer enthusiasts in a wide variety of ¯elds. This book is intended to be accessible to a wide range of interested readers from high school students through professional programmers. I would very much like to see students use this book to help them understand LISP interpreters, and thus understand the concepts involved in building an interpreter for any language. The best way to proceed is to compile and run the C LISP interpreter, and then experiment by modifying it in various ways. Finally, I hope this book can help all who use it develop an aesthetic appreciation of this elegant programming language. Copies of this little book in PDF format, together with the LISP interpreter source code and ancillary ¯les, can be obtained at www.civilized.com. ...展开收缩



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