文件名称: Efficient Android Threading_2014
  所属分类: Android
  文件大小: 2mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2015-02-08
  提 供 者: lovelyna********
 详细说明: Contents Overview Copyright About the Author I. Introduction 1. Android Components and the Need for Multi-Processing Android Software Stack Application Architecture Application Components Activity Service ContentProvider BroadcastReceiver Application Execution Linux Process Lifecycle Application Start Application Termination Structuring Applications for Performance Creating Responsive Applications Through Threads Summary II. Fundamentals 2. Multithreading in Java Thread Basics Execution Single-Threaded A pplication Multi-Threaded Application Increased Resource Consumption Increased Complexity Data Inconsistency Thread Safety Intrinsic Lock and Java Monitor Synchronize Access to Shared Resources Using the Intrinsic Lock Using Explicit Locking Mechanisms Example: Consumer and Producer Task Execution Strategies Concurrent Execution Design 3 Summary 3. Threads on Android Android Application Threads UI Thread Binder threads Background threads The Linux Process and Threads Scheduling Priority Control groups Summary 4. Thread Communication Pipes Basic Pipe Use Text processing on a worker thread Shared memory Signalling BlockingQueue Android Message Passing Basic Message Passing Example Classes Used in Message Passing MessageQueue MessageQueue.IdleHandler Example: Using IdleHandler to terminate an unused thread Message Initialized Pending Dispatched Recycled Looper Looper termination The UI thread Looper Handler Setup Message creation Message insertion Example: Two-way message passing Message processing Removing Messages from the Queue Observing the Message Queue 4 Taking a snapshot of the current message queue Tracing the message queue processing Communicating with the UI Thread Summary 5. Interprocess Communication Android RPC Binder AIDL Synchronous RPC Asynchronous RPC Message-Passing Using the Binder One-way communication Two-way communication Summary 6. Memory Management Garbage collection Thread related memory leaks Thread execution Inner classes Static inner classes The lifecycle mismatch Thread communication Sending a data message Posting a task message Avoiding memory leaks Use Static Inner Classes Use Weak References Stop Worker Thread Execution Retain Worker Threads Clean Up the Message Queue Summary III. Asynchronous Techniques 7. Managing the Lifecycle of a Basic Thread Basics Lifecycle Interruptions Uncaught Exceptions Thread management Definition and start Anonymous inner class 5 Public thread Static inner class thread definition Summary of options for thread definition Retention Retaining a Thread in an Activity Retaining a Thread in a Fragment Summary 8. HandlerThread: a High-Level Queueing Mechanism Fundamentals Lifecycle Use Cases Repeated Task Execution Related Tasks Example: Data persistence with SharedPreferences Task Chaining Example: chained network calls Conditional task insertion Summary 9. Control Over Thread Execution Through the Executor Framework Executor Thread Pools Predefined Thread Pools Custom Thread Pools ThreadPoolExecutor Configuration Thread configuration Extending ThreadPoolExecutor Lifecycle Shutting Down the Thread Pool Task management Task representation FutureTask Submitting Tasks Individual submission invokeAll invokeAny Rejecting Tasks ExecutorCompletionService Summary 10. Tying a Background task to the UI Thread with AsyncTask Fundamentals 6 Creation and Start Cancellation States Example: Limiting an AsyncTask execution to one at the time Implementing the AsyncTask Example: Downloading Images Background Task Execution Application Global Execution Execution Across Platform Versions Custom Execution Example: non-global sequential execution AsyncTask Alternatives When an AsyncTask is trivially implemented Background Tasks that Need a Looper Local Service Using execute(Runnable) Summary 11. Services Why Use a Service For Asynchronous Execution? Local, Remote, and Global Services Creation and Execution Lifecycle Started Service Implementing onStartCommand Options for Restarting User-Controlled Service Example: Bluetooth Connection Task-Controlled Service Example: Concurrent Download Bound Service Local Binding Choosing an Asynchronous Technique Summary 12. IntentService Fundamentals Good Ways To Use An IntentService Sequential Ordered Tasks Example: Web Service Communication Asynchronous Execution in BroadcastReceiver Example: Periodical Long Operations 7 IntentService Versus Service Summary ...展开收缩



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