文件名称: FormEditText文本验证提示
  所属分类: Android
  文件大小: 1mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2015-05-26
  提 供 者: smar*****
 详细说明: In your xml import an extra namespace on the root of your layout .... .... Note: It's not mandatory to use it on the root element. Also r emember to change the xmlns value with your package name Whenever you need to use the FormEditText just do the following in your xml. As you noticed there is a whatever:test attribute setted to alpha. This let the FormEditText know that the data inside it should be only Alpha characters. There are several values you can set to the test attribute: regexp: for custom regexp numeric: for an only numeric field alpha: for an alpha only field alphaNumeric: guess what? personName: checks if the entered text is a person first or last name. personFullName: checks if the entered value is a complete full name. email: checks that the field is a valid email creditCard: checks that the field contains a valid credit card using Luhn Algorithm phone: checks that the field contains a valid phone number domainName: checks that field contains a valid domain name ( always passes the test in API Level < 8 ) ipAddress: checks that the field contains a valid ip address webUrl: checks that the field contains a valid url ( always passes the test in API Level < 8 ) date: checks that the field is a valid date/datetime format ( if customFormat is set, checks with customFormat ) nocheck: It does not check anything except the emptyness of the field. For most of the test type values this library comes with a couple of default strings. This means that error strings ( english only ) are already available for the following test types: numeric, alpha, alphanumeric You can customize them using the attributes testErrorString used when the field does not pass the test emptyErrorString used when the field is empty ...展开收缩



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