文件名称: BeagleBone.Black.Interfacing.hardware.and.software.B00Q1E381M
  所属分类: 嵌入式
  文件大小: 3mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2015-06-11
  提 供 者: rami****
 详细说明: The BeagleBone Black being an embedded Linux development board can be an excellent choice for building various measurement and control systems by developers and hobbyists. This book is thought as a highly practical guide which can help readers to design measurement and control systems driven by the BeagleBone Black. These systems can comprise external electronic circuits controlled by programs written in Python. Since many measurement systems process analog signals, the guide contains a brief theory and practical applications d edicated to use of popular high-resolution analog-to-digital converters. The guide covers processing small signals with instrumentation amplifiers and measuring frequencies of digital signals using high-precision PWM-To-Voltage converters. The material of the book also covers digital signal synthesis with digital potentiometers and digital-to-analog converters. The readers will find practical designs of digitally programmable wide-band oscillators, signal amplifiers and PWM circuits. The guide describes practical aspects of interfacing and programming high-precision wide-band sinusoidal and rectangular waveform generators using a popular high-resolution Direct Digital Synthesizer AD9850. A few projects are dedicated to designing network and distributed systems using the BeagleBone Black and Tiva C Series Connected LaunchPad. The guide also covers interfacing the BeagleBone Black with popular Arduino Uno and Arduino Due boards. A few measurement and control systems with Arduino boards are presented as well. The BeagleBone Black can be easily fitted into wireless systems using the Wixel Programmable USB Wireless modules from Pololu Corp., so the readers can explore a couple of projects presented in this guide. A few projects illustrate using a Bluetooth protocol in simple wireless systems built around the BeagleBone Black, desktop PC and Arduino Due. Each project is accompanied by a brief description which helps to make things clear. Most projects described in the book can be improved or modified if necessary. Each project includes a circuit diagram accompanied by the Python source code. The projects with Arduino Uno and Arduino Due also include the source code written in the Processing language. All projects were designed and tested on the BeaglBone Black Rev.C running Debian Linux. Table of Contents 1. BeagleBone Black GPIO pins 2. Powering external circuits 3. Configuring software 4. Connecting GPIO outputs to DC loads 5. Connecting GPIO outputs to AC loads 6. Interfacing digital input signals to the BeagleBone Black 7. BeagleBone Black Networking: project 1 8. BeagleBone Black Networking: project 2 9. Distributed systems using Tiva C Series Connected LaunchPad: project1 10. Distributed systems using Tiva C Series Connected LaunchPad: project 2 11. Measuring a frequency of digital signals 12. Measuring high frequency signals 13. Pulse width measurement using the PWM-to-DAC converter LTC2645 14. Simple control systems 15. Generating PWM signals 16. Simple PWM-to-DC converter 17. Generating high precision analog voltage using an LTC2645 device 18. Processing analog signals 19. Measuring analog signals with the MCP3201 A/D converter 20. Using low-pass filters in data acquisition systems 21. The simple thermostat system using the MCP3201 A/D converter 22. Processing small analog signals with instrumentation amplifiers 23. Using high-resolution Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converters 24. Digital potentiometers in programmable systems 25. The wide-band oscillator LTC1799 using a digital potentiometer 26. The digitally programmed wide-band oscillator with LTC6903 27. Using a digital-to-analog converter as a precision DC voltage source 28. The digital-to-analog converter in the LTC6992 PWM circuit 29. Generating analog waveforms using the Direct Digital Synthesizer AD9850 30. Processing DDS waveforms 31. Using serial interfaces of the BeagleBone Black 32. Interfacing BeagleBone Black to Arduino Uno 33. Interfacing BeagleBone Black to Arduino Due 34. Measuring the frequency of digital signals with Arduino Due 35. Measuring the pulse width of digital signals with Arduino Due 36. Control of PWM signals of Arduino Due using a serial interface 37. Control of sawtooth signals of Arduino Due using a serial interface 38. Wireless systems using Wixel Programmable USB Wireless Modules: project 1 39. Wireless systems using Wixel Programmable USB Wireless Modules: project 2 40. BeagleBone Black in wireless systems using Bluetooth 41. BeagleBone Black and Arduino Due in measurement systems using Bluetooth 42. BeagleBone Black and Arduino Due in measurement systems using Bluetooth: project 1 43. BeagleBone Black and Arduino Due in measurement systems using Bluetooth: project 2 ...展开收缩



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