文件名称: DevOps on the Microsoft Stack(Apress,2016)
  所属分类: Web开发
  文件大小: 21mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2016-05-20
  提 供 者: vanr****
 详细说明: This book tells you everything you need to know to help your organization implement DevOps on the Microsoft platform. You will learn how to use Visual Studio, Visual Studio Team Services, and Azure to implement a complete DevOps process in your company. You will learn about Agile Project Management, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Technical Debt Management, Automatic Testing and Monitoring, and see how all these areas fit together. DevOps is important for organizations that want to make the best use of their resources and avoid costly mistakes. Teams that embrace DevOps deploy code up to 30 times more frequently than their competition and less than 50% of their deployments fail according to Puppet Labs State of DevOps survey. DevOps on the Microsoft Stack shows you how to help your organization implement DevOps, covering the tooling they will need and how to make everything work together while following best practices. The focus is not only on technology but also on the cultural issues that teams will face when implementing DevOps. The author’s goal is to not only show you which tooling there is but help you to successfully use everything together to implement DevOps in your projects and organization. In this book, you’ll learn: What DevOps is and how it can help development teams How to use Visual Studio, Visual Studio Team Services, and Azure to setup a DevOps process How to introduce DevOps to your organization and how to overcome problems ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: DevOps on Microsoft Stack