文件名称: App Development Recipes for iOS and watchOS 【2016】
  所属分类: iOS
  文件大小: 27mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2016-06-24
  提 供 者: u0130*****
 详细说明: App Development Recipes for iOS and watchOS: A Problem-Solution Approach Apress | Computer Science | July 8 2016 Development recipes for the latest version of both iOS and watchOS Up to date with Swift 2 Experienced author/developer offers tips and best practi ces App Development Recipes for iOS and watchOS explores the technical side of app development with tips and tricks to avoid those little things that become big frustrations, outside of the realm of development, causing many people to throw up their hands and say “It’s just not worth the hassle!” The experiential nature of this work sets it apart from other iOS and watchOS books. Even if you are a developer who is completely new to Swift, iOS or watchOS, you’ll find the right experienced-based answers to important questions like “Why do I need version control?”, “Why is testing so important?” and more specific problems directly related to iOS and watchOS development with Swift. We discover and summarize the most common problems and derive the solutions; not just a short answer and screenshot, but a systematic, logical derivation, that is, how we got to the solution. After the introductory basics, each chapter delivers a problem statement and a solution. The experienced developer may, without losing anything, skip to whatever problem with which they are currently dealing. At the same time, we guide the less experienced developer through the process with focus on solving problems along the way. What you will learn: iOS career options for the new developer Working with Source Code and Version Control How to work with iOS accessory devices Understanding development methodologies such as Agile/Scrum User Experience Development and UI Tools Unit, UI, and Beta Testing Publishing your work Who this book is for:Developers who need to find specific solutions to common problems in developing apps for iOS and watchOS. ...展开收缩



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