文件名称: C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond
  所属分类: C++
  文件大小: 634kb
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  上传时间: 2009-11-20
  提 供 者: micr*****
 详细说明: Copyright The C++ In-Depth Series Titles in the Series Preface Acknowledgments Dave's Acknowledgments Aleksey's Acknowledgments Making the Most of This Book Supplementary Material Trying It Out Chapter 1. Introduction Section 1.1. Getting Started Section 1.2. So What's a Metaprogram? Section 1.3. Metaprogramming in the Host Language Section 1.4. Metaprogramming in C++ Section 1.5. Why Metaprogramming? Section 1.6. When Metaprogramming? Section 1.7. Why a Metaprogramming Library? Chapter 2. Traits and Type Manipulation Section 2.1. Type Associations Section 2.2. Metafunctions Section 2.3. Numerical Metafunctions Section 2.4. Making Choices at Compile Time Section 2.5. A Brief Tour of the Boost Type Traits Library Section 2.6. Nullary Metafunctions Section 2.7. Metafunction Definition Section 2.8. History Section 2.9. Details Section 2.10. Exercises Chapter 3. A Deeper Look at Metafunctions Section 3.1. Dimensional Analysis Section 3.2. Higher-Order Metafunctions Section 3.3. Handling Placeholders Section 3.4. More Lambda Capabilities Section 3.5. Lambda Details Section 3.6. Details Section 3.7. Exercises Chapter 4. Integral Type Wrappers and Operations Section 4.1. Boolean Wrappers and Operations Section 4.2. Integer Wrappers and Operations Section 4.3. Exercises Chapter 5. Sequences and Iterators Section 5.1. Concepts Section 5.2. Sequences and Algorithms Section 5.3. Iterators Section 5.4. Iterator Concepts Section 5.5. Sequence Concepts Section 5.6. Sequence Equality Section 5.7. Intrinsic Sequence Operations Section 5.8. Sequence Classes Section 5.9. Integral Sequence Wrappers Section 5.10. Sequence Derivation Section 5.11. Writing Your Own Sequence Section 5.12. Details Section 5.13. Exercises Chapter 6. Algorithms Section 6.1. Algorithms, Idioms, Reuse, and Abstraction Section 6.2. Algorithms in the MPL Section 6.3. Inserters Section 6.4. Fundamental Sequence Algorithms Section 6.5. Querying Algorithms Section 6.6. Sequence Building Algorithms Section 6.7. Writing Your Own Algorithms Section 6.8. Details Section 6.9. Exercises Chapter 7. Views and Iterator Adaptors Section 7.1. A Few Examples Section 7.2. View Concept Section 7.3. Iterator Adaptors Section 7.4. Writing Your Own View Section 7.5. History Section 7.6. Exercises Chapter 8. Diagnostics Section 8.1. Debugging the Error Novel Section 8.2. Using Tools for Diagnostic Analysis Section 8.3. Intentional Diagnostic Generation Section 8.4. History Section 8.5. Details Section 8.6. Exercises Chapter 9. Crossing the Compile-Time/Runtime Boundary Section 9.1. for_each Section 9.2. Implementation Selection Section 9.3. Object Generators Section 9.4. Structure Selection Section 9.5. Class Composition Section 9.6. (Member) Function Pointers as Template Arguments Section 9.7. Type Erasure Section 9.8. The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern Section 9.9. Explicitly Managing the Overload Set Section 9.10. The "sizeof Trick" Section 9.11. Summary Section 9.12. Exercises Chapter 10. Domain-Specific Embedded Languages Section 10.1. A Little Language ... Section 10.2. ... Goes a Long Way Section 10.3. DSLs, Inside Out Section 10.4. C++ as the Host Language Section 10.5. Blitz++ and Expression Templates Section 10.6. General-Purpose DSELs Section 10.7. The Boost Spirit Library Section 10.8. Summary Section 10.9. Exercises Chapter 11. A DSEL Design Walkthrough Section 11.1. Finite State Machines Section 11.2. Framework Design Goals Section 11.3. Framework Interface Basics Section 11.4. Choosing a DSL Section 11.5. Implementation Section 11.6. Analysis Section 11.7. Language Directions Section 11.8. Exercises Appendix A. An Introduction to Preprocessor Metaprogramming Section A.1. Motivation Section A.2. Fundamental Abstractions of the Preprocessor Section A.3. Preprocessor Library Structure Section A.4. Preprocessor Library Abstractions Section A.5. Exercise Appendix B. The typename and template Keywords Section B.1. The Issue Section B.2. The Rules Appendix C. Compile-Time Performance Section C.1. The Computational Model Section C.2. Managing Compilation Time Section C.3. The Tests Appendix D. MPL Portability Summary CD-ROM Warranty Bibliography ...展开收缩



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