文件名称: Generating Domain-Specific Lexicons and Sentiment Analysis
  所属分类: 专业指导
  文件大小: 288kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2017-07-25
  提 供 者: ziyang******
 详细说明: The sentiment captured in opinionated text provides interesting and valuable information for social media services. However, due to the complexity and diversity of linguistic representations, it is challenging to build a framework that accurately extracts such s entiment. We propose a semi-supervised framework for generating a domain-specific sentiment lexicon and inferring sentiments at the segment level. Our framework can greatly reduce the human effort for building a domainspecific sentiment lexicon with high quality. Specifically, in our evaluation, working with just 20 manually labeled reviews, it generates a domain-specific sentiment lexicon that yields weighted average FMeasure gains of 3%. Our sentiment classification model achieves approximately 1% greater accuracy than a state-of-the-art approach based on elementary discourse units. ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: Sentiment Analysis