文件名称: Wrox.Expert.Android.Studio.2016
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  上传时间: 2017-08-09
  提 供 者: daer****
 详细说明: Why We Wrote This Book In November 2007, Google released a preview version of Android SDK to allow developers to start playing with the new mobile operating system. Roughly two years later, in October 2009, ADT (Android Developer Tools) a plugin set for Eclipse, was released to the public. As a Google I/O 2009 attendee, I (Murat) was lucky enough to have an Android device and was probably one of the earliest developers to download and install the plugins to my Eclipse. As years passed, we both followed the same passion to download and try new stuff released with new ADT versions. At the time, I was an Eclipse committer who knew how to write plugins, extend the IDE’s capabilities, and introduce the behavior and functionality I needed. So with each release of ADT, I was more and more excited to see what had been done with the tools. On May 2013, at Google I/O, roughly four years after our love-hate relationship with ADT started, Google announced Android Studio, which soon became the official, supported IDE for Android development. ADT was never perfect. but it was familiar. Like many other developers, we knew all the shortcuts, how things work, what to do when something was not working, workarounds, and how the projects were structured. More significantly, we were able to write our own plugins or inspect ADT plugins to see why something went wrong. However, with the release of Android Studio, suddenly we were all in a new platform that we knew very little about. We resisted switching to Android Studio for a while, but finally gave it a try. Suddenly, Android, a platform we were long familiar with, was a stranger. The new project structure was very different because of the changes introduced by IntelliJ and Gradle. To adopt IntelliJ, we decided to follow IntelliJ shortcuts instead of using IntelliJ shortcut mapping for Eclipse shortcuts, which made the situation even worse. We were barely able to search for a file or piece of code, navigate through menus, right-click to create files, or even generate some basic getters and setters. We went from being experts with ADT to beginners with Android Studio. We had finally had enough! We were experienced developers, but struggled with Android Studio and were not able to show our skills. So we started following IntelliJ talks, pinning the IntelliJ shortcut cheat sheet in our cubicles, reading IntelliJ plugin code, and forcing ourselves to use Android Studio in our daily work. This book is the summary of the lessons we learned walking unaided on this difficult path . This book is what we needed for ourselves when we were switching from Eclipse-based ADT to IntelliJbased Android Studio. This is why we believe any developer, whether an Android newbie or a seasoned Android developer who used to work on ADT, will find this book useful for developing his or her knowledge of the tools that are actually there to support his or her coding skills. ...展开收缩



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