文件名称: Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix PDF
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  文件大小: 3mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2017-08-29
  提 供 者: yyjac*****
 详细说明: 1. Mapping Our Route . . . . . . . . . . . >>>Lay The Foundation With Elixir >>>Add a Web Interface With Phoenix >>>Functional Web Development >>>The Game of Islands Part I — Build a Game Engine in Pure Elixir 2. Model S tate With Agents . . . . . . . . . . >>>Embracing Stateful Servers >>> Agents 14 Let’s Build It >>>Model A Simple Entity >>>Model a Relationship With a List >>>Model a Relationship With a Map >>>Model Relationships With a Struct >>>A Single Representation >>>Wrapping Up 3. Wrap It Up In a GenServer . . . . . . . . . >>>Services, A Fuller Picture >>>OTP Solutions 51 Introducing OTP Behaviours >>>Getting Started With GenServer >>>Initializing GenServer State >>>Customizing GenServer Behavior >>>Pipelines to Handle Complexity >>>Naming GenServer Processes >>>Stopping GenServer Processes >>>Wrapping Up 4. Manage State with gen_statem >>>A Bit of History >>>State Machines and :gen_statem >>>Getting Started with :gen_statem >>>Adding New Behavior >>>Fully Customizing Our State Machine >>>Integrate the :gen_statem with the GenServer >>>Seeing the GenServer and :gen_statem in Action >>>Wrapping Up 5. Process Supervision For Recovery Part II — Add a Web Interface With Phoenix 6.Generate a New Web Interface With Phoenix Frameworks >>>OTP Applications >>>Generate a New Phoenix Application >>>Adding a New Dependency >>>Call the Logic from the Interface >>>Wrapping Up 7. Create Persistent Connections With Phoenix Channels >>>The Beauty of Channels >>>The Pieces That Make a Channel >>>Let’s Build It >>>Establish a Client Connection >>>Converse Over a Channel Connect the Channel to the Game >>>Phoenix Presence >>>Authorization >>>Wrapping Up A1.Testing A2. Installing System Dependencies ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: Elixir OTP Phoenix Web 2017