文件名称: ros by example for indigo volume1
  所属分类: 专业指导
  文件大小: 10mb
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  上传时间: 2017-08-31
  提 供 者: t6956*****
 详细说明: This book is about programming your robot to do amazing things, whether it be detecting people's faces and other visual objects, navigating autonomously around your house, or responding to spoken commands. We will be using some of the most advanced robotics soft ware available today thanks to ROS, the Robot Operating System created by California-based Willow Garage and now maintained by the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF). The primary goal of ROS (pronounced "Ross") is to provide a unified and open source programming framework for controlling robots in a variety of real world and simulated environments. ROS is certainly not the first such effort; in fact, doing a Wikipedia search for "robot software" turns up 15 such projects. But Willow Garage is no ordinary group of programmers banging out free software. Propelled by some serious funding, strong technical expertise, and a well planned series of developmental milestones, Willow Garage has ignited a kind of programming fever among roboticists with hundreds of user-contributed ROS packages already created in just a few short years. ROS now includes software for tasks ranging from navigation and localization (SLAM), 3D object recognition, action planning, motion control for multi-jointed arms, machine learning and even playing billiards. In the meantime, Willow Garage has also designed and manufactured a $400,000 robot called the PR2 to help showcase its operating system. Using the latest in robot hardware, including two stereo cameras, a pair of laser scanners, arms with 7 degrees of freedom, and an omni-directional drive system, only a lucky few will be able to run ROS directly on the PR2, including 11 research institutions that were awarded free PR2s as part of a beta-test contest. However, you do not need a PR2 to leverage the power of ROS; packages have already been created to support lower-cost platforms and components including the iRobot Create, TurtleBot, Arduino, WowWee Rovio, LEGO® NXT, Phidgets, ArbotiX, Serializer, Element and Robotis Dynamixels. The guiding principle underlying ROS is "don't reinvent the wheel". Many thousands of very smart people have been programming robots for over fifty years—why not bring all that brain power together in one place? Fortunately, the Web is the perfect medium for sharing code. Many universities, companies and individuals now openly share their ROS code repositories, and with free cloud space available through services such as Google Code or GitHub, anyone can share their own ROS creations easily and at no cost. Perhaps the best part of jumping on the ROS train is the excitement that comes from working with thousands of like-minded roboticists from around the world. Not only will you save many days of frustration by not duplicating someone else's work, you can also feel the satisfaction that comes from contributing back to this rapidly developing field ...展开收缩



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