文件名称: 软件虚拟交换机
  所属分类: 网络基础
  文件大小: 1mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2017-10-27
  提 供 者: fuwen*****
 详细说明: he following document provides an outline of the Napatech NFV NIC with OVS Acceleration solution. Designed specifically for NFV use cases, the Napatech NFV NIC accelerates user-space OVS without the need for hypervisor bypass solutions, such as PCIe Direct A ttach or Single Root Input Output Virtualization (SR-IOV), but ensures that OVS continues to operate in user-space with DPDK as the interface to Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). In this manner, the throughput performance of OVS can be accelerated up to 7x compared to standard Intel NIC-based solutions supporting OVS and DPDK, while at the same time enabling full VNF mobility. In addition, full theoretical 40G throughput performance can be achieved using less than 1 CPU core, which is an 8x saving compared to standard NICbased OVS ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: ovs nic