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with start address of code that you want to fix it. if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically. 3.fill with End address of code that you want to fix it. if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically. 4.fill with address of Empty or unused area (in Code section or Data section or any...) that IAT will repair to it. if you fill it with ZERO, UIF will fill it automatically. so you can fill , with a Dll address area, UIF will detect it automatically. for Fast Speed: =============== -After Click on you can Minimize UIF to the taskbar. -Just enter Code section start and end (.text section etc). -Dont check "Fix Directly Imports" if you dont need to it. History: ======== v1.2 FINAL update (2008.12.31): =============================== +Code improved for better processing invalid ImageBase,ImageSize and invalid PE. +Some small changes for more Compatibility/Stability. -PSAPI library removed from UIF engine (shit library with many bugs). v1.2 FINAL update (2008.06.15): =============================== +Code Optimized again for better result. +UIF.dll released (for using UIF in other applications). Coded with pure Api,very fast and small size. v1.2 FINAL update (2008.04.24): =============================== +Fast Speed option added. v1.2 FINAL (2008.04.19): ======================== +Now UIF can process Ring0 Hooked APIs (KAV,ZoneAlarm,... etc). -Minor Bugs fixed. v1.2 Stable (2008.04.04): ========================= +Algorithm improved for Fast Speed. -Option 'Main exe Exports' removed (now UIF can detect it automatically) -Option 'Fix NtDll to Kernel32' removed (now UIF can detect it automatically) -Minor Bugs fixed. v1.0 Final+ (2008.03.21): ========================= +Code Optimized for Fast Speed. +Always OnTop Added. +Tested again on many targets: (TheMida,WinLicense,Armadillo,ASProtect,Enigma,eXPressor,PeSpin,...) -Bug fixed in Fixing Directly Imports in Delphi,BCB,VC(MFC) Applications. v1.0 Final update (2008.02.23): =============================== +Algorithm improved for better fixing Directly imports. +Show modules count and progress in StatusBar. -GUI bug fixed on large fonts >=120 dpi. v1.0 Final update (2008.01.15): =============================== -Some small bugs fixed. +Algorithm improved for very big IAT size. +Auto fill improved for detecting dlls correctly. v1.0 Public (2008.01.12): ========================= First public release... v1.0 Private (2005.02.23): ========================== For personal use... You can download last version of UIF from this link: http://magic.shabgard.org/UIF.zip magic_h2001@yahoo.com http://magic.shabgard.org ============================================================================== ...展开收缩