文件名称: GObject Reference Manual
  所属分类: C
  文件大小: 285kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2009-02-22
  提 供 者: huangj******
 详细说明: Table of Contents Introduction I. Concepts Background Data types and programming Exporting a C API The Glib Dynamic Type System Copy functions Conventions Non-Instantiable non-classed fundamental types Instantiable classed types: objects Initialization and Destruction Non-instantiable classed types: Interfaces. Interface Initialization Interface Destruction The GObject base class Object instanciation Object memory management Reference count Weak References Reference counts and cycles Object properties Access ing multiple properties at once The GObject messaging system Closures C Closures non-C closures (for the fearless). Signals Signal registration Signal connection Signal emission The detail argument II. API Reference GType - The GLib Runtime type identification and management system GTypePlugin - An interface for dynamically loadable types GTypeModule - Type loading modules GObject - The base object type Enums and Flags - Enumeration and flags types GBoxed - A mechanism to wrap opaque C structures registered by the type system Generic Values - A polymorphic type that can hold values of any other type Parameters and Values - Standard Parameter and Value Types Varargs Value Collection - Converting varargs to generic values GParamSpec - Metadata for parameter specifications Signals - A means for customization of object behaviour and a general purpose notification mechanism Closures - Functions as first-class objects Value arrays - A container structure to maintain an array of generic values III. Tools Reference glib-mkenums - C language enum description generation utility glib-genmarshal - C code marshaller generation utility for GLib closures gobject-query - display a tree of types IV. Tutorial How To define and implement a new GObject? Boilerplate header code Boilerplate code Object Construction Object Destruction Object methods Non-virtual public methods Virtual public methods Virtual private Methods Chaining up How To define and implement Interfaces? How To define Interfaces? How To define implement an Interface? Interface definition prerequisites Interface Properties Howto create and use signals Simple use of signals How to provide more flexibility to users? How most people do the same thing with less code How users can abuse signals (and why some think it is good) V. Related Tools GObject builder Graphical inspection of GObjects Debugging reference count problems Writing API docs Index Index of deprecated symbols Index of new symbols in 2.2 Index of new symbols in 2.4 Index of new symbols in 2.6 Index of new symbols in 2.8 Index of new symbols in 2.10 ...展开收缩



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