文件名称: ActionScript 3 0 Design Patterns
  所属分类: Actionscript
  文件大小: 3mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2009-03-15
  提 供 者: xhu***
 详细说明: As ActionScript has evolved from a few statements in Flash to a full-fledged Internet programming language in the latest release of Flash and Flex, we have the ability to implement sophisticated designs developed for languages using object-oriented pro- gramming (OOP). ActionScript 3.0 heralds a new era in Flash and Flex program- ming because it implements the ECMAScript standard for Internet languages. Many features found in languages such as C++ and JavaTM are now available in Action- Script 3.0. Along with more sophisticated features in ActionScript 3.0 come more sophisticated ways of programming and thinking about programming. Most readers of this book will be familiar with OOP to some degree, and like the step from sequential or proce- dural programming to OOP, the step to design pattern programming is a step up for OOP programmers. We felt that because ActionScript 3.0 had arrived at a point where more complex and challenging programming structures can be developed, Flash and Flex programmers needed to understand programming techniques to cope with these structures. By understanding design pattern programming, you will be able to write better OOP code, and reuse that code in other programs. The better paying positions in the pro- gramming field favor those developers who can work with team development, and the sophisticated structures that design patterns and OOP were developed to han- dle. At the same time that you gain proficiency in programming more complex appli- cations, design patterns actually make programming easier. In large and complex applications, programmers have the most difficulty with poor planning and awk- ward design structures. Design patterns not only provide solutions for common chal- lenges, but also focus on maintenance and change. The vocabulary of design patterns is equally important because with it, you can become part of the developer commu- nity that communicates clearly in the language of design patterns. ...展开收缩



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