文件名称: NativeXml-master
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  上传时间: 2018-04-03
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 详细说明: NativeXml-master This file contains a list of all bugfixes, additions and enhancements to NativeXml. Maintained by Nils Haeck (SimDesign BV) ! = bugfix * = enhancement + = addition Version 4.07 (03oct2012) ! Improved canonicalization (c14n), now works recursively and returns # expanded entities ! Fixed up a rangecheck warning in sdUtf8ToWideBuffer ! cleaned up some compiler directives Version 4.06 (16aug2012) + Added TXmlNode.NodeRemoveEx (allows removal of the line with the node instead of just the node itself) - expe rimental Version 4.05 (11aug2012) ! Reimplemented/Fixed sdNormaliseEol function + Readded (hex) character replacement Version 4.04 (06aug2012) ! Updated simdesign.inc to add DXE2 ! Fixed bug in DirectNodeCount ! Fixed (removed) erratic un-normalisation ! removed erratic $ifdef in NativeXmlObjectStorage.pas Version 4.03 (13jul2012) * Core End-Of-Line style is LF, defaults CR-LF, LF and CR for Windows, Linux, Mac respectively ! Fixed EOL bug in source (thx Christian) * TsdChardata.GetCoreValue and .GetPlatformValue Version 4.02 (05nov2011) * default end-of-line style now esCRLF (uses CR-LF combination by default for Windows) + form storage in editor (both default and XE versions) uses NativeXml itself :) + added support for EolStyle = esCR (for use with the Mac) + added separator when writing declaration, skip separator when parsing declaration ! fixed problems in binary xml. Consequence: New binary xml version v2. * NativeXml (and binary xml) now supports xml-stylesheet correctly * binary xml now supports doctype correctly * fixed attribute processing in NativeXmlStorage.pas (thanks RKS) Version 4.01 (27jul2011) + added binary xml to the TNativeXml class itself + added methods BinaryMethod and AesKeyHex * improved FixStructuralErrors.. NativeXml can now load html usually * improved method sdUnNormalizeEol (faster now) ! fixed property handlers for ExternalEncoding and ExternalCodepage + updated DtpEditor XE Version 4.00 (23jul2011) + implemented binary xml (BXM) + added ValueAsDate and ValueAsTime besides ValueAsDateTime + added SplitSecondDigits parameter (default = 0) * constructor CreateParentNear instead of CreateParentBefore/After to avoid clash with CppBuilder + added zlib compression and AES encryption for BXM in the demo Version 3.32 (07jul2011) ! re-added D5 compatibility ! fixed TNativeXml.New method Version 3.31 (29jun2011) ! fixed string table (part of lowlevel string processing of NativeXml) * integrated End-Of-Line normalisation in the XML parser * placed NativeXmlC14N.pas in NativeXml.pas, TNativeXml.Canonicalize integrated Version 3.30 (20may2011) * reimplemented DropCommentsOnParse * reimplemented AttributesClear + added property Charset ! reworked write FExternalEncoding * readded EncodeBinHex / DecodeBinHex + sdNodeList with default Create * alphabetized NativeXml bool options + Linux: allow many codepage conversions, using NativeXmlWin32Compat.pas (largely untested tho) * added class methods TNativeXml.EncodeBase64 / DecodeBase64 next to the global base64 coding methods. ! corrected ranges of arrays in the coders, so rangechecking does not need to be disabled * slightly more verbose error messages (line + pos instead of just pos) Version 3.29 (01apr2011) ! fixed last part of the file processing (final chunk) so NormalizeEOL works correctly now ! fix: changed boolean value strings 'True' and 'False' to 'true' and 'false' according to W3 spec + Added some helper functions for Linux (still experimental), this does not affect Win32 * Joined TsdBufferParser and TsdXmlParser (now just TsdXmlParser) * Updated OnProgress and added progress bar in XmlEditor Version 3.28 (21mar2011) + Re-added NodeNewAtIndex * Verified and fixed demos Version 3.27 (19mar2011) ! fixed Delphi XE-related bug in sdEscapeString + Re-added method NodesClear + Re-added methods ValueUnicode, AttributeValueByNameWide, IndexInParent, SortChildNodes + made AttributeIndexByName public + Re-added constructors TXmlNode.CreateName, CreateNameValue Version 3.26 (16mar2011) * TCustomXml and TNativeXml joined + Added property TXmlNode.Document (type TNativeXml) + Added ReadUnicodeString / WriteUnicodeString * Made NodeFindOrCreate public ! Fixed FWriteOnDefault + Added ReadAttributeBool, ReadAttributeString, ReadUnicodeString and WriteUnicodeString Version 3.25 (03mar2011) * enhanced function sdEscapeString (contributor: Michael Cessna) ! Fixed function sdReplaceString (new implementation) + Added Test16 to verify sdEscapeString and sdReplaceString Version 3.24 (24feb2011) + Added function TCustomXml.InsertDocType to hide the complexity of inserting a TsdDocType manually ! fixed small leak in class TsdDocType + Added Test15 to diagnose TCustomXml.InsertDocType ! fixed major bug where parser does not use ansi + 65001 codepage but really utf8, so the writer also uses utf8 (and added Test14 to check) * Added speed comparison between old TNativeXml and new TNativeXml: new TNativeXml is ca 3 times faster than old. + TNativeXmlObjectStorage: Added storage of TCollectionItem and removed some "with" statements and replaced some raise statements by DoDebugOut * Tested successfully with D5, D7 and DXE Version 3.23 (13feb2011) * Reimplemented TXmlNode.IsEqualTo + Added Test12 (to check IsEqualTo) + Added D5 compatibility (through sdDebug.pas) + Option "FixStructuralErrors" is functional: With this option you can fix the structure in HTML files (eg a tag without closing tag). Version 3.22 (08feb2011) ! fixed accidental switch of TCustomXml(FOwner).DoNodeLoaded/DoNodeNew; ! fixed attribute handling of values (added sdReplaceString) + Added UTF16BE support in SaveToStream ! Renamed WriteToString/WideString to WriteToLocalString/Widestring for Utf8 and Utf16, and added generic WriteToString for "string" type + Added readonly property TXmlNode.DirectNodeCount + Added properties TXmlNode.ChildContainers[i] and TXmlNode.ChildContainerCount + Added Test5, Test6 and Test7 functions in XmlTest demo app * placed sdStringEncoding and sdBufferParser in NativeXml (no longer needs separate units) + Minor improvements in writing xml elements with XmlFormat := xfReadable Version 3.21 (04feb2011) ! Re-added sdStringToDateTime functions instead of non-functional StrToDateTime ! Fixed function sdNormaliseEOL + Re-added TXmlNode.Delete + Added Test3 and Test4 functions in XmlTest demo app Version 3.20 (31jan2011) * Combined NativeXmlEx, NativeXmlNodes, NativeXmlParser and NativeXmlUtils into one new unit NativeXml - Removed old NativeXml + Added WriteToString method for the TXmlNode classes + Added Assign and CopyFrom methods for the TXmlNode classes + Added a few methods from the old NativeXml (e.g. DeleteEmptyNodes) * sdStreams no longer needs sdStreamsPlatform * Generalized include files Version 3.14 (24jan2011) + Added LINQ-like methods and example (contributor: Marius Z) + Reimplemented ValueAsXYZ methods in NativeXmlEx * Added and enhanced XmlFormat = xfPreserve + Verified successful working in both D7 and DXE Version 3.13 (16jan2011) + NativeXmlObjectStorage now works with NativeXmlEx * Many improvements in the writer (NativeXmlNodes) ! Fixed Utf8 to Ansi (sdStringEncoding) * Dual version of XmlEditorEx demo for D7 and DXE by use of {$ifdef}'s Version 3.12 (31dec2010) + Experimental unit NativeXmlC14n.pas (for canonicalization) ! Many bugfixes in NativeXmlEx parser + normalize end-of-line * NativeXmlEx html online docu * XmlEditorEx demo with versions for Delphi7 and DelphiXE Version 3.11 (28nov2010) + Implemented NativeXmlEx: NativeXmlEx.pas (TCustomXmlEx and TNativeXmlEx components) NativeXmlNodes.pas (TXmlNode and descendant nodes like TsdAttribute and TsdElement) NativeXmlUtils.pas (lowlevel types and consts of nativexml, codepage constants, low-level string handling functions) NativeXmlParser.pas (TsdXmlParser and TsdXmlWriter components) sdStringTable.pas in /general sdStringEncoding.pas in /general sdStreams.pas in /general sdStreamsPlatform.pas in /general sdBufferParser.pas in /general sdDebug.pas in /general sdSortedLists.pas in /general ! fixed WriteAttributeInt64 and WriteInt64 (NativeXml.pas) Version 3.10 (21sep2010) ! fixed local bias in datetime processing (contributor Stefan Glienke) ! XML without encoding should be UTF-8 ! default values In ReadAttributeXXX when empty strings instead of exceptions ! Allow multiple defined properties ! fixed bug in varCurrency values when reading variants ! No info stored in stream in procedure ObjectSaveToXmlXXXX ! Problem with saving/reading collections (contributor Adam Siwon) Version 3.09 (21jul2010) ! allow "utf-8" as well as "UTF-8" as encodingstring (NativeXml.pas) ! trim string values in normal elements (NativeXml.pas hack) ! RawByteString instead of UTF8String in TsdXmlObjectWriter (NativeXmlObjectStorage) + exception 'Unregistered classtype encountered in nodename' instead of general exception (NativeXmlObjectStorage) ! Local bias (daylightsaving) and time zone designator in date/time conversion (contributor Stefan Glienke) Version 3.08 (25jun2010) ! do not write BOM when encoding="UTF-8" Version 3.07 (10Mar2010) ! fixed TXmlNode.SetValueAsInt64 Version 3.06 (03Feb2010) * Added compiler directives for NativeXmlStorage.pas ! Fixed "implicit string conversion" warnings in examples Version 3.05 (19Dec2009) * Added some compiler directives for D2009/D2010 Version 3.04 (28Nov2009) * Changed license of NativeXml to very liberal and comprehensible BSD-Style Open-Source Version 3.03 ! Added {$ELSE} directive and declarations for UnicodeChar and PUnicodeChar Version 3.02 ! Bugfix in attribute value code Version 3.00 (20Sep2009) * Made compatible with D2009 and its convention that string is unicode (2bytes/char) Version 2.39 * Replaced all widestring by WideString (conform to case used in Delphi) Version 2.38 (07March2008) + Added TXmlNode.ReadAttributeDateTime + Added TXmlNode.WriteAttributeDateTime + Support for D2007-NET (version 190) ! ReadFromStream now first clears subnodes Version 2.37 (18Dec2007) + Added ByAttribute function to TXmlNodeList ! Fixed problem with NodeAdd from another tree (Document reference gets updated now) ! Fixed deletion of empty attributes Version 2.36 (11Nov2007) ! Do not save empty encoding (e.g. encoding=""). * Renamed some local variables * Code re-formatted Version 2.35 (17Aug2007) * Bugfix in sdWriteNumber Version 2.34 (31May2007) + Added WriteAttributeInt64 ! Made check for UTF-8 case insensitive * Fixed bug with stringtable (removed "gaps") + Added AttributeValueDirect prop Version 2.31 (03May2007) * Verified compatibility with Delphi2 and 3 * Fixed 2 harmless compiler warnings Version 2.30 (30Apr2007) + Added stringbuilder class for faster creation of strings. This should make NativeXml parse documents with large value strings faster. + Patches to allow compilation under freepascal ! Fixed bug with ' and " inside quotes (now "bla'bla'bla" is allowed) * ReadAttributeBool/WriteAttributeBool allow empty elements * Made changes to assure NativeXml works well with "boolean evaluation" compile flag on ! Fixed bug in WriteWidestrProp ! Fixed bug in SetValueAsFloat ! Fixed bug in SetAttributeByNameWide Version 2.26 (05Dec2006) + Added ReadAttributeInt64 property ! Fixed bugs with StrToInt which should be StrToInt64. ! Fixed bug with tag parsing where tags like "bla>bla" caused the parser to stop on the ">". Version 2.23 (02Dec2005) ! Fixed bug in entity resolving for attributes ! Bugfix: Take into account default value in WriteAttributeString/-Integer ! Bugfix: Never write empty attributes to the XML file + Added TotalNodeCount property * Removed TNativeXml.StyleSheetString, replaced by TNativeXml.StyleSheetNode * WriteFloat now uses proprietary routine (threadsafe), always using a dot as decimal separator and settings from NativeXml.FloatSignificantDigits and FloatAllowScientific Version 2.20 (19Sep2005) + Added SortAttributes property + Added ParserWarnings property * Added RootNodeList property, to allow easier access to XML nodes in the header, and removed ExtraNodes and Comments properties. + Added TXmlNode.IsEqualTo function to compare nodes in documents ! Fixed bug in FullPath property (one slash too much at start) * FindNodes can now also be used with full paths ! Bugfix: no longer adds CRLF after ENTITY declarations ! Bugfix: AttributeName[] setter now no longer strips quotes from attribute value. + Added AttributeValueAsWidestring[] property + Added AttributeValueAsInteger[] property Version 2.13 (25Jul2005) ! Fixed bug with begin-tag reading (only seldom, with nodes) Version 2.12 (25Jul2005) * Changed order of DoNodeLoaded and DoProgress, to avoid bug when freeing in OnNodeLoaded. + Added SortAttributes property + Added ParserWarnings property * Added RootNodeList property, to allow easier access to XML nodes in the header - Removed ExtraNodes and Comments properties * Changed Assign methods (faster now) + Added function TXmlNode.NodeByElementType + Added boolean property TNativeXml.AbortParsing ! Fixed bug with end-tag reading (when reading CDATA sections with \"]\" in the data string) Version 1.00 (01Apr2003) - Initial release ...展开收缩



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