文件名称: libzrtp源码
  所属分类: WindowsPhone
  文件大小: 674kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2018-05-13
  提 供 者: li1388*******
 详细说明: libzrtp, 最新版本的ZRTP源码,比SRTP更安全,用于Voip媒体加密。The libzrtp library is a cross-platform implementation of ZRTP, a VoIP encryption protocol developed by Phil Zimmermann. libzrtp is suitable for inclusion in software VoIP clients, firmware for hardware VoIP phones, VoIP PBX servers, mobile VoIP clients, and SIP border control servers, enabling a VoIP application to interoperate and make secure calls with the rest of the ZRTP community. The libzrtp library consists of three main components: the protocol module responsible for the safe con nection of a call, the encryption module, and a set of interfaces. ZRTP works by assuming control of the VoIP traffic and initiating an encrypted connection between two ZRTP endpoints after a safe mode is achieved. To integrate the library, please review our documentation on the ZRTP interfaces, connections management, and integration plan. ...展开收缩



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