文件名称: 中移物联 M5310 AT指令 英文版
  所属分类: 硬件开发
  文件大小: 1mb
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  上传时间: 2018-06-04
  提 供 者: djdql*****
 详细说明: NBIOT模块 中移物联 M5310 AT指令集 英文版 1 Introduction This document gives details of the AT Command Set supported by the Hisi Hi2110 chip loaded with V100R100C10B657 and V150R100C10B120 firmware. At boot the following string will be output: M5310OK After this string has been received the AT Command processor is ready to accept AT commands. If the Applications core was rebooted or restarted for any reason that wasn’t a normal power-on sequence, a message will be output before the NeulOK string. See Chapter 7 for more details. In case external MCU intervene the process of update, unsolicited information informs the external MCU update state. Please reference AT document [1] for more detail information FIRMWARE DOWNLOADING Indicates UE is downloading update package. FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD FAILED Indicates download failed. FIRMWARE DOWNLOADED Indicates download finished. FIRMWARE UPDATING Indicates UE is updating. FIRMWARE UPDATE SUCCESS Indicates update success, but not report update state to firmware package server yet. FIRMWARE UPDATE FAILED Indicates UE update fail. FIRMWARE UPDATE OVER Indicates reported update state to firmware package server. During FOTA procedure, device shouldn’t operate modem until "FIRMWARE UPDATED" is reported. ...展开收缩



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