文件名称: Python Programming Blueprints 2018
  所属分类: Python
  文件大小: 5mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2018-06-24
  提 供 者: sinat_4*******
 详细说明: How to build useful, real-world applications in the Python programming language Key Features Deliver scalable and high-performing applications in Python. Delve into the great ecosystem of Python frameworks and libraries through projects that you will build with this book. This comprehensive guide will help you demonstrate the power of Python by building practical projects. Book Description Python is a very powerful, high-level, object-oriented programming language. It's known for its simplicity and huge community support. Pyt hon Programming Blueprints will help you build useful, real-world applications using Python. In this book, we will cover some of the most common tasks that Python developers face on a daily basis, including performance optimization and making web applications more secure. We will familiarize ourselves with the associated software stack and master asynchronous features in Python. We will build a weather application using command-line parsing. We will then move on to create a Spotify remote control where we'll use OAuth and the Spotify Web API. The next project will cover reactive extensions by teaching you how to cast votes on Twitter the Python way. We will also focus on web development by using the famous Django framework to create an online game store. We will then create a web-based messenger using the new Nameko microservice framework. We will cover topics like authenticating users and, storing messages in Redis. By the end of the book, you will have gained hands-on experience in coding with Python. What you will learn Learn object-oriented and functional programming concepts while developing projects The dos and don'ts of storing passwords in a database Develop a fully functional website using the popular Django framework Use the Beautiful Soup library to perform web scrapping Get started with cloud computing by building microservice and serverless applications in AWS Develop scalable and cohesive microservices using the Nameko framework Create service dependencies for Redis and PostgreSQL Who This Book Is For This book is for software developers who are familiar with Python and want to gain hands-on experience with web and software development projects. A basic knowledge of Python programming is required. Table of Contents Implementing the Weather Application Creating a Remote-Control Application with Spotify Casting Votes on Twitter Exchange Rates and the Currency Conversion Tool Building a Web Messenger with Microservices Extending TempMessenger with a User Authentication Microservice Online Video Game Store with Django Order Microservice Notification Serverless Application ...展开收缩



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