文件名称: 虚拟声卡-用于服务器电脑
  所属分类: Dell
  文件大小: 533kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2018-07-15
  提 供 者: qq_30******
 详细说明: 用于无声卡电脑- Virtual Audio Cable At first, please unpack the distribution package into an empty folder on a local drive, making sure that local folder path does not contain special characters like "#", "&" or similar. Unpacking the package, preserve folder structure (after unpacking, destination folder should contain "x86" and "x64" subfolders). If you are new to Virtual Audio Cable, please read the user manual before installation. The best way to open the manual is to run instal ler application named Setup and click the "Help" button in the first installation dialog. The user manual file (vac.chm, a file named "vac" with a sheet and question mark icon) is an HTML Help format file. Do not open manual file from a network path or directly from the package otherwise help pages may not be displayed due to security restrictions. Copy the file to a local drive before opening. Please make sure that local file path does not contain special characters. If user manual file is opened from a local drive but pages on the right pane are not displayed properly, please check if vac.chm file has the "Unblock" button in its Properties form (right-click the file to open its properties). If yes, unblock it. See also "How blocking some attachments helps protect your computer" topic in Windows Help (Start - Help and Support) and http://support.microsoft.com/kb/902225. Reading the manual, don't forget that there is the "Search" tab. Having a problem, enter some words related to the problem and appropriate pages will be displayed. Of course, search feature will not help if you enter a question like "how can I use it?". It only finds pages containing given keywords. ...展开收缩



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