文件名称: semantic human matting
  所属分类: 深度学习
  文件大小: 8mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2018-11-19
  提 供 者: izzie******
 详细说明: 阿里 acm2018论文 Semantic Human Matting Human maŠing, high quality extraction of humans from natural images, is crucial for a wide variety of applications. Since the maŠing problem is severely under-constrained, most previous methods require user interactions to take user designated trimaps or scribbles as constraints. Œis user-in-the-loop nature makes them dicult to be applied to large scale data or time-sensitive scenarios. In this paper, instead of using explicit user input constraints, we employ implicit semantic constraints l earned from data and propose an automatic human maŠing algorithm Semantic Human Maˆing (SHM). SHM is the €rst algorithm that learns to jointly €t both semantic information and high quality details with deep networks. In practice, simultaneously learning both coarse semantics and €ne details is challenging. We propose a novel fusion strategy which naturally gives a probabilistic estimation of the alpha maŠe. We also construct a very large dataset with high quality annotations consisting of 35,513 unique foregrounds to facilitate the learning and evaluation of human maŠing. Extensive experiments on this dataset and plenty of real images show that SHM achieves comparable results with state-of-the-art interactive matting methods. ...展开详情收缩



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