文件名称: Finite Element Simulations Using ANSYS(Esam M. Alawadhi)
  所属分类: 专业指导
  文件大小: 31mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2018-12-28
  提 供 者: qq_43******
 详细说明:Due to the complexity of modern-day problems in mechanical engineering, relying on pure theory or pure experiments is seldom practical. The use of engineering software is becoming prevalent among academics as well as practicing engineers. For a large class of engineering problems, especially meaningful ones, writing computer codes from scratch is seldom found in practice. The use of reputable, trustworthy software can save time, effort, and resources while still providing reliable results. This book focuses on the use of A NSYS in solving practical engineering problems. ANSYS is extensively used in the design cycle by industry leaders in the United States and around the world. Additionally, ANSYS is available in computer laboratories in most renowned universities and institutes around the world. Courses such as computer aided design (CAD), modeling and simulation, and core design all utilize ANSYS as a vehicle for performing modern engineering analyses. Senior students frequently incorporate ANSYS in their design projects. Graduate-level fi nite element courses also use ANSYS as a complement to the theoretical treatment of the fi nite element method.



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