文件名称: get-programming-go
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  上传时间: 2019-03-31
  提 供 者: al***
 详细说明: Get Programming with Go introduces you to the powerful Go language without confusing jargon or high-level theory. By working through 32 quick-fire lessons, you’ll quickly pick up the basics of the innovative Go programming language! Go is a small programming language designed by Google to tackle big problems. Large projects mean lar ge teams with people of varying levels of experience. Go offers a small, yet capable, language that can be understood and used by anyone, no matter their experience. Hobbyists, newcomers, and professionals alike can benefit from a fast, modern language; all you need is the right resource! Get Programming with Go provides a hands-on introduction to Go language fundamentals, serving as a solid foundation for your future programming projects. You’ll master Go syntax, work with types and functions, and explore bigger ideas like state and concurrency, with plenty of exercises to lock in what you learn. What’s inside Language concepts like slices, interfaces, pointers, and concurrency Seven capstone projects featuring spacefaring gophers, Mars rovers, ciphers, and simulations All examples run in the Go Playground – no installation required! About the Reader This book is for anyone familiar with computer programming, as well as anyone with the desire to learn. 使用Go编程向您介绍强大的Go语言,而不会混淆行话或高级理论。通过32个快速课程,您将快速掌握创新的Go编程语言的基础知识! Go是一种由Google设计的小型编程语言,用于解决重大问题。大型项目意味着拥有不同经验水平的大型团队。 Go提供了一种小而有能力的语言,任何人都可以理解和使用,无论他们的经验如何。 业余爱好者,新人和专业人士都可以从快速,现代的语言中受益;所有你需要的是正确的资源! Get Programming with Go提供了Go语言基础知识的实用介绍,为您未来的编程项目奠定了坚实的基础。您将掌握Go语法,使用类型和函数,并探索更大的想法,如状态和并发,并通过大量练习来锁定您学到的内容。 什么在里面 切片,接口,指针和并发等语言概念 七个顶级项目,包括航天地鼠,火星探测器,密码和模拟 所有示例都在Go Playground中运行 - 无需安装! 关于读者 本书适合任何熟悉计算机编程的人,以及任何有学习欲望的人。



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