文件名称: Si446 X API DESCRIPTIONS 446x编程API详细说明
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 详细说明:Si446 X API D ESCRIPTIONS This document provides API descriptions for the commands and properties used to control and configure the Si446x family. 旧版的API说明,比新版的网页版的要简洁一些。AN625 2.2. Property Summary Common Properties Number Name Default Summary 0X0000 GLOBAL XO TUNE 0x40 Configure crystal oscillator frequency tun- ing bank 0x0001 GLOBAL CLK CFG 0 Clock configuration options 0x0002 GLOBAL LOW BATT THRESH 0x18 Low battery threshold 0X0003 GLOBAL CONFIG 0 Global configuration settings 0x0004 GLOBAL WUT CONFIG 0x00 GLOBAL WUT configuation 0x0005 GLOBAL WUT M 15 8 0×00 Configure WUT M158 0x0006 GLOBAL WUT M7 0 0×01 Configure WUT M70 0x0007 GLOBAL WUT R 0×00 Configure WUt R 0x0008 GLOBAL WUT LDC 0×00 Configure WUT LDC 0x0100 INT CTL ENABLE 0X04 Interrupt enable property 0x0101 INT CTL PH ENABLE 0x00 Packet handler interrupt enable property 0x0102 INT CTL MODEM ENABLE 0x00 Modem interrupt enable property 0x0103 INT CTL CHIP ENABLE 0x04 Chip interrupt enable property 0x0200 FRR CTL A MODE 0x01 Fast Response Register A Configuration 0x0201 FRR CTL B MODE 0X02 Fast Response Register B Configuration 0x0202 FRR CTL C MODE 0x09 Fast Response Register C Configuration 0x0203 FRR CTL D MODE 0x00 Fast Response Register D Configuration 0X1000 PREAMBLE TX LENGTH 0x08 Preamble length 0x1001 PREAMBLE CONFIG STD 1 0x 14 Standard preamble configuration 0x1002 PREAMBLE CONFIG NSTD 0x00 Non-standard preamble configuation 0X1003 PREAMBLE CONFIG STD 2 0XoF Standard preamble configuration 0x1004 PREAMBLE CONFIG 0x21 Preamble configuration bits 0x1005 PREAMBLE PATTERN 31 24 0 Preamble pattern 0x1006 PREAMBLE PATTERN 23 16 0 Preamble pattern 0x1007 PREAMBLE PATTERN 15 8 0 Preamble pattern 0x1008 PREAMBLE PATTERN 70 Preamble pattern 0X1100 SYNC CONFIG 0x01 Sync configuration bits 0x1101 SYNC BITS 31 24 0x2d Byte 3 of sync wol 0X1102 SYNC BIS 23 16 0xD4 Byte 2 of sync word 0x1103 SYNC BITS 15 8 0x2D Byte 1 of sync word Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS AN625 Common Properties Number Name Default Summary 0X1104 SYNC BITS 70 0×D4 Byte 0 of sync word 0x120 PKT LEN ADJUST 0 Adjust length field by this amount to derive the byte count of the variable length field 0x120B PKT TX THRESHOLD 0x30 TX almost empty threshold 0x120C PKT RX THRESHOLD 0x30 RX almost full threshold 0x120D PKT FIELD 1 LENGTH 12 8 0×00Byte1ofed| ength 0x120E PKT FIELD 1 LENGTH 70 0x00 Byte o of field length 0x120F PKT FIELD 1 CONFIG 0x00 Field 1 configuration bits 0X1200 PKT CRC CONFIG 0 Select a CRC polynomial and seed 0x1206 PKT CONFIG1 General packet configuration bits 0x1208 PKT LEN 0x00 Provides information regarding how to use the length from the received packet 0x1209 PKT LEN FIELD SOURCE 0 Field number containing the embedded length field 0121A PKT FIELD 4 LENGTH 7 0 0x00 Byte 0 of field length 0X121B PKT FIELD 4 CONFIG 0x00 Field 4 configuration bits 0x121c PKT FIELD 4 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 4 CRC configuration bits 0×121D PKT FIELD 5 LENGTH 12 8 Oxo Byte 1 of field length 0X121E PKT FIELD 5 LENGTH 7 0 oxon Byte o of field length 0x121F PKT FIELD 5 CONFIG 0x00 Field 5 configuration bits 0x1210 PKT FIELD 1 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 1 CRC configuration bits 0X1211 PKT FIELD 2 LENGTH 128 0x00 Byte 1 of field length 0x1212 PKT FIELD 2 LENGTH 7 0 0X×00 Byte 0 of field length 0X1213 PKT FIELD 2 CONFIG 0x00 Field 2 configuration bits 0x1214 PKT FIELd 2 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 2 CRC configuration bits 0x1215 PKT FIELD 3 LENGTH 12 8 0X×00Byte1 of field length 0X1216 PKT FIELD 3 LENGTH 70 0X00 Byte 0 of field length 0x1217 PKT FIELd 3 CONFIG 0x00 Field 3 configuration bits 0x1218 PKT FIELD 3 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 3 CRC configuration bits 0X1219 PKT FIELD 4 LENGTH 12 8 0x00 Byte 1 of field length 0x122A PKT RX Field 3 LENGTH 7 0 0x00 Byte o of field length for RX 0×122B PKT RX FIELD 3 CONFIG 0x00 Field 3 configuration bits for RX Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS AN625 Common Properties Number Name Default Summary 0122C PKT RX FIELd 3 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 3 CRC configuration bits for RX 0x122D PKT RX FIELD 4 LENGTH 12 8 0x00 Byte 1 of field length for RX 0×122E PKTRⅩF|ELD4 LENGTH70 0x00 Byte 0 of field length for RX 0X122F PKT RX FIELD 4 CONFIG 0x00 Field 4 configuration bits for RX 0x1220 PKT FIELd 5 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 5 CRC configuration bits 0x1221 PKT RX FIELD 1 LENGTH 12 8 0x00 Byte 1 of field length for RX 0X1222 PKT RX FIELD 1 LENGTH 70 0x00 Byte 0 of field length for RX 0x1223 PKT RX FIELD 1 CONFIG 0x00 Field 1 configuration bits for RX 0x1224 PKT RX FIELD 1 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 1 CRC configuration bits for RX 0X1225 PKT RX FIELD 2 LENGTH 12 8 ooo Byte 1 of field length for RX 0x1226 PKT RX FIELD 2 LENGTH 7 0 0x00 Byte 0 of field length for RX 0x1227 PKT RX FIELD 2 CONFIG 0x00 Field 2 configuration bits for RX 0X1228 PKT RX FIELD 2 CRC CONFIG 0x00 Field 2 CRC configuration bits for RX 0x1229 PKT RX FIELD 3 LENGTH 12 8 0x00 Byte 1 of field length for RX 0X1230 PKT RX FIELD 4 CRC CONFIG 0X00 Field 4 CRC configuration bits for RX 0X1231 PKT RX FIELD 5 LENGTH 12 8 0x00 Byte 1 of field length for RX 0x1232 PKT RX FIELD 5 LENGTH 7 0 0x00 Byte 0 of field length for RX 0X1233 PKT RX FIELD 5 CONFIG 0x00 Field 5 configuration bits for RX 0X1234 PKT RX FIELD 5 CRC CONFIG Ox00 Field 5 CRC configuration bits for RX 0x200A MODEM FREQ DEV 2 0x00 Byte 2 of TX frequency deviation(a17-bit unsigned number). This only programs the msb of tx frequency deviation 0x200B MODEM FREQ DEV 1 0x06 Byte 1 of frequency deviation 0x200C MODEM FREQ DE∨0 OXD3 Byte 0 of frequency deviation 0x2000 MODEM MOD TYPE 0×02 Modulation Type 0x2001 MODEM MAP CONTROL 0x80 Controls bit mapping 0x2003 MODEM DATA RATE 2 OXOF Byte 2 of TX data rate in bps(bits per second) 0x2004 MODEM DATA RATE 1 0x 42 Byte 1 of TX data rate in bps (bits per second) 0X2005 MODEM DATA RATE O 0x40 Byte 0 of TX data rate in bps(bits per second 0x204A MODEM RSSI THRESH OxFF RSSI threshold control 0x204B MODEM RSSI JUMP THRESH 0XOC RSSI jumping detection threshold Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS AN625 Common Properties Number Name Default Summary 0x204C MODEM RSSI CONTROL 0×01RsS| control 0x204D MODEM RSSI CONTROL2 0x00 RSSI control 0x204E MODEM RSSI COMP 0x32 RSSI reading offset 0x2049 OL MODEM ANT D∨ CONTRO 0x80 Specifies antenna diversity controls Antenna diversity mode is valid for stan dard packet only 0x2200 PA MODE 0X08 PA operating mode and groups 0x2201 PA PWR LVL 0x7F PA Level Configuration 0x2202 PA BIAS CLKDUTY 0x00 PA Bias and TX clock duty cycle configu ration 0x2203 PA TC 0x5d PA cascode ramping Configuration 0x300A MATCH MASK 4 0x00 Match 4 mask 0x300B MATCH CTRL 4 0x00 Match 4 configuration 0x3000 MATCH VALUE 1 0x00 Match 1 value 0x3001 MATCH MASK 1 0×00 Match1mask 0X3002 MATCH CTRL 1 0x00 Packet match enable and match 1 config- uration 0x3003 MATCH VALUE 2 0x00 Match 2 value 0x3004 MATCH MASK 2 0×00 Match2mask 0x3005 MATCH CTRL 2 0x00 Match 2 configuration 0x3006 MATCH VALUE 3 0×00 Match3vae 0x3007 MATCH MASK 3 0×00 Match3mask 0x3008 MATCH CTRL 3 0x00 Match 3 configuration 0x3009 MATCH VALUE 4 0X×00 Match4vue 0x4000 FREQ CONTROL INTE 0x3C Frac-N PLL integer number 0x4001 FREQ CONTROL FRAC 2 0x08 Byte 2 of Frac-N PLL fraction number. 0x4002 FREQ CONTROL FRAC 0x00 Byte 1 of Frac-N PLL fraction number 0X4003 FREQ CONTROL FRAC O 0x00 Byte 0 of Frac-N PLL fraction number 0x4004 FREQ_CONTROL_CHANNEL_STEP_SIZE_1 0x00 Byte 1 of channel step size 0x4005 FREQ_CONTROL_CHANNEL_STEP_SIZE_0 0x00 Byte O of channel step size 0X4007 FREQ CONTROL VCOCNT RX ADJ OXFF VCo target count adjustment for RX 0x5000 RX HOP CONTROL 0x04 RX hop control 0x5001 RⅩ HOP TABLE S|zE 0x01 Number of entries in the rX hop table Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS AN625 Common Properties Number Name Default Summary 0x5002 RX HOP TABLE ENTRY 0 No. 1 entry in RX hopping table 0x500x RX HOP TABLE ENTRY XX 01 Entries 2-63 in RX hopping table 0x5041 RX HOP TABLE ENTRY 63 2 No64 entry in RX hopping table Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS AN625 3. Commands 3.1 Boot commands 31.1 POWER UP Summary: Power-up device and mode selection Modes include operational function ■ Purpose: Power-up the device with the specified function Power-up is complete when the cts bit is set. This command may take longer to set the cts bit than other commands Command stream POWER UP Command 6 5 3 2 0 CMD 0x02 BOOT OPTIONS PATCH FUNC15: 0 XTAL OPTIONS 0000000 XO FREQ XO FREQ[31: 24 XO FREQ XO FREQ23: 16 XO FREQ XO FREQ[15: 8 XO FREQ XO FREQ[: 0 a Reply Stream POWER UP Reply 6 5 4 2 CTS CTS[7:0] Parameters ● PATCH- Select patch mode选择补丁模式 0= Copy selected functional image from OTP and boot device 1=Indicates a patch has been applied Validate patched image matches function selected and boot FUNC50]- Selects the boot function of the device选择设备的引导功能 0= Stay in bootload 1= Boot main application image引导主应用镜像 ·TcXO- Select if tcXo is in use.选择内部晶振是否使用 0= TCXO not used xtal used 1=TCXO used · XO_ FREO1:0]- Frequency of TCXO or external crystal oscillator in Hz. The default is300000030MHz)内部或外部晶振频率 Range:25000000to32000000 ■ Response: ●None Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS AN625 32 Common commands 3.2.1.NoP Summary: No operation command Purpose Can be used to ensure communication with the device Command stream NOP Command 7 6 4 2 0 CMD 0x00 Reply Stream NOP Reply 7 6 5 4 3 2 CTS CTS[7:0] Parameters None Response ●None Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS AN625 3.2.2 PART NFO ■ Summary: Reports basic information about the device.报告设备的基本信息 Purpose Returns part number Part version romid, etc ■ Command stream PART INFO Command 7 6 4 2 CMD 0x01 ■ Reply Stream PART INFO Reply 7 5 4 3 2 CTS CTS[7:0] CHIPREV CHIPREV[7: 0 PART PART[15:8]44 PART PART【7:0]63 PBUILD PBUILD[7: 0 D D[15:8] D ID[7:0 CUSTOMER CUSTOMER[7: 0 ROMID ROMID[7: 0 Parameters None ■ Response CHIPREV[7: 0]-Chip Mask Revision PART[15: 0]-Part Number(e.g. Si4461 will return-0x4461) · PBUILD7:0]- Part Build ID[15:0]-D CUSTOMERL: 0]-Customer ID ROMID7: 0]-ROM ID 10 Rev. 0.1 SILICON LABS



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