文件名称: matpower的最新版本出来了401-matpower4.0b1.zip
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  文件大小: 1mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2019-08-13
  提 供 者: weixin_********
 详细说明: matpower的最新版本出来了401-matpower4.0b1.zip 经典电力系统潮流计算软件。 康奈尔大学 新特性: Below is a summary of the changes since version 3.2 of MATPOWER. See the CHANGES file in the docs directory for all the gory details. * New features:   - New high-performance default solvers for AC and DC OPF, based on a     pure-Matlab implementation of the p rimal-dual interior point     methods in the optional package TSPOPF. Suitable for large systems.   - Extensive OPF enhancements:     - Generalized, extensible OPF formulation applies to all solvers       .     - Improved method for modifying OPF formulation and output via       a new user-defined callback function mechanism.     - Option to co-optimize reserves based on fixed reserve       requirements, implemented using new callback function mechanism.     - Option to include interface flow limits ,       implemented using new callback function mechanism.   - Option to return full power flow or OPF solution in a single     results struct.   - Ability to read and save generalized OPF user constraints, costs     and variable limits as well as other user data in case struct.   - New functions:     - scale_load() conveniently modifies multiple loads.     - makeLODF() computes line outage distribution factors.     - total_load() retreives total load for the entire system, a       specific zone or bus, with options to include fixed loads,       dispatchable loads or both.   - Use of areas data matrix is now optional.   - Many new tests in test suite. * Bugs fixed:   - Branch power flow limits could be violated when using the option     OPF_FLOW_LIM = 1. * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES:   - Input/output arguments to uopf.   - dAbr_dV() now gives now gives partial derivatives of the     *squared* magnitudes of flows w.r.t. V, as opposed to the     magnitudes.



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