文件名称: tesseract4.0引擎,亲测可用.zip
  所属分类: 机器学习
  文件大小: 151mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2020-03-23
  提 供 者: qq_33******
 详细说明:可以安装,可以使用20200323前不久刚安装过 How to run UNLV tests. The scripts in this directory make it possible to duplicate the tests published in the Fourth Annual Test of OCR Accuracy. See http://www.isri.unlv.edu/downloads/AT-1995.pdf but first you have to get the tools and data from UNLV: Step 1: to download the images goto http://www.isri.unlv.edu/ISRI/OCRtk and get 3b.tgz, Bb.tgz, Mb.tgz and Nb.tgz. Step 2: extract the files. It doesn't really matter where in your filesystem you put them, but they must go under a common root so you have directories 3, B, M and N in, for example, /users/me/ISRI-OCRtk. Step 3: Reorg the files The lack of tif extensions on the images is inconvenient, so there is a script to reorganize the data to match the rest of the test scripts. cd to /users/me/ISRI-OCRtk or wherever 3, B, M and N ended up and run /blah/blah/tesseract-ocr/testing/reorgdata.sh 3B This makes directories doe3.3B, bus.3B, mag.3B and news.3B. You can now get rid of 3, B, M, and N unless you want to get some of the other scanning resolutions out of them. Step 4: Download the ISRI toolkit from: http://www.isri.unlv.edu/downloads/ftk-1.0.tgz Step 5: If they work for you, use the binaries directly from the bin directory and put them in tesseract-ocr/testing/unlv otherwise build the tools for yourself and put them there. Step 6: cd back to your main tesseract-ocr dir and Build tesseract. Step 7: run testing/runalltests.sh with the root data dir and testname: testing/runalltests.sh /users/me/ISRI-OCRtk tess2.0 and go to the gym, have lunch etc. Step 8: There should be a file testing/reports/tess2.0.summary that contains the final summarized accuracy report and comparison with the 1995 results.



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