文件名称: ModernGadgets_1.6.3.rmskin
  所属分类: 桌面系统
  文件大小: 4mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2020-03-16
  提 供 者: fir***
 详细说明:ModernGadgets is a set of sleek, minimalist, information-dense gadgets that are designed to fit right into your modern desktop. It is the result of my tinkering with Rainmeter for the last three years, and is heavily based on SilverAzide's Gadget Replicas. The overarching goal of this suite is ease-of-use. Thus, everything has been made as simple and streamlined as possible. ModernGadgets requires HWiNFO, a free system monitoring utility, for full functionality. Alternatively, some information in CPU Meter may be retrieved through the CoreTemp or SpeedFan applications. Want even more gadgets? Check out the Gadgets Additions suite! Click here to learn how to mod the gadgets to match your desktop background colors automatically! REQUIRES RAINMETER 4.3 OR NEWER REQUIRES .NET FRAMEWORK 4.5 OR NEWER REQUIRES WINDOWS 7 SP1 OR NEWER Download latest version (v1.6.3) Older versions ModernGadgets on GitHub Installation and Setup: Download the skin suite's .rmskin file and open it. Follow the standard Rainmeter skin installation process. If it is your first time using ModernGadgets, it is recommended to load the current layout in order to be presented with a Welcome skin, which will contain many useful links. Please keep in mind that for many features, you need to install and configure HWiNFO. Click here to view the HWiNFO setup tutorial (also available as a link from the welcome screen). Credits: Designed and programmed by Caleb Heuer (raiguard). Backend code based on "Gadgets" by SilverAzide. "IBM Plex Sans" font from Google Fonts, under the Apache 2.0 License "Font Awesome" icons from FortAwesome, under the Font Awesome Free license. Weather information is powered by Dark Sky. Special Thanks: SilverAzide - ActiveNet plugin, NetMonitor utility, fixed precision format script stangowner - HWiNFO Plugin, HWiNFO Shared Memory Viewer jsmorley - RainRGB, Rainmeter balala - Help with fixing Disks Meter's dynamic height adjustment smurfi



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