文件名称: AB ControlLogix实验指导书.pdf
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  文件大小: 670kb
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  上传时间: 2019-10-20
  提 供 者: weixin_********
 详细说明:AB ControlLogix实验指导书pdf,AB ControlLogix实验指导书实验指导书 实验指导书 o i 实验指导书 ASLI r Rockwell Soltware RSLinx-[RSWho-1l ao File Edit view Communications Station DDE Window Help 卣」X 回品副鹧 v Autobrowse Refresh P画 Ho LinN Gateways, Ethernet For help, press F1 0209911:20AM i Rockwell Software RSLinx-[RSWh0-1] 口区 aa File Edit view Communications Station DDE Window Help × 点 utobrowse Configure Driver Configure Client Applicatior -E workstation, k Configure lip o ptions 中吕 Linx Gate Configure gatew Driver d CIP Diagnostic Configure communicatie Gateway Diagnostics 99911:22AM 实验指导书 Configure Drivers C Help ailable drivers Configured Driver Devicenet drivers PLC-5[DH+]Emulal SLC 500[DH485)Emulator Ethernet to plc-5 or 5820-El Remote devices via linx厉aew引y oftLogix5 旧22 DF1 De 1784-PCMK 17g4KT求 TXID/PKTXIDY1 Add new Edit Existing Delete Configure Allen-Bradley DF1 Communications Device Device name AB DF1-1 Comm Pot: COM1 Device: 1770-KF2/1785-KE Baud Rate: 19 Station Number: 00 c Parity: Nor Error Checking: BCC Stop Bits: 1 Protocol Full Duplex Auto-Configure 厂 Use Modem di Configure diale k 日hc Delete Help 实验指导书 Configure Allen-Bradley DF1 Communications Device Device name:鸟BDF11 Comm Port Baud Rate: 19200 G Station number [Octal Parity: None Error Checking: BCC Stop Bits Protocol: Full Du Auto-Config Auto Contiguration Successful 厂 Use modem dialer k Configure Drivers Available driver Configured driver DeviceNet drivers B DF1-1DH+ Sta: 0 COM1: RUNNING PLC-5[DH+]Emulato ISLC 500(DH485) Emulator Ethernet to Plc-5 or 5020-el Remote devices via lin石ae则 784-CMl 174KT求 TXD/PKTXD 点dNeW Edit existi Delete 实验指导书 t Rockwell Software RSLinx[RSWho-1] as File Edit Yiew Communications Station DDe window Help 品劉,圖|2 v Auto Refresh 日 Workstation.51035 Is Linx Gateways, Eth 品品 点B_DF11.DF1 凸BDF1-1 DF1 For Help, press F1 0209/391155AM i Rockwell Software RSLinx-[RSWho-1] 回区l as File Edit view Communications Station DDe window Help 回品s‖唑 v Auto Refresh 日 Workstation,M51035 Ethernet 品熟BDF1DF1 00, Workstation, DF1-COM1DF1-COM1 1756-L1 由-01.17561 For Help. press F1 02/03/3915AM 实验指导书 t Rockwell Software RSLinx[RSWho-1] as File Edit Yiew Communications Station DDe window Help 点uubg Refresh P画 Workstation. M51035 f Linx Gateways, E thernet 品 日品ABDF11.DF1 Backplane Channel U DF1 UD. Workstation.DF1C口M1 01.1755 +.2 Backplane, 1756-A10A 品 Channel0DF1 For Help. press F1 029/9911:56A 实验指导书



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