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 详细说明:交大慧谷培训中心提供的071考试题库,共146题,亲测可过The nls teRritory parameter is set to AMERICA in the session and therefore Sunday is the first day of the week. Which query can be used? ASELECT EMP_ ID, NEXT-DAY (ADD_MONTHS(HIRE-DATE, 6), MONDAY)FROM EMPLOYEE B SELECT EMP ID, ADD MONTHS(HIRE DATE, 6)NEXT DAY(MONDAY)FROM EMPLOYEES C SELECT EMP_ID, NEXT DAY (MONTHS_ BETWEEN(HIRE_ DATE, SYSDATE),6)FROM EMPLOYEES D SELECT EMP ID, NEXT DAY ADD MONTHS(HIRE DATE, 6),1)FROM EMPLOYEES 答案A 9. Which three statements are true about views in an oracle database? A)A SELECT statement cannot contain a Where clause when querying a view containing a WhERE clause in its defining query Rows inserted into a table using a view are retained in the table if the view is dropped c)Views can join tables only if they belong to the same schema D) Views have no segment E)Views have no object number F)A view can be created that refers to a non-existent table in its defining query 答案:BDF 10. Which two statements are true about oracle synonyms? A synonym can have a synonym. B)All private synonym names must be unique in the database C)Any user can create a PUbLiC synonym D)a synonym can be created on an object in a package E)A synonym has an object number 答案AE 11. Which two statements are true about a self join A) The join key column must have an index. It can be a left outer join )It must be a full outer join It can be an inner join E)It must be an equijoin 答案:BD 12. Which three statements are true about dropping and unused columns in an oracle database? A primary key column referenced by another column as a foreign key can be dropped if usin the CASCADE option B)A DROP COLUN command can be rolled back C)An UNUSED column 's space is reclaimed automatically when the block containing that column is next queried D)An UNUSed column's space is reclaimed automatically when the row containing that column is next queried Partition key columns cannot be dropped A column that is set to UNUSED still counts towards the limit of 1000 columns per tab 答案AEF 13. Examine this query SELECT TRUNC ROUND(156.00, -2),-1)FROM DUAL What is the result? A B)160 C)150 D200 E)100 答案:D 14. Examine this sql statement UPDATE orders SET customer name E (SELEcT cust last name FROM customers WHERE cus tomer id F o customer idf Which two are true? A) The subquery is executed before the UPDATE statement is executed B)All existing rows in the orders table are updated ) The subquery is executed for every updated row in the ORDERS table D) The UPDATE statement executes successfully even if the subquery selects multiple rows E)The subquery is not a correlated subquery 答案:CD 15. Which two statements are true about Oracle synonyms? Mame: NaIl e FROBUCI ID NOT NULENUMBERC名 PRODUCI N FANIE VARCHARzlioy PRICE NUMBER(R SURCHARGE VARCHAR名2 EXR工 RYDAT DATE DE工 VERTDATE Which three queries use valid expressions? A) SELECT product id, unit price, 5 Discount",unit price +surcharge-discount from products B) SELECT product id, (unit price*0. 15 /(4.75+552. 25) from products C)SELECT product id, (expiry date-delivery date)2 from products LECT product id, expiry date 2 from products E)SELECT product id, unit_price, unit_price surcharge from products F)SELECT product id unit_price unit_ price 5 Discount unit _price surcharge - discount from products 答案BCD 16. Examine this partial command CREATE TABLE cust cust id NUMBER(2), credit limit NUMBER (10) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL Which two clauses are required for this command to execute successfully? A) The dEFAULt DiRECtoRy clause B) The reject lIMit clause C)The LOCATION clause D The access parameters clause The access driver TYPE clause 答案:CE 17. Examine this business rule Each student can work on multiple projects and each project can have multiple students You must design an Entity Relationship(ER)model for optimal data storage and allow for generating reports in this FORMat You must desian an Entity Relationship (ER) model for opt imal data storage and allow for generating reports in this format STUDENT_ID FIRST_NAME LAST NAME PROJECT ID FROJECT NAME EROJECE_TASK Which two statements are true? A)An associative table must be created with a composite key of Student id and PROJECT ID Which is the foreign key linked to the students and Projects entities B) The er must have a many-to-many relationship between the StUdEntS and PROJECTS entities that must be resolved into 1 to- many relationships. PROJECT ID must be the primary key in the PROJECTS entity and foreign key in the STUDEN DThe er must have a 1-to-many relationship between the students and projects entity STUDENT TD must be the primary key in the STUdENtS entity and foreign key in the ProjeCts entity 答案:CE 18. Which two statements are true about the where and having clauses in a select statement? A The Where clause can be used to exclude rows after dividing them into groups B)WHERE and HAVinG clauses can be used in the same statement only if applied to different table columns The HAVING clause can be used with aggregating functions in subqueries D) Aggregating functions and columns used in HAVING clauses must be specified in the Select list of a query The where clause can be used to exclude rows before dividing them into groups 答案:CE 19. The INvOICe table has a QTY Sold column of data type number and an INVOICE DATE column of data type date s datE FORMAT is set to dD-mon rR Which two are true about data type conversions involving these columns in query expressions? A) Invoice date>01-02-2019: uses implicit conversion B)QTY SOLD=0554982: requires explicit conversion C)CONCAT(QTY_SOLD, invoice date): requires explicit conversion D)QTY SOLD between 101 and 110: uses implicit conversion E)Invoice date=15-march-2019: uses implicit conversion 答案:CD 20. The ProdUct_ INEORMATTON table has a Unit_ PRICe column of data type NUmber 8, 2) Evaluate this sql statement SELECT TO CHAR (unit price, $9, 999)FROM product information Which two statements are true about the output? A row whose UNIT PRICE column contains the value 1023.99 will be displayed as $1,. B)Arow whose UNIT_ PRICE column contains the value 1023. 99 will be displayed as $1,023 C)Arow whose UNIT_ PRICE column contains the value 10235.99 will be displayed as $1, 0236 D)A row whose UNIT PRICE column contains the value 10235.99 will be displayed as $1, 023. A row whose UNIT PRICE column contains the value 10235.99 will be displayed as ###### 答案AE 21. in the PromotioNs table, the ProMo Begen DaTE column is of data type date and the default date format is DD-MoN-RE A)TO NUMBER (PROMO BEGIN_ DATE)-5 will return a number B)TO DATE (PROMO BEGIN DATE*S)Will return a date C) PROMO BEGIN DAEE- SYSDATE Will return a number PROMO BEGIN DATE -5 will return a date E)PROMO BEGIN DATE- sysdate will return an error 答案:CD 22. Which two statements are true about transactions in the oracle database server An uncommitted transaction commits automatically if the user exits SQL"Plus B)Data Manipulation Language (dml statements always start a new transaction C)auser can always see un committed updates made by the same user in a different session D)A Data Detinition Language(DDL) statement does a commit automatically only for the data dictionary updates caused by the ddl E)A session can always see uncommitted updates made by itsel F) If a session has an uncommitted transaction then a ddl statement issues a commit before starting a new transaction Answer: AE 23 Examine this description of the products table Name Nu112 Type PRODID NOT NULL RCHAR2N6 QUANTITY PRICE R(1 EXPIRY DATE Rows exist in this table with data in all the columns. You put the products table in read-only mode Which three commands execute successfully on PRODUCTS? ALTER TABLE products DROP COLUMN expiry date CREATE INDEX price idx ON products (price C)ALTER TABLE Products SET UNUSED (expiry date DTRUNCATE TABLE products E)ALTER FABLE products DROP UNUSED COLUMNS F)DROP TABLE product 答案:ABF 24, Which three statements are true about global tEmporary tables? A)A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE cannot have a PUBlIc Synonym B)A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can have multiple indexes. C)A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can be referenced in the defining query of a view. D)Data Manipulation Language(DML on CLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES generates no REDO E)A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can have only one index. F)A trigger can be created on a GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABTE 答案BCF 25. Which three statements are true about defining relations between tables in a relational data base? Foreign key columns allow null values Unique key columns allow null values C) Primary key columns allow null values D)Every primary or unique key value must refer to a matching foreign key value E)Every foreign key value must refer to a matching primary or unique key valu 答案:ABE 26. Which three actions can you perform only with system PRIVILeGES? A) Truncate a table in another schema B)Access flat files via a database which are stored in an operating system directory Log in to a database o Query any table in a database Use the WITH GRANT OPTION Clause F)Execute a procedure in another schema. 答案CDE 27. Which two statements are true about the dual table? A) It can display multiple rows and columns b) it can be accessed only by the sys user ) It can be accessed by any user who has the SELECT privilege in any schema D)It can display multiple rows but only a single column E)It consists of a single row and single column of VARCHAR2 data type F) It can be used to display only constants or pseudo columns 答案:C 28. The orders table has a column order date of data type date The default display format for a date is dd-MoN-RR Which two Where conditions demonstrate the correct usage of conversion functions? A)WhERE order date >To CHAR (ADD MONTHS (SYSDATE, 6) MON DD YYYY) B)WHERE TO CHAR (order date, MON DD YYYY)=JAN 202019 C) WHERE order date> To date (JUL 10 2018 MON DD YYYY) D)WheRe order date in ( To date OCT 21 2018 MON DD YYYY), To CHAR NOV 21 2018, MON DD YYYY) E)WHERE order date>TO DATE(ADD MONTHS(SYSDATE, 6), MON DD YYYY") 答案BC MANAGER is an existing role with no privileges or roles EMP is an existing role containing the CREAtE TABle privilege EMPLOYEES is an existing table in the hr schema Which two commands execute successfully? A)GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO manager emp; GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON hr employees TO manager WITH GRANT OPTION C)GRANT CREATE TABLE, emp TO manager; D)GRANT CREATE TABLE, SELECT ON hr. employees To manager; E)GRANT CREATE ANY SESSION, CREATE ANY TABLE TO manager 答案:BC Q30 Evaluate these commands which execute successfully CRAE吕 EQUENCE。rdsq INCREMEN BY1 START WITH I MAXVALUE100000 CYCLE CACHE:5000 CREATE TABLE ord tems d no NUMBER (4) DEEAUT T ord seq. NEXTVAT NOT NULL item no NWBEE(3】 aty NUMBER (3 CONSTRAINT It pk. PRIMARY EY ord no, item not CONSTRA王 IT ord fk POREIGN KEY(xan。) REFERENCEs prder2-m) Which two statements are true about the oRd iTEMs table and the oRD SEQ sequence? Any user inserting rows into table ORD ITEMS must have been granted access to sequence ORD SEQ Column ORD NO gets the next number from sequence ORD SEQ whenever a row is inserted into ORD ITEMS and no explicit value is given for ORD_ NO C)Sequence ORD SEQ cycles back to 1 after every 5000 numbers and can cycle 20 time D)If sequence ORD SEQ is dropped then the default value for column ORD ON will be null for rows inserted into ORD ITEMS E)Sequence ORD SEQ is guaranteed not to generate duplicate numbers 答案AB 31. Examine the data in the cust name column of the customers table CUST NAME Renske Ladwig 」 ason mallin Samuel mccain Allan mcewen tene mikkilineni Julia nayer You want to display the cUsT- NAME values where the last name starts with Mc or Mc Which two where clauses give the required result? A)WHERE INITCAP (SUBSTR (cust name, INSTR (cust name, )+1))IN (MC%,Mc %' B)WHERE UPPER (SUBSTR(Cust name, INSTR(cust name, )+1)) LIKE UPPER('Mc%') )WHERE INIT CAP (SUBSTR (cust name, INSTR(cust name, )+1)) LIKE'Mc% D)WHERE SUBSTR (cust name, INSTR (cust name, ) +1)LIKE MC%ORMC% E)WHERE SUBSTR (cust name, INSTR(cust_ name, )+1)LIKE Mc% 答案:BC 32 Examine this sQl statement SELECT cust id, cust last name Last name FROM customers WHERE country_ id=10 UNION seleCt cust id cust No. cust last name FROM customers WHERE country id=30 Identify three orDEr BY clauses, any one of which can complete the query successfully ORDER BY 2 B)ORDER BY CUST NO C)ORDER D)ORDER BY CUST NO E) ORDER BY Last Name 答案:ACE Q33. Which three statements are true about a self join? A)It must be an inner join B) It can be an outer join C) The on clause must be used D)It must be an equijoin The query must use two different aliases for the table F)The on clause can be used 答案:BEF 36. Which two statements are true about the results of using the intersect operator in compound queries? A) Reversing the order of the intersected tables can sometimes affect the output, B) Column names in each select in the compound query can be different INTERSECT returns rows common to both sides of the compound query. D)The number of columns in each select in the compound query can be different E)INTERSECT ignores NULLs 答案:BC 37. Which two statements are true about the count function A) It can only be used for number data types COUNT (DISTINCT inv amt) returns the number of rows excluding rows containing duplicates and NULLs in the INv AMT column COUNT() returns the number of rows in a table including duplicate rows and rows containing NULLs in any column D)A Select statement using the CoUnt function with a diStINct keyword cannot have a Where clause E)COUnT ( inv amt)returns the number of rows in a table including rows with NULl in the N∨ AMT column 答案:BC 38. Which three statements are true about sequences in a single instance oracle database?



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