文件名称: 基于PIC16F877芯片的DS18B20测温系统设计.pdf
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  上传时间: 2019-10-14
  提 供 者: weixin_********
 详细说明:基于PIC16F877芯片的DS18B20测温系统设计pdf,基于PIC16F877芯片的DS18B20测温系统设计2018 3] AT89C2051 ,2008(1):121-123 DS1 8B20 [引 200632(71:1-37 5] PC 2007:45-55 [6] PC [11 Dallas sam conduc b r Corpo ration Ds 18B20 Programm ab e 20076269 Reso htion 1-W ire D ig ital Them om eter[R. Product D atasheet 2002 李永茂(1963),男,高级工程师,主要从事电子技术应用 DSI8B20 及智能仪表方面研究 ,2008(2):2426 Design of Tempera ture easuring System ofDS18B20 Based on pic16F877 LIY ongm ao Chang zhou Institu te ofM echatron ic Techno bgy Changzhou 213164, China) Abstract b ased on Pr16F87, th i paper an alyzes the characteristics priciples and transaction se qu ence of lw ire dig ital ten perature sensor DS 18B20 DS18B20 shav s the feau re of direct d g ital tem perature ou tput w ithou t cam plicated A /D conversin thus he hardw are and so fw are of sys tem can be achieved easily This paper presents the hardw are and camp ile prog ram des gn of the temperaure measure system based on PIC16F877 and ds18B20 This sys tem has s m ple structure and low cost It also can be easily extended and has brght app lication perspectves Keywords PIC16F877 D18B20 d ig ita I tem pera tire sensor single bus (上接第58页) m ents200525-37 [ 4] A BOWDG D, MYNATT E D. Charting past present and fu tI re research in ub iquitous com pu ting J]. ACM ' Transactins [1 WEISER M. The cam puter for the tw enty first century[ JI on Com pu ter H um an Interactin 20007( 1): 29-58 Scientifc American, 1991, 265(3):94-104 5] J 2]祐,史元春,谢伟凯.晋适计算[J.计算机学报, 30(4):182229 200326(9):1042-1050 李爱群(1969),女,讲炯,主要研究方向为计算机系统设 [3] SCOtt Locatin- aw are cam puting and i tel lig ent env iron-计计算机智能基础及应用和嵌入式系统及应用等 ments[ J. The ee Sun ilar u Inle llgenl Buil ing eiy iron Design of Distributed Location-aware Computing Based on Pervasive Com puting LIAIqU ZHUANG Yanyu, WANG Ruchuans2 (1. Collge of Cam pu ter Nan jing U n iers ity of Posts and Te lecrmmun icatins N an jing 210003 Ch ina 2 Ins titute of Cam puter nan jng Un iers ity of posts and Tebammunicatins Nan jng 210003 Chia) Abstract h the perv as ive cam pu ting env ironm ent locat in-awv are computing is a very m portant part of con tex raw are crm puting Th is paper prov ies an des ign of the d istrhu ted locatin-aw are com pu ting w hich breaks aw ay run he trad ilional and fussy l ation-aw are m ode hat geLling tie coond ilale of the user before es t im ating which area the located target stays in, d isperses the location- aw are com puting to he bo ttom aw are equ pm en ts so hat the cam puting burden of am puting equ pm ents can be reduced Realization of th is des ign show s the feas b ility Keywords perv as ive cun puting location-aw are distributed 64 o1994-2010cHinaAcademicJournalElectronicPublishingHouse.Allrightsreservedhttp://www.cnki.net



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