文件名称: sql_server_2016_developers_guide.pdf
  所属分类: SQLServer
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  上传时间: 2019-10-13
  提 供 者: timot*****
 详细说明:This book prepares the readers for more advanced topics by starting with a quick introduction of SQL Server 2016's new features and a recapitulation of the possibilities database developers had already in the previous versions of SQL Server. Then, the new tools are introduced. The next part introducTable of contents SOL Server 2016 Developer's Guide Credits about the authors about the reviewer www.Packtpub.com Why subscribe? Customer feedback Preface What this book covers What you need for this book Who this book is for Conventions Reader feedback Customer support Downloading the example code E irac lestions 1 Introduction to SOL Server 2016 Security Row Level securitv Dynamic Data Masking Always Encrypted Engine features Query store ive query statistics Stretch Database Database scoped configuration Temporal Tables Columnstore indexes Programming Transact SQL enhancements USON In-Memory oltP SOL Server tools Business intelligence Rin sol server Release cycle Summary 2. Review of soL Server Features for Developers The mighty Transact-SOL SELECT Core Transact- SOL SELECT Statement elements Advanced selECT techniques DDL DML, and programmable objects Data definition language statements Data modification language statements Using triggers Data abstraction-views, functions, and stored procedures Transactions and error handling Error handling sing transactions Beyond relational Defining locations and shapes with Spatial data CLR integration XML Support in SQL Server Summar 3. SQL Server Tools Installing and updating sql server tools New ssms features and enhancements Autosave open tabs Searchable options Enhanced scroll bar Execution plan comparison ive Query statistics SQL Server data Tools Tools for developing code STudio de R Tools for visual studio Summar 4. Transact-SQL Enhancements New and enhanced functions and expressions STRING SPLIT STRING ESCAPE COMPRESS DECOMPRESS CURRENT TRANSACTION D SESSION CONTEXT DATEDIFF BIG AT TIME ZONE HASHBYTES SoN functions Enhanced dml and ddl statements The conditional droP statement(DROP IF EXISTS) CREATE OR ALTER Online alter column TRUNCATE TABLE Maximum key size for nonclustered indexes New query hints NO PERFORMANCE SPOOL MAX GRANT PERCENT MIN GRANT PERCENT Summar 5. JSON Support in SQL Server Why JSON? What Is JSoN? Why is it popular? JsoN verSuS XML JSoN objects Json object soN arra Primitive json data types jSoN in SOL Server prior to sol Server 2016 JSONASOL SON. SOL Transact-SQL-based solution Retrieving SQl server data in the son format FOR JSON AUTO FOR JSON PATH FOR JSON additional options Adding a root node to the jSon output Including null values in the JSoN output Formatting a jSon output as a single object Converting data types Escaping characters Converting json data in a tabular format PEnson wIth the default schema Processing data from a comma-separated list of values Returning the difference between two table rows OPENJSON with an explicit schema Import the json data from a file iSON Storage in SQL Server 2016 Validating json data Extracting values from a json text USON VALUE JSON QUERY Modifying json data Adding a new json property Updating the value for a son property Removing a json property Multiple changes Performance considerations ndexes on computed columns Full-text indexes Summary 6. Stretch Database Stretch Database architecture Is this for you? Using Data Migration Assistant Limitations of using stretch database Limitations that prevent you from enabling the Stretch DB feature for a table Table limitations Column limitations imitations for Stretch-enabled tables Ise cases for Stretch database Archiving of historical data Archiving of logging tables Testing Azure SQL database Enabling Stretch Database Enabling Stretch Database at the database level Enabling Stretch Database by using wizard Enabling Stretch Database by using Transact-SQL Enabling Stretch Database for a table Enabling Stretch DB for a table by using wizard Enabling Stretch Database for a table by using Transact-SQL Filter predicate with sliding window Querying Stretch Databases Querying and updating remote data SQL Server Stretch Database pricing Stretch DB management and troubleshooting Monitoring Stretch Database Pause and resume data migration Disable stretch database Disable Stretch Database for tables by using SSMS Disable Stretch Database for tables using Transact-SQL Disable stretch database for a database Backup and restore Stretch-enabled databases Summar 1. Temporal Tables What is temporal data? Types of temporal table Allen's interval algebra Temporal constraints Temporal data in SOL Server before 2016 Optimizing temporal queries Temporal features in SOL: 2011 System-versioned tables in SQL Server 2016 How temporal tables work in SoL Server 2016 Creating temporal tables Period columns as hidden attributes Converting non-temporal to temporal tables Migration existing temporal solution to system-versioned tables Altering temporal tables Dropping temporal tables Data manipulation in temporal tables Querying temporal data in SQL Server 2016 Retrieving temporal data at a specific point in time Retrieving temporal data from a specific period Retrieving all temporal data Performance and storage considerations with temporal tables History data retention History table physical implementation History tab e overhea Temporal tables with memory-optimized tables What is missing in SQL Server 2016? SQL Server 2016 temporal tables and data warehouses Summary 8. Tightening the Security SQL Server security basics Defining principals and securables Managing schemas Obiect and statement permissions Encrypting the data Leveraging SQL Server data encryption options Always Encrypted Row-Level security Using programmable objects to maintain security Predicate-based Row-Level Security Exploring dynamic data masking Defining masked columns Dynamic data masking limitations Summary 9. Query Store Why query store? What is Query store Query Store architecture Enabling and configuring Query store Enabling Query Store with SSMS Enabling Query Store with Transact-SQL Configuring query store Query store default configuration Query Store Recommended Configuration Disabling and cleaning Query store Query store in action Capturing Query info Capturing plan info Collecting runtime statistics Query store and migration Query Store-identifying regressed queries Query store - fixing regressed queries Query Store reports in SQL Server management studio Regressed queries Top resource consuming queries tab Overall resource consumption Query store use cases SQL Server version upgrades and patching Application and service releases, patching, failovers, and cumulative updates Identifying ad hoc queries dentifying unfinished queries Summary 10. Columnstore Indexes Analytical queries in SQL Server Joins and indexes Benefits of clustered indexes Leveraging table partitioning Nonclustered indexes in analytical scenarios Using indexed views Data compression and query techniques Writing efficient queries Columnar storage and batch processing Columnar storage and compression Recreating rows from columnar storag Columnar storage creation process Development of columnar storage in SQL Server Batch processing Nonclustered columnstore indexes Compression and query performance Testing the nonclustered columnstore index Operational analytics Clustered columnstore indexes Compression and query performance Testing the clustered columnstore Index USing archive compression Adding B-Tree indexes and constraints Updating a clustered columnstore index Deleting from a clustered columnstore index Summar 11. Introducing SOL Server In-Memory OLtp In-Memory oltp architecture Row and index storage Row structure Row header Row payload Index structure Non-clustered Index Hash indexes Creating memory-optimized tables and indexes Laying the foundation Creating a table Querying and data manipulation Performance comparisons Natively compiled stored procedures Looking behind the curtain of concurrency Data durability concerns Database startup and recovery Management of in-memory objects Dynamic management objects Extended events Perfmon counters Assistance in mi grating to In-memory oltp Summary 2.In-Memory oltP Improvements in SQL Server 2016 Ch-Ch-Changes Feature improvements Collations Data types and types of data What's new with indexes? Unconstrained integrity Not all operators are created equal Size is evervthing mprovements in the In-Memory oLTP Engine Down the index rabbit-hole Large obiect support Storage differences of on-row and off-row data Cross-feature support Security Programmability High availability Tools and wizards Summary 13. Supporting in SQL Server Introducing R Starting with R R language basics Manipulating data Introducing data structures in R Getting sorted with data management Understanding the data Basic visualizations Introductory statistics SQL Server r services Discovering sol server r services eating scalable solutions Deploying r models Summary 14. Data Exploration and Predictive Modeling with r in SOL Server Intermediate statistics-associations Exploring discrete variables Finding associations between continuous variables Continuous and discrete variables Getting deeper into linear regression Advanced analysis-undirected methods Principal components and exploratory factor analysis Finding groups with clustering Advanced analysis-directed methods Predicting with logistic regression Classifying and predicting with decision trees Advanced graphing Introducing ggplot2 Advanced graphs with ggplot2 Summary



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