文件名称: SIMATIC NET S7Beans / Applets for IT-CPs Programming Tips.pdf
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 详细说明:SIMATIC NET S7Beans / Applets for IT-CPs Programming Tipspdf,SIMATIC NET S7Beans / Applets for IT-CPs Programming TipsTrademarks SIMATIC(B, SIMATIC HMIBand SIMATIC NET are registered trademarks of SIEMENS AG Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which refer to trademarks might infringe upon the rights of the trademark owners Safety Instructions Regarding your Product: Before you use the product described here, read the safety instructions below thoroughl Qualified Personnel Only qualified personnel should be allowed to install and work on this equipment Qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, to ground, and to tag circuits, equipment, and systems in accordance with established safety practices and standards Correct Usage of Hardware products Note the following arning This device and its components may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description, and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which ave been approved or recommended by Siemens Correct and safe operation of this product requires proper transport, storage, installation, and assembly as well as careful operator control and maintenance Before you use the supplied sample programs or programs you have written yourself, make certain that no injury to persons nor damage to equipment can result in your plant or process EU Directive: Do not start up until you have established that the machine on which you intend to run this component complies with the directive 89/392/EEC Correct Usage of Software Products Note the following △ Warning This software may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in connection with software products, devices, or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by siemens Before you use the supplied sample programs or programs you have written yourself, make certain that no injury to persons nor damage to equipment can result in your plant or process Prior to Startup Before putting the product into operation, note the following warning Copyright Siemens aG 2003 All rights reserved Disclaimer of Liability The reproduction, mission or use of this document or its contents is not We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hardwa permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable fo re and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are revie- a utility model or design, are reserved wed regularly and any necessary corections included in subsequent edi tions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed Siemens AG Automation and drives Industrial communication Postfach 4848, D-90327 Nurnberg Subject to technical change Siemens Aktiengesellschaft G79000-c8976-c180-01 Preface/ References Manuals on the topic of It in SIMATIC nformation technology with IT-CPs in SIMATIC is described in the following manuals IT-CP installing commISsIonIng Manual performance data Information Technology with It-CP familiarization IT with CP243-1|T CP343-1T commIssIoning and CP443-1|T using IT functions cP443-1T (e-Mail, Ftp, Http CP343-1 T individual java and S7Beans/ HTML functions Applets Manual o Communication services with STEP7/ NCM S7 programming configuring NCM S7 downloading Manual commIssIoning lag You will also find these documents on the manual collection CD. this symbol is used at various points in the text to indicate that there is additional information and examples on the Manual Collection CD S7Beans/ Applets Programming Tips Release 06/2003 C79000-G8976C180-01 Preface/ References validity of these Programming Tips This document is valid o for the cp 443-1 t for the sIMAtIC s7-400 and for the cp 343-1 t for the sImatic s7-300 with the required configuration software STEP 7 version 5.0 SP3 or higher with the Ncm s7 for Industrial ethernet option for the cp 2431 t for the simatic s7-200 with the required configuration software STEP 7 MicroWin version 3. 2 SP1 higher S7 BeansAPI version 2.5 or higher JBuilder version 3.0 or higher Note Notice Please note that the S7-200 differs in some technical aspects from the S7-300/S7-400, where neces sary in the description, these aspects are highlighted by the following symbols in the margin Text indicated by this symbol applies only to the S7-200 S7-200 Text indicated by this symbol applies only to the s7-300/S7-400 S7-400/ S7-300 References/ References to further documentation are specified with documentation numbers in slashes / Based on these numbers, you can check the title of the documentation in the list of references at the end of the manual S7Beans/ Applets Programming Tips Release 06/2003 C79000-G8976-C180-01 Contents 1 Creating HTML Pages- Overview.∴∴∴……∴∴……∴∴… 2 Web browsers 2.1 Contacting the IT-CP using a Web Browser 2.2 Settings in the Web browser 3 HTML Pages on the IT-CP 16 3.1 Creating HTML Pages for the IT-CP 17 3.2 Designing HTML Pages-A Few Essentials 20 3.3 Creating your own " Home page 23 3.4 S7 Applets 3.4.1 Applet Call and Parameter Assignment 27 3.4.2 Parameter Assignment Tools 30 3.4.3 S7ldentApplet- Description 32 3.4. 4 S7IdentApplet- Example 34 3.4.5 S7StatusAppl Description 翻面音 35 3.4.6 S7StatusApplet- EXample 38 3.4.7 S7 GetApplet- Description 39 3.4.8 S7GetApplet-Examples 47 3.4.9 S7 PutApplet-Description 50 3.4.10 S7PutApplet-EXamples 56 3.5 Configuring variables for Access Using symbols 58 3.6 Testing and Using HTML Pages 61 3.7 JavaScript Linking to the S7Applets 63 3.7.1S7 GetApplet and S7 PutApplet∴∴ 64 3.7.2 S7StatusApplet ::::::::: 67 3.7.3 S7IdentApplet 70 3.8 Help on the S7 Applets 72 4 Individual solutions with JavaBeans A 4.1 JavaBeans Concept and possible applications 75 4.2 The s7 Beans Class Library(s7BeansAPD) 76 4.3 Linking s7 Beans 79 5 S7BeansAPl-Interface Description 82 S7API Methods 82 5.1.1 Controlling the Language Used 82 5.1.2 Setting the level of detail for Debug output 83 5.1.3 Terminating the API Mechanisms 83 5.2 S7 Beans 84 5.2.1s7CP 84 5.2.2 S7Device 85 5.2.3 VaRiable 86 S7Beans/AppletsProgramming Tips Release 06/2003 C79000-G8976-C180-01 Contents 5.2.4 CLTimer 87 Examples: 画m 88 Examples with s7 Beans and awt components 6. 1.1 Example 1-Reading and Displaying a variable from the S7 CPU with S7 Beans 90 6.1.2 Example 2- Writing a variable to the siMatic s7 with S7Beans 95 6.1.3 Example 3- Read and Display a variable from the SIMATIC S7 PLC with AWT components 99 6. 1. 4 EXample 4- Writing a Variable to the SIMATIC S7 PLC with AWT Components 104 6.1.5 EXample 5-a button with the " Pushbutton "Function 109 6.1.6 EXample 6-a button with the Switch" Function 115 6.1.7 Example 7-Outputting Several Values Using one Variable ...........121 6. 1.8 Example 8-Inputting Several Values Using one Variable 128 6.2 EXample of Working with JBuilder 137 6.3 Developing Your beans 142 Java Applications with S7Beans 146 a Property Change Events-Overview 157 B Further Information/FAQs 160 B.1 Lack of Resources in Netscape 4.X 160 C Comparison of s7 Types and Java Types∴∴∴ 164 d References∴ 题■■■■ 日日■ 165 ndex 167 You will fnd the entire manual and the programming tips on the manual collection CD. This symbol indicates that there is additional information and examples relating to the topic on the Manual Collection CD S7Beans/ Applets Programming Tips Release 06/2003 C79000-G8976-C180-01 Creating HTML Pages-Overview Multilevel Concept The IT-CP provides several levels to implement device and process data monitoring with HTML pages How to create or adapt your own individual HTML pages System and sample pages over web browser Creating HTML pages with S7 applets Individual solutions with s7 beans Save the html page on the it-CP or in the Web server For file transfer with ftp refer to 3/ and /4/ Configure variables for symbolic access see section 3. 5 System and sample pages over Web browser You want to use the options of the htmL process control predefined for the IT-CP without extensive programming The possibilities available to you are introduced in /3/ Creating HTML pages with S7 applets The IT-CP provides you with predefined S7 applets with which you can create HTML pages and adapt them to your task S7Beans/AppletsProgramming Tips Release 06/2003 C79000-G8976-C180-01 Creating HTML Pages-Overview The calls and call parameters are described in this manual on the S7 applets beans e Individual solutions with s7 beans You want to use graphics options adapted to your application and create more complex applets You not only want to display your process data in the plant pictures but also want to use the data, for example, for evaluation in a database You can achieve this with the following options Create application-specific Java applets and Java applications and use predefined s7 beans, Java beans of other manufacturers and your own Java source text Create Java source code; use application-specific applets, Java beans and the supplied s7 beans S7Beans /Applets Programming Tips 10 Release 06/2003 C79000-G8976C180-01 Web browsers 2 Web browsers 2.1 Contacting the IT-CP using a Web Browser What is Required? To access the hTML pages on the it-CP or on the Web server you require a Web browser, for example Netscape Navigator or Internet EXplorer. The Web browser must meet the following requirements JDK (Java Development Kit)1.1. X is supported; For further information refer to /8/ The Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer meet these requirements. Other Web browsers with the same range of functions can also be used Other Web browsers meet these requirements only with certain restrictions. You require a plug- in component corresponding to the Java reference implementation of a sun java virtual machine Note the other information including the versions of the products mentioned here in the manuals /1/on the manual collection CD Further information and additional programs required are available on the Internet (refer to Appendix B) S7Beans/AppletsProgramming Tips Release 06/2003 C79000-G8976-C180-01



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