IEC 61557-2-2007 交流1000V和直流1500V以下低压配电系统电气安全 防护检测的试验、测量或监控设备 第2部分:绝缘电阻.pdf
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详细说明:IEC 61557-2-2007 交流1000V和直流1500V以下低压配电系统电气安全 防护检测的试验、测量或监控设备 第2部分:绝缘电阻pdf,IEC 61557-2-2007 交流1000V和直流1500V以下低压配电系统电气安全 防护检测的试验、测量或监控设备 第2部分:绝缘电阻61557-2C:2007
UP TO1 000Vac AND 1 500v d.c
Part 2: Insulation resistance
1)The Internationa Electrote chnicat Com on(IEC) is a woridyeide crganization for standardizalion comprising
a nationa! elect technical committees (IEc National C飞组银的. The object時!e却 to promote
internatonal co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and eiectronic fields. To
this end and in addition to other act vities, IEC publishes intenational stand ards, Technical Specifications,
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Publications. Their preparation is entrusted to technical committce: any lEc Nationa! Committee interested
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with the International Organiz ation for standardization( iso in accordance with condiions determined by
agreement between the two organizations
2]The format decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus af opinion on the relevant subjects since each iechnicaf committe e has representation from all
interested JEC National committees
3]IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accep: ed by lEC Nation at
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Publications is accurate, iEC cannoi be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any
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4] In order te promote internationai uniform ty, lEC National Committees undertake to apply iEC Publications
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the latter
provides ac marking procedure to indicate iis approval and
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equipment declared to ba in conformity with an lEC Publication
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication
) No liability shall attach to lEC or its directors, employees. servan s or agents including individua! experts and
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her damage o! any nature whats
hether di
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cluding iegal fe
expenses arising ou! of the publicalion, use of, or reliance upon. this IEc Publication of any other TEC
a) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this pub isation use of the referenced publications is
dispensable for the corre ct application oi this publicat
9)} Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements af this IEC Publica0特罪y比倍 subjec4of
patent rights, lEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or al such patent rights
International Standard lec 61557-2 has been prepared by lec technical committee 85
Measuring equi pment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1997. This edition
constitutes a technical revision
The following changes were made with respect to the previous edition
a)definitions complemented
b) revision of some requirements have been revised
c)addition of a warning pictogram
dcompleie rev sion of the subclause on overload tests
The text of this standard is based on the following documents
Reporf on voting
Full information on tne voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISo/EC Directives, Part 2
This part of IEC 61557 shal be used in conjunction with part i
A list of all parts of the lEC 61557 series, published under the general title Electrical safety in
fow voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 v a.c. and 1 500 v d.c. Equipment for festing
measuring or monitoring of protective measures, can be found on the iec website
The committee has decided thai the contents of this publication wil remain unchanged
related to the specific publication. Al this date, the publication will be
replaced by a revised edition, or
UP To1 000V ac, ANd1 500y d. c
Part 2: Insulation resistance
This part of lEC 61557 specifies the requirements applicable to equipment for measuring the
insulation resistance of equipment and installations in the de-energized state
2 Normative references
The follcwing referenced documents are indispensable fr the application of this docunent. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments)appfies
IEC 61010-1: 2001, Safety requirements for c/ectrical equipment for measurement, controt, and
faboratory use Part 1: Generat requirements
iEC 61557-1 Electrica! safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 v a.c. and 1500
y d.c. -Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures Part 1
Generai reguirements
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the definitions given in IEC 61557-1 and the following
definitions apply.
rated output voltage
oltage output across the measuring equipment terminals when this equipment is loaded wiih
the rated current
The following requirements as well as those given in IEC 61557-1 shall apply
4.1 The output voltage shall be a d. c. voltage; the indication at hs rated output voltage
across a resistor of a vaiue of UNX(1 000 n/) shall not differ by more than 10 relative to
the indicated value, as a result of possibly present a c, voltage components in the output
voltage, when a capacitor of 2 uf is connected in parallel with the insulation resistance to be
4.2 The open-circuit voltage shall not exceed 1, 25 times the rated output voltage.
4. 3 The rated current shal be at least 1 mA
4. 4 The measuring current shall not exceed 15 mA peak. any a c. component present shall
not exceed 1,5 ma peak
4.5 The maximum percentage operating uncertainty within the measurement range to be
marked or stated shall not exceed +30 %u with the measured value as fiducial value. as
determined in accordance with able 1
The cperating uncertainty shall apply under the rated operating conditions in accordance with
Table 1- Calculation of operating uncertainty
Requirs mants
Reference conditions or
uncertainty or
Designation ar tests in accordance
ype of
specified operating range
wIth relevant parts of
infuence quantity
IEC 61557
Intrinsic uncertainty i Reference conditions
Reference position 90
Suppy voitage
At the limits stated by the
Es I
Fart 1 subclause 4.2
Part 2, subclause 4 5
trinsic uncerainty
8 %
4.6 The user shall not be subjected to danger, when extraneous d.c. or a.c. voltages up to
120 of the highest rated ouput voltage are accidentally applied for a duration of 10 s to the
measurement terminals of the measuring equipment
en the measuring equipment bears one of the following markings, the applied
extraneous a, c, overvoltage can be reduced to a voltage of 1, 1 times the phase to phase
The marking shall be written in the corresponding country language
The value of ihe voltage shown on the mar king shall be 1. 1 times the maximum phase to
phase voltag
b) Example of pictogram for a 500 V
The pictogram and oUtline shall contrast with the background
The value of the voltage
n the marking shan be 1.1 times
lum phase to pnase vollag
After applying th s reduced a.c. overvoltage, the equipment shall stay within the specification
5 Marking and operating instructions
5.1 Marking
In addition to the marking in accordance with lEC 61557-1, the following information shall be
provided on: the measuring equipment,
1.1 Rated output voltage
5.1.2 Rated current
5.1.3 Measurement range in accordance with 4.5
5.2 Operating instructions
The operating instructions shall state the following information in addition to the statements
specified in」c615571
5.2.1 A warning stating that measurements shail be carried out only on parts of an installation
or equipment that are de-energized
5.2.2 A statement on the correct operation when power is supplied by a hand-driven generator
5.2.3 In accordance with 6. 7 the pcssible number of measurements shall be stated far
measuring equipment with power supplied by batteries accumulators
6 Tests
In addition to iEc 61557-1 the following tests shall be executed
6.1 The operating uncertainty shall be determined in accordance with Table 1. In this process
the intrinsic uncertainties shall be determined under the following reference conditions
nominal value of the supply voltage
nominal r.p. m when power is supplied by a hand-driven generator
reference temperature 23C12C
reference position in accordance with the manufacturers statement
The operating uncertainty thus evaluated shall not exceed the limits specified in 4.5
6.2 The open-circuit voltage shall be checked for compliance with the specification in 4.2
(routine test
Compliance with the requirements in 4. 3 shall be checked (routine ler e of UN X(1 000 2/V)
6.3 The rated current shall be tested through a test resistor of a value
6.4 The measuring current shall be tested and compliance with the requirements in 4. 4 shall
be checked (routine test)
NOTE. When an a.c. voltage is superimposed on the d. c, then measuring equlpment for measuring the peak value
of the current must be used
6.5 Tests shall establish that the indication is stable and does not change by more than 10%0
hen a capacitor of 2 HF t 10% is connected in parallel. In this condition, the measuring
equipment is loaded by a resistor free from capacitance and inductance in such a manner that
the rated output voltage and rated current will accur (type test
6.6 Overload tests
6.6.1 overload test with a c. voltage
The permissible overload in accordance with 4.6 or 4.6. 1 shall be tested. For this purpose an
a.c. voltage according to 4.6. or 4.6.1 shall be applied for a duration of 10 s whilst the
equipment is switched on and off
The a.c. test source shall have the capability to activate protective devices and to indicate
weak points of circuitry. If protective devices are activated or parts are damaged, the test shall
be repeated with a test source having a capability according to 16.2 Of IEC 61010-1: 200
After test with a c. overvoltage according to 4.6, defects, if any, shall be clearly indicated
indications and displayed values shall not lead to unsafe interpretations
After tests with a c. overvoltages according to 4.6.1. the equipment shall stay within the
This includes reactivation of protective devices by the user without any repair
NoTE. The replacement of fuses accessible to the user should be considered as reactivation of a protective device
6.6.2 Overload tests with d. c. voltage
In addition a.d.c. voltage of 1.2 times the magnitude of the highest rated output voltage stored
on a capacitor of 2 uF shall be applied in both polarities whilst the equipment is switched on
and off. After this the measuring equipment shail stay within the specification, without
activation of protective devices
range determined by the battery check facility is reached, shall be determinedoF
6.7 The number of measurements that it is possible to make until the limit of the voltage
In tiis process, the measuring equipment shall be loaded with a test resistance of
x(1000 S2/v)alternating between 5 s loading and intervals of about 25 s
ch new
loading (type test)
6.8 Compliance with the tests in this clause shall be recorded
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