文件名称: 台达可编程控制器(PLC)DVP04AD-SL安装说明.pdf
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 详细说明:台达可编程控制器(PLC)DVP04AD-SL安装说明pdf,台达可编程控制器(PLC)DVP04AD-SL安装说明:。DVP04AD-SL 模拟量信号输入模块可透过DVPSV/EH2-L 主机程序以指令FROM/TO 来读写数据。模拟量信号输入模块接受来自PLC主机的4 组16 位数字数据,再将数字数据转换为4 点模拟量信号输入(电压或电流皆可)。模块内具有多个CR (Control Register) 寄存器,每个寄存器有16bits。使用者可经由配线选择电压输入或电流输入,电压输入范围 -10V ~ 10VDC (分辨率为312.5uV),电流输入范围-20mA ~ 20mA (分辨率为EXternal Wiring · Active-type CH1 005÷ 1-h Shielded cable·1 CH4 Shielded cable*1 Fe TErminal Grounding(100n or less) Figure 2] · Passive-type Voltage input AG Shielded cable '1 Current input CH4 CH4 O Terminal of DC/DC Converter +AG Grounding(100Q or less) Figure 3] Note 2: When the A/D module is connected to current signals, make sure you short-circuit"V+"and Note 3: If the noise is too significant, please connect FE to the grounding terminal Note 4: Please connect the O terminal on both the power module and A/D module to the system earth int and ground the system contact or connect it to the cover of power distribution cabinet Note 5. If the ripples at the loaded input terminal are too significant that causes noise interference on the wiring, connect the wiring to 0.1-0.47uF 25V capacitor: Electrical Specifications Analog /Digital module Current input Power supply voltage 24VDC(-15%~+20%)/35W DVPPS01(PS02): input 100-240VAC, output 24VDC/1A(PS02: 2A) Analog input channel 4 channels /each module Range of analog input 10V ±5V ±20mA 0~20mA4~20mA Range of digita 32.000 ±32,000~32,0000~32,000 2 Analog Digital module Hardware Resolution 16 bits 16 bits 15 bits 15 bits put impedance Overall accuracy 0.3% when in full scale(25°C,77°F) ±0.5% when in full scale within the range of0-55°C(32-131°F) Response time 250μs/ each channel Max output current 1KQ-2MQ Tolerance carried 0Q~5009 Digital data format s complement of 16 bits, 15 significant bits Optical coupler isolation between digital circuits and analog circuits No isolation among analog channels Isolation method 500VDC between analog circuits and Ground 500VDC between analog circuits and digital circuits 500VDC between 24VDC and Ground Connectable to the left side of mpu. numbered from 100 to 107 Series connection to DVP-PLC MPU according to the position of module from the closest to farthest to Operation:0.C-55C(temp. ) 50-95%(humidity), Pollution degree2 temperature Storage:-25°C-70°c(temp.),5-95%( humidit ibration/shock International standards: IEC61131-2, IEC 68-2-6(TEST Fc) mmunity EC611312&EC68-227( TEST Ea) Control Register CR#Attrib Register name Explanation #OoR Model name Set up by the system DVP04AD-SL model code =H 4400 #1oR Firmware version Display the current firmware version in hex Input mode: Default= H0000 #2X R/CH1 input mode setting Take CH1 for example de 0 (H0000 #3X R/CH2 input mode setting Mode 1(H0001): Current input (+20mA) Mode 3 (H0003): Current input(+4-+20mA) #4XR/ CH3 input mode setting Mode 4(H0004) Voltage input(+5V) Mde5(H0005) #5X R/CH4 input mode setting Mode 6 (H0006): Voltage input (1V-+5v) Mode-1(HFFFF): Channel 1 unavailable b15~b12|b11-b8b CH4 #6×|RM| History mode Default= H0000 Take CH1 for example KO: Disable(Default). K1: Single K2: Auto K4: Falling Edge Trigg #7×|RM| History command Default H0000 3 R# Attrib Explanation #8X R/CH1 sampling range #9X/ CH2 sampling range Set san range in CH1 - CH4: #10X R/ CH3sampling range Range =K1-K20 Default K10 #11XI R/ CH4 sampling range R CH1 average input value #13XR CH2 average input value Average value of input signals at CH1-CH4 #14XI RCH3 average input value R CH4 average input value #16XRCH1 present input value #17XR CH2 present input value Present value of input signals at CH1- CH4 #18xRCH3 present input value #19XRCH4 present input value #20X R/ Set value of CH1 upper bound #21X R/Set value of CH2 upper bound Set value of CH1-CH4 upper bound #22X/ Set value of CH3 upper bound Default=K32767. #23X R/ I Set value of CH4 upper bound R/ Set value of CH1 lower bound #25 R/ Set value of CH2 lower bound Set value of CH1-CH4 lower bound #26x R/ Set value of CH3 lower bound Default=K-3276 27x R/Set value of CH4 lower bound #28 X R/ Adjusted Offset value of CH1 Set the adjusted Offset value of CH1-CH4 #29X RNW Adjusted Offset value of CH2 Default=KO Definition of offset in dvPo4AD-sl. #30X R/ Adjusted Offset value of CH3 The corresponding voltage(current) input #31 XR/ Adjusted Offset value of CH4 value when the digital input value=0 #34 X R/ Adjusted Gain value of CH1 Set the adjusted Gain value in CH1 -CH4 #35X R/ Adjusted Gain value of CH2 Default =K16,000 Definition of gain in dvP04AD-sl #36X R/ Adjusted Gain value of CH The corresponding voltage(current) input R/ Adjusted Gain value of CH4 value when the digital input value=16,000 「#38×|Rw| CH1 Edge value #39X R/CH2 Edge value Default KO #40×RW|cH3 Edge value #41×R|cH4 Edge value #42/ Function: Return to default b4-b15: reservedH4 b0-b3: reset CH1- cl Default H0000 Give CH1 setting for example: When b0 is set to 1, all settings are reset to default setting egister for storing all error status. Refer to #43XR Error status table of error status for more information Default = H0000 #44XR History status ole of history status for detail Default K1 4 R# Attrib Register name Explanation #46XRCH1 History timer Set history timer in CH1 - CH4: #47XRCH2 History timer Range=K1-K32767 #48XR CH3 History timer Default = K1 #49XRCH4 History timer #100-#199CH1-CH4 history Symbols: O means latched x means not latched R means can read data by using FROM instruction W means can write data by using To instruction LSB Least Significant Bit): 1. Voltage input: 1\sB=10V/32, 000=3125uV Current input: 1LSB=20mA32, 000=625nA CR#7 History command. See the table below CMD History Command H1000~H1003 CH1- CH4 start H2000~H2003 CH1 - CH4 stop H4000~H4003 Reset history buffers of CH1-cH4 H6000~H6003 Read histories of ch1- ch4 a Note: Please use pulse instruction for executing history commands When the instruction is completed, the Cr will be reset to O CR#43: Error status value. See the table below Error Status Content value Bit Error Status ontent Value bo K1(H,0001) Power supply error b1 K2(H'0002) Hardware error b2K4(H,0004)Mode setting error b3- b7 Reserved b8 K256(H'0100)CH1 Conversion error b9 K512(H'0200)CH2 Conversion error b10 K1024(H'0400) CH3 Conversion error b11 K2048(H 0800)CH4 Conversion error CH1Upper/lower b12 K4096(H'1000)bound error b13K8192(H2000 CH2 Upper /lower K16384 CH3 Upper/lower K32768 CH4 Upper/ lower b14 b15 (H4000) bound error H8000) bound errol w/' Note: Each error status is determined by the corresponding bit and there may be more than 2 errors occurring at the same time. 0= normal; I=error CR#44: History status. See the table below b15b14|b13612|b11b10b9b8b7b6b5b4b Ch4Ch3 Ch2 Ch1 Ch4 Ch3 Ch2 Ch1 Ch4 Ch3 Ch2 Ch1 CI Ch1 0 Not ready Not Full Empty Sto Ready Full Run / Note: History Command for reading will be executed only when a set of full 100 records ar bit8-bit11=1: History buffer full. bit12-bit15=1: History buffer ready Adjust A/D Conversion Curve Users can adjust the conversion curves according to the actual needs by changing the Offset value( CR#28-CR#31)and Gain value( CR#34-CR#37) 5 Gain: The corresponding voltage/current input value when the digital output value 16,000 Offset: The corresponding voltage/current input value when the digital output value =0 Equation for voltage input Mode0: 0. 3125mV=20V/64,000=10V/32,000 y=1600×(0 x32000-Offset/Gain-Offser) Y=Digital output, X=Voltage input Equation for voltage input Mode4 /Mode5/Mode6: 0.15625mV=10V/64,000 5V/32,000 Y=16000 x32000-Offset/Gain-Offset) Y=Digital output, X= Voltage input Equation for current input Mode 1/Mode2: 0.625uA= 40mA/64,000=20mA/32, 000 y=1000 20(m4) ×32000c/(camn-Omer) Y=Digital output, X=Current input Equation for current input Mode3: 0.5uA= 16mA/32,000 Adopt the Equation of current input Mode3, substitute Gain for 19200(12mA)and Offset for 6400(4mA) Y=16000 X(m4) 0m×3200640009200-6400 Y=Digital output, X=Current input ·Mode0 ·Mode1 +32000 +32000 +16000 +16000 10V .20mA 10mA 16000 16000 Current input Mode o of cr#2- cr#t5 -10-+10v,Gain=5V(16,000). Offset=0V(0) ode 1 of CR#2-CR#520mA-+20mA, Gain=10mA(16,000) Offset =OV(O) Range of digital conversion, 000-+32,000 Max /Min range of digital -32,384~+32,384 Mode 2 Mode 3 +32000 Digital +16000 utput +16000 4mA 12mA 20mA 6 lode 2 of cr#2- cr#t5 OmA--+20mA, Gain= 10mA(16,000), Offset = OmA(O) Mode 3 of CR#2-CR5+4mA-+20mA,Gain=12mA(19, 200), Offset=4mA(6, 400 Range of digital conversion 0-+32,000 Max 384 conversIo Mode 4: 32384 Offset Gain 16000 Voltage inp Mode 4 of CR#2-CR#5-5V-+5V, Gain =2.5V(16,000), Offset=OV(0 Range of digital conversion-32,000-+32,000 Max /Min range of digital 32,384~+32,384 Mode 6: +32000 +16000 output +16000 Gain Voltage input Offset Voltage inp Mode 5 of CR#2-CR#5oV-+5V, Gain=2.5V(16,000), Offset=OV(O) Mode 6 of cr#2- cr#t5 1V++5V, Gain 3V Offset= 1V Range of digital conversion0-+32,000 ax /Min range of digital 384~+32.384 conversion 7 體中文■ 感謝您採用台達DVP系列產品DVP04AD-SL類比信號輸入模組可透過 DVP SV/EH2L 主機程式以指合 FROM/TO來讀寫資料。類比信號輸入模組接受來自PC主機的4組16 位元數位資料·再將數位資料轉換爲4點類比信號輸λ(電壓或電流皆叮)。模組內具有 多個CR( Control Register)暫存器·每個暫存器有6bis使用者可經由配湶選擇電壓 輸入或電流輸廴·電壓輪入範圍-10∨-10νvυ℃(解析度爲312.5u)·電流輜入範圍 20mA~20mA(解析度鳥625nA) 誌在使用之前·詳細閱讀本使用說明書 實施配線前’務必關閉電源。於輸入電源切斷後’-分鐘之內·詩勿觸摸內部電路 κ本機爲開放型( OPEN TYPE)機殼·因此使用者使用本機時·必須將之安裝於具防 麈丶防潮及免於電擊/衝擊意外之外殼配線箱內。另必須具備保護措施(如∷特殊之工 具或鑰匙扌可打開)防止非維護人員操作或意外衝擊本體·造成危險及損壞 κ交流輸入電源不可連接於輸入岀信號端·否則可能造成嚴重損壞’誌在上電之前再次 確認電源配線·並詩勿在上電時觸摸任何端子 本體上之接地端子③務必正確的接地,可提高產品抗雜訊能力 κ端子鏍絲扭力爲1.95kg-cm(1.7in-bs)並詩使用60/75°C銅導線。 產品外觀尺寸與部位介紹 詳細圖示詩參閱英文版頁碼1之 Figure1,單位: mm [inch 1.O模組連接埠 6./O模粗定位孔 2.電源丶錯誤及渾行指示燈 7.∥O模組連接埠 3.機種型號 8.DN軌槽(35mm) 4.端子 9.O模粗固定扣 5.D|N軌固定扣 10.電源輸入口 輸入/輸出端子台配置 誌參閱英文版頁碼1之端子配置圖·在此語詈版本省略說明 外部配線 主動式 T AG 鼋唾粉入 CH1 0000 V|1 鼋流畅入 24+ CH4 44 鬲離*1 授至弯源模 之e DC/DC +15V oVH 系接地點 24v 轉换器 接地(接地阻抗1009以下 8 被動式 墜輸入 V1+ 2509 11 1MQ 隔湶*1 黾流輸入 4+A 250g CH4 1M2 隔確镍 接至源模 e端 15V oV DC/DC 系锍接地點 轉换器 接地(接地阻抗1009以下) 註1:類比輸入詩與其他電源湶隔產 註2:如果連接電流訊號時·Ⅵ+及卜端了請務必短路 註3:如果雜訊過大·請將FG及接地端子連接 註4:請將電源模組之③端及AD模擬量信號輸廴模塊之③端連接到系锍接地點·再將系弒接 點作第三種接地或接到配電箱之機殼上。 註5∶如果輸入電壓有漣波造成配線受雜訊干擾時·請連接0.1-0.47μF25V之電容 規格 類比數位模組 鼋壓輸入 鼋流輸入 24VDC(-15%-+20%)/3.5W 電源電壓 DVPPS01(Ps02):輸入100-240VAC,輸出24VDc/1APs02:2A) 類比訊號輸入通道4通道台 類比輸出範圍 ±10V ±5V ±20mA 0-20mA4-20mA 數位资料範圍 ±32,000 ±32000±32,0000-32.0000~32,000 解析度 16 bits 16 bits 15 bits 15 bits 输入阻抗 0.5Q 總和精密度 ±0.3%在(25C,77°F)範圍内滿刻度時 ±0.5%在(0-55C,32~131°F)範內滿刻度時 250μsx通道數 最大輸出電流 Q-2MQ 容許負載阻抗 0Q~500 數位資料格式 16位二補數,有效位15bits 類比電路與數位鼋路之間·透過光耦隔·類比通道間未隔離 數位電路與接地之間:500VDC 鬲離方式 類比電路與接地之間:500VDC 類比電路與數位電路之間∶500VDc 24VDC與接地之間:500VDC 與 DVP-PLC主機 連接說明 連接於主機左側’模祖裐號以靠近主機之順序自動編號由100到107 操作/儲存環境 操作:0°C~5°℃(溫度)·50~95%(濕度)污染等級2 儲存:25°C~70°C(溫度)·5~95%(濕度) 9



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