文件名称: STM32 F3产品技术培训-17.存储器-系统架构模块.pdf
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  上传时间: 2019-09-14
  提 供 者: weixin_********
 详细说明:STM32 F3产品技术培训-17.存储器-系统架构模块ARM life. augmented ARMu life. augmented life. augmented Bus matrx s I-bus BsisMatrix-s ARM [bus CORTEX-M4 ARM D-bus D-bus Cortex-M4 S-bus DMA GPDMA 1 DMA1 DMA GPDMA 2 DMA2 它地盛出 AHB dedicated to GPID ports ICODE 64-bit256K日 FLASH 256K ADG1B ADC2 DCODE E4 Bits ECODE Flash mermory AHB dedicated to GPIO port ADCs 8 ADC4 RCc. Tsc. CRc and ACC. TSC. CRC and AHB to 0员1and粪PB2 AHB to APBl and APB2 SRAM4OK B 40KBsR点M CEM RAM life. augmented BOOT Mode Selection Boot mode Aliasing BOOT1 BOOTO User Flash User Flash is selected as X boot space System 1 1 SystemMemory is memory selected as boot space 0 Embedded Embedded sram is SRAM selected as boot space life. augmented life. augmented life. augmented Main memory block containing 128 pages of 2Kbyte each Information block contains the system memory and option bytes is divided into two parts System Memory 8 KB size contains the bootloader which is used to reprogram the Flash memory through USART1 UsART2 o USB used to boot the device in System memory boot mode programmed by ST when the device is manufactured, and protected against unwanted write/erase operations 8 Option bytes Can be read from the memory location starting from 0x1FFFF800 or from the Option byte register(FLASH_ OBR) in the Flash memory interface register area 4 for write protection 1 for read protection 1 for device configuration IWDG HW/SW mode Reset when entering STANDBY mode Reset when entering stop mode VDDA supervisor BOOT SRAM parity check life. augmented 2 For User data (To store security IDs, etc



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