伊顿低压配电Power Xpert CX 产品手册(英文).pdf
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详细说明:伊顿低压配电Power Xpert CX 产品手册(英文)pdf,Power Xpert CX 是伊顿公司最新推出的IEC/GB标准抽屉式低压开关柜设备, 电流范围最大可达5000A。 Power Xpert CX系统提供可靠的马达控制和配电功能,可应用在所有的工业和商业系统中。Switchgear Technology
is in OUr DNAY S
Eatons knowledge and understanding of industries,
applications, technology, and products enables us to offer
customers safe, reliable, and high performance solutions
We have always been part of the creation of new Low
and Medium Voltage Switchgear technology, and that
experience is in each and every one of us
Eaton's Low Voltage Systems can meet the needs of any
Eaton Low Voltage Systems are designed to be as space and
energy efficient as possible while maintaining easy access for
installation, operation and maintenance. Low Voltage Systems
from Eaton are highly standardized systems supported by quick
configurations, quoting facilities, and fast deliveries
Eaton's comprehensive low voltage system product portfolio has
been specifically designed to meet the needs of all types of
installations. The extensive portfolio includes: Power Supply and
Control Assemblies), Package Substations, Main and Sub-Main
Switchboards, Busbar Trunking, Motor Control Centres, Power
Factor Correction, and Engineered Assemblies
As might be expected from such a comprehensive portfolio
Eaton's low voltage power distribution and control systems have
been used in applications, such as: Water industries
Pharmaceutical industries, Industrial facilities, Food beverage
Infrastructure projects, Mining Steel industry and Commercial
applications such as: Shops, Schools, Hospitals, Warehouses
Hotels, Prisons, Data centers, and Sport stadiums
Reliable, safe and standardized desig
Eaton's range of low voltage systems not only provides you with
optimum power distribution and motor control functionalities, they
meet your most demanding requirements for safety and flexibility
When it comes to safety, Eaton's low voltage systems offer the
highest level of protection
It is Eaton's policy that all products are subjected to rigorous
testing and verificati
by, or under the supervisio
internationally recognized and respected third party organizations
ncluding: KEMA, ASTA, LOVAG and UL (Underwriters
aboratories). In addition to third party performance and qualit
verification many Eaton low voltage systems hold specialist
approvals from: DNV, Lloyds, UL, CQC and KEMA
Withdrawable Lv Motor control and power distribution center
The power Xpert CX is eatons latest lEC/GB withdrawable
low voltage switchgear up to 5000 A. The system provides
re liable motor control and power distribution functionality
for all industrial and commercial installations
The innovative design combined regards to the criteria for
with Eaton ' s expertise in the
protection of personnel
area of law voltage applications Eaton is krown in the low
brings a new platform that is the voltage segment for reliable
heart of any motor control
product fam lies like capitole
power distribution environment. Tabula, Gemini, A300, XEnergy
CX is a compact, ergonomic and
flexible system
The new system incorporates
More than a century of
features like an unique
designing and manufacturing
low voltage systems comes
together in the cx this
mechanical test position
experience and expertise was
mechanism allowing the control
circuits to be tested with both
used to develop a new
incoming and outgoing powel
generation of MCCs: CX
terminals disconnected A
To provide a fully integrated and
floured indicator shows from a tested solution, eaton ha
distance the position of the
their state of the art switching
thdrawable unit and the ip
and distribution components
integrity IP3X is not cor
ithin the cX platform. Eaton's
when the unit is in the
reputation in the industry is built
test position
on the legacy of brands like
CX is a reliable solution for
Cutler-Hammer, Westinghouse
applications where the supply of Holec MEM and Moeller
energy is vital for your business CX is manufactured in Eaton
process Providing Form of
facilities all across the world
Separation to form 3b and 4b
With the local knowlede
the withdrawable units can be backed up with a multinational
exchanged without having to
diversified industrial orcan ization
disconnect power and /or
and experience, Eaton can offer
control cabling
a comprehensive service tai ored
to customer requirements
CX is verified by testing
according to IEC EN 61439-2
engineering to total project
and GB 7251. 1 guaranteeing
rat onal and
personnel safety. Moreover,
CX offers a state of art solution
the system also complies with
th functionality for Moto
Control and power distribution
IEC /TR 61641: the guide for
in a single low voltage platform
testing under conditions of
due to internal fault with
Complete range up to 5000 A
CX is a complete range for motor Application areas
control and power distribution up The innovative design makes the
to 5000 A In combination with
Eatons med um voltage switch
CX system especia ly suitable for
applications where the delivery
gear, UPS (Uninterruptible Power of electrical energy is business
Supplies), Busbar Trunking,
anelboards, Distribution boaro
and project management
Water Industries
service capabilities, CX is part of Pharmaceutical Industries
any complete turn-key solution
for all power distribution and
Industrial Fac lities
ontrol applications
Food Beverage
Pulp pape
Mining Industries
● Steel Industries
Features and benefits
Reliable in Operation
Safe in Operation
System Flexibility
Total Cost of Ownership
Complete product design
Units can be withdrawn
Modular de
Up to 25 drawers of 75 mm
third party certified in
safely from the system. This
5ma‖ footprin
(15 kW or 63 A rating) cal
accordance with IEC 61439-2
enables safe modification
be installed in one column to
and gb 7251. 1
and convenient
Variable widths for
duce footprint and achieve
(Verified by testing
exchange of units in a live
maximum density
Arc fault third party certified
Easy to upgrade and extend
For the withdrawable
according to IEC/TR 61641 Automatic door interlocking
the switchboard
sections, the distribution
f all outgoing feeder
Cable connection from top
busbars are rated at 1000A
Quality assurance in
sections prevents access or
and /or bottom
and 2000 A up to 80kA/1s
accordance with
removal when the switch is
Suitable for cable and busbar
allowing a high density of
outgoing units to reduce the
in the on position
Detined drawer position
trunking main incoming
total footprint of the
Routine tested in Iso
indicator for test and
certified manufacturing
Corner cubicles allow for
disconnected positions
All oarts are accessible from
flexible line-ups in the switch the front so rear can be
External degree of protection
· Safety due to use of
room using mInImum space
standardized iEC tested and
placed adjacent to the wall
is third party tested up to
certified Eaton components
Withdrawable units with
● Compartments can be
IP55 according to the
which have a proven track
Motor control and
quickly and easily changed to
Distribution functiona ity
ensure maximized Up-Time
Internal protection for open
tegrated in one
Distribution busbars are
of your business process
compartments is at minimum
protected to IP2X when the
· Cable con nection to
drawer is removed. An
withdrawable units can be
Full internal separation of all
optional Autcmatic Shutt
accomplished under live
unctional units designed
In be mounted
accordance with Form 3b
to provide add itiona safety
and an option for 4b
The use of high-grade
Padlock facilities are
materials and components
Compartments for
available on all operating and
reduces maintenance to a
ithdrawable units can be
nterlock mechanisms
modified without the need
3-point-lock system is
· Systematic use of
for full shut-down and power
standard on all cableway
maintenance free joints that
doors to ensure maximum
are tightened to optimum
Interlocking mechanism to
torques in our factory
ensure safe operating
Inspections or re-tightening
Disconnected /Test
f the electrical main
connections is not requIr
Robust design of the
drawable units with
minimum number of
i routine tested in factory
User Friendly
.Slide and Guide" design
enables optimal compart
ment alignment and ease of
insertion and withdrawal
itchboard provides easy
nd clear understanding of
mechanics of the compart
ments allows for easy and
safe col
tment insertion
Simple operator interface
with passive safety features
allow for safe operati
ction and
terface for operatic
same side of the switch-
board. This way, no mistakes
can be made due to visual
kly and easily exchanged
er or control cablin
Basic design
The CX system is modular The CX panels have three major 2. The cabling section
The system is designed for
in construction It is a self
Section located in a separate front cable access applications
1. The busbar section
fully segregated cable
where the panels can be p
supporting sheetsteel
Section ocated at the rear of
chamber housing both
adjacent to a rear wall
structure, consisting of
the structure where the
control and power cabl
horizontal and vertica
Alternatively the system can be
structure profiles and
placed in the middle of a switch
sheet-steel side walls and
busbars are located
3. The equipment section
room, either as a 'single line of
Section at the front where
structures giving all around
the withdrawable functional access to panels and cabling or
units are fitted
as a back to back arrangement
Motor Control and Distribution Panels(example)
1. Withdrawable Unit
5. Outgoing Cable Connection 8 Main Power Terminal Block
2. Main Incoming Feeder Unit
can bs shrouded to provide
6. Auxiliary Control voltage
Form 4b form of separation
3. Flushed key lockable door
4. Mounting Plinth
7. Control Circuit Terminal
Block- can be shrouded to
provide Form 4b form of
Panel structure
CX panels are frame-based front covers are epoxy coated. structure aterial
RAL colour
sheetsteel structures that
Corrosion-resistant zinc coated Frame
2 mm sheetsteel
RAL 7035
sheet-steel plates are used fo
are self-supporting
2 mm sheetsteel epoxy coated RA- 7035
the inner walls and for
The doors, frames and the side
compartment separation
Side plate
1.5 mm sheetsteel
Top plate
1.5 mm sheetsteel
RAL 7035
and top plates are all made of The standard colour of the Ci
Back plate
1.5 mm sheetsteel zinc coated
RAL 7035
sheetsteel. The outer sidewalls. is raL 7035 but other colours
back plate and all
are available on request
Main Busbar System
The CX main busbars are The main busbar system is fully and quickly accomplished with Earth busbars
arranged in a separate
separated from the equipment the appropriate busbar coupling
and cable compartments
lamps; no additianal drilling is Earth busbars are located in the
compartment in the rear of The busbars are rated up to
main busbar compartment
cubicle. this ensures
The material specitication of
Vertical branches from the main
maximum distance
te extension of the m
the busbars is
th bar are fitted in the
busbar system can be easily
distribution and motor control
between the busbars and
cubicles where a full length
the operator and
earth bar runs in the cable
maintenance personnel.It
can be placed either in the
Ratings and cross sections of available main busbars
top-rear or bottom-rear
Maximum permissible Busbar cross section
Short circuit capacity
load current
1x40x 10 mm
65 KA-1 s
43 KA
65kA-1 s
2x80x 10 mn
80 kA-1s
2x60x 10 mm
3x80x 10 mm
Front view busbar section
Side view busbar section
Depth 600 mr
Depth 800 mm
up to 3200A
up to 4000A
Distribution Busbar System
For cubicles with outgoing
Switchgear and controlgear compartments for withdrawable units
ithdrawable units, vertical
busbars are rated at 1000 A and
2000 A and up to 80 kA /1s
allowing a high density of
outgoing units to reduce the
tota footprint of the installation
A protective shield which
covers the entire height of the
oar system, guarantees a level
of protection IP2x against
Accidental direct contact when
the drawer has been removed
and when the door is open. An
automatic shutter mechanism
can be fitted as an option to
ncrease this level of
P2x shielding of the verical busbar (1, the outgoing
As an option the level of safety can be increased by
contacts 2, and auxiliary contacts 3
adding an automat c shutter that totally shields the
empty functional unit trom the busbar area
Draw out units
The outgoing units are available located in an optimized way
of Eaton's patented e use
in the following heights based because of the innovative
on a 75 mm height pitch
Mounting Rail. This allows for
of unit
maximum usage of the
compartment space, enabling a
a very easy and flexible way to
150 mm 45 kw 175A upgrade or make additions to
75 kW 200A the withdrawable units. The
Front view of a withdrawable motor starter unit
eO kW
cable connections for main and
u] lo 15 kW(5 mrr)
auxiliary circuits are accessible
through the cableway in either
600 mm 200 kW 630A a Form Sb or 4b separation
750 mm 250 KW NA
so ution
All the withdrawable units are
The units connect directly to
available for distr bution and
the distribution bars and can be motor control functionality
additionally protected by an
Uo to 25 drawers of 75 mm
optional automatic shutter
can be installed in one panel to
The de
of the unit enable
educe footprint and maximize
auxiliary components to be
Rear view of a withdrawable motor starter unit
uo to 15 kw(5 mm)
Cable connection
Front cable access for
Cable-entry compartment
feeders greater than 630a for feeders less than 630 A
With incoming and outgoing
f several incoming and
The compartment is provided
Main incoming power connec
feeder panels in excess of
outgoing feeder sections are
with an undrilled removable
tions can accommodate cables
030 A, the main current cables mounted in one cubicle, a
gland plate at the bottom of the and or busbar trunking systems
are directly connected to the
separate, lockable cable-entry
cubicle. A vertical earth bar
These can be connected from
incoming or outgoing unit
compartment is provided
runs along the height of the
the top or bottom. They are
For parallel cables, a cable
The standard cable
cable compartment and is
available for all network types
connector set is available
compartment is 400 mm wide connected to the main system Parallel busbar routing without
600 mm wide cable
a lateral overlap allows the
compartment is also available Cable support strips are
exchange of individual sections
where large numbers or sizes available for cable. Cable
in the assembly. The system
of cables need to be
connections to each
can be expanded easily at any
accommodated The
withdrawable unit are made in time. Two independent main
compartment is full height and the cable compartment. The busbar systems offer a wide
is always positioned at the right cable connections for main and range of different circuit
hand side of the equipment
auxiliary circuits are accessible options
through the cableway in either
a Form 3b or 4b separation
Form of Internal Separation
CX panels are designed around lEC 61439-2 detines the
The difference between form Form 4b solution is defined as
hree different areas.
various forms of internal
3b and Form 4b is based on
the separation of the terminals
1. The busbar section located separation. The form of internal how the terminals for outgoing for external conductors
at the rear of the structure
separation determines how
conductors are separated from associated with a functional
where the horizontal and
busbars functional units and
each other
unit from those of any other
vertical busbar are located
terminals are separated from
Form 3b solution is defined as
functional unit and the busbars
each other. CX is designed to
the separation of terminais for /e ind/vidual separation of each
2. The cabling section located provide separation in both Form external conductors trom the
functional units outgoing
in a separate fully
3b and 4b solut ons
terminals from each other
segregated cable chamber
functional units, but not from
housing both control and
Form 3o and 4b are defined as: those of other functional units
power cable terminations
the separation of the busbars i.e. a common cable chamber
from each functional unit and where all outgoing terminals
3. The equipment section at
the separation of each
are grouped togethe
he front where the
functional unit from each other.
withdrawable functional
units are fitted
Internal separation in accordance with IEC 61439-2
Form 1
Form 2b
Form 3a
Form 3b
Form 4a
Form 4b
Busbars (main distribution) are
separated trom functional units
Functional units are separated
From other functional units
Terminals are external
o functional units
Terminations to functional units
are separated from each other
Terminals are separated from
the busbars
Power Xpert CXB supported forms
of separation
External Degree of Protection
CX panels have a degree
of protection according to
lEC 60529 of IP31 and an
option for iP55.
The different parts / compart
ments comply with the
following degrees of protection
● Between main busbar
compartment and any other
compartments: IP2X
Between switchgear and
controlgear compartments
and cable-entry compartment
Between mutual
compartments of each
functional unit within a
cubicle: IP2X
Within opened
compartments: IP2X
Within switchgear with
removed drawout units: P2X
Design philosophy of MCC Withdrawable units
Type 2 Coordination
technical Commission (IEC) comb ination of a motor c
The International Electro
side of the controller t
Type 2 coordination protection
provides confidence that the
developed short circuit
controller (contactor or starter) motor contral components will
performance criteria for
and short circuit protective
be operable following a short
contactors and motor starters device(manual motor protector, circuit fault. This reusabil ity
called Type 1 and Type 2
circuit breaker or fuse)
translates into huge savings
ordinat on. This standard
et the following criteria as
due to reduced downtime and
defines motor controller
specified by IEC 60947-4-1
replacement costs
protection levels following a
short circuit fault
Motor controllers with Type 1 CX motor control units are
coordination protection level
Performance ,levels- either
designed and tested to provide
are allowed to have significant Type 2 protection in the entire
Type 1 or Type 2 coordination damage after a short circuit and system thus ensuring the
are determined by the level of
damage to components with in may not be suitable for further highest uptime during its
a motor controller after a she
service without repair and
circuit fault on the outgo ng
replacement of parts
Unique Mechanical Test Position of MCc Withdrawable Units
Connected position·ON
Test position
Disconnected position
Test button is illuminated and colour blue visible
Colours green and blue are visible
The withdrawable units in The following positions are
Disconnected position
All positions are also clearly
CX are designed around
available for each unit
The unit is partially
marked on the drawer p
safety, ease of operation
Connected position
withdrawn and is separated indicator strip with the blue
45 mm from the distribution (test) and green(disconnect
using Eatons patented
bars, main disconnect is
colours for extra visual aid
The unit is inserted. main
ain and contro
mechanical test position,
disconnect is closed, main
circuits are disconnected
The units are fully withdrawable
ergonomic design and
and control circuit is
padlocking is possible
without using tools and the
different positions of with
flexibility These units can
con nected
Remoyed unit
drawable parts (connected
be easily exchanged
The unit is completely
test, isolated and removed) will
The unit is inserted, main
withdrawn from the motor
be achieved in accordance with
without having to
d th
disconnect any power or
nd control circuits are
control cabling
connected, padlocking is
optional dummy unit can be The degree of protection in the
test and isolation position shall
When the unit is in the on
be at east p3x. this allows
Test position
position, the mechanical test the operator to leave the
The unit is partially with
posit on mechanism iS
compartments in the panel
drawn and is separated
interlocked with the operating
when in the various positions
30 mm from the distribution shaft of the main disconnect
without impacting the integrity
bars main disconnect is
device(MCP)to ensure that
f the complete system
open. main circuit is
the compartment can not be
disconnected, control circu
is connected the test button
IS Illuminated, pad ocking Is
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