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 详细说明:Fundamentals_of_Python_From_First_Programs_through_Data_Structures_2009.pdfFundamentals of Python From First Programs Through Data Structures Kenneth A. Lambert Martin Osborne, Contributing Author COURSE TECHNOLOGY CENGAGE Learning Australia. Brazil Japan Korea. Mexico Singapore Spain- United Kingdom. United States COURSE TECHNOLOGY P CENGAGE Learning" Fundamentals of Python: From First O)2010 Course Technology, Cengage Learning Programs Through Data Structures ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright Kenneth A. Lambert herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by Executive EdiTor: Marie Lee any means graphiC, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited Lo photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, Acquisitions Editor: Amy Jollymore information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except Senior Product Manager Alyssa pratt as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Development Editor: Ann Shaffer Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Editorial Assistant: Julia Leroux-Lindsey Marketing Manager: Bryant Chrzan For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 Content Project Manager: Matt Hutchinson For permission to use material from this text or praduct, submit al Art director: marissa falco requestsonlineatwww.cengage.com/permissions Compositor: Gex Publishing Services Further permissions questions can be emailed to permissionrequestcengage.com SBN-13:978-1-4239-0218-8 SBN-10:1-4239-0218-1 Course Technol Boston Massachusetts 02210 USA Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions ith office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, and Japan. Locate your local office at international cengage. com/region Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education ltd Foryourlifelonglearningsolutionsvisitcoursecengage.com Purchase any of our products at your local college store or at our preferred onlinestorewww.ichapters.com Some of the product names and company names used in this book have ly and may tered trademarks of their respective manufacturers and sellers. Any fictional data related to persons or companies or URLs used through ut this book is intended for instructional ly. At the time this book d, any such data was fictional and not belonging to any real persons or companles engage Learning, reserve and make changes from time to time in its The programs in this book are for instructional purposes only They have been tested with care, but are not guarante any parti intent beyond educational purposes. The author and the publisher do not nties or representations, nor do they accept any liabilities ith to the Printed in canad 12345671211100908 欢迎加入非盈利 Python蝙程学习交流Q群/83452347,群里免表提供5004本 Pyt hon籍 Table of contents [CHAPTER]1INTRODUCTION Two Fundamcntal Idcas of Computcr Scicncc: Algorithms and Information P g 1.1.1 Algorithms 1.1.2 Exercises 12 Thc Structurc of a mode 1.2. 1 CoInputer Hardw 1.2.2 Computer Software 1.2 Exercises 1.3 A Not-So-Brief History of Computing Systems 10 1.3.1 Before Electronic Digital Computers 1.3.2 The First Electronic Digital Computers(1940-1950 1.3.3 The First Programming Languages(1950-1965) 1.3.4 Integrated Circuits, Interaction, and Timesharing (1965-1975).18 1.3.5 Personal Computing and Networks(1975-1990 1.3. 6 Consultation, Communication, and Ubiquitous Computing (1990-Present).... 1.4 Getting Started with Python programming 1.4.1 Running Code in the Interactive Shell 1.4.2 ng 1.4.3 Editing, Saving, and Running a Script. 27 1.4.4 Behind the Scenes: Hlow Python Works..... 29 1.4 E 1.5 Detecting and Correcting Syntax errors 1.5 Exercises Suggestions for Further Reading ummary Review Questions Projec [CHAPTER] 2 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, DATA TYPES, AND EXPRESSIONS 39 2.1 Thc Softwarc Dcvclopmcnt Proccss 10 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 Request 2.2.2 Anal 2.2.4 Implernentation(Coding) 2.2.5 Testing 欢迎加入非盈利 Python编程学习交流Q群783462347,群里免费提供500+本 Pyt hon籍 2.3 Strings, Assignment, and Comments 23.1D g 2.3.3 scape Sequences 2.3.4 String Concatenation 2.3.6 PrograIn Cotlmlents and Docstring t 2.3.5 variabl 2.3 2.4 Numeric Data Types and Character Sets 241 Integers and Long Integers……… 2.4.2 Floating-Point Numbers 2. 4.3 Character Sets 2.4 Exercise: 2.5 Expressions 2.5.1 Arithmetic Expressions 2.5.2 Mixcd-Modc Arithmetic and Typc Conversions 2.5 2.6 Using Functions and module 2.6.1 Calling Functions: Arguments and Return values 2.6.2The math Module 2.6.3 Thc Main Module. 2.6.4 Program Format and Structure 2.6.5 Running a Script from a Terminal Command Prompt 2.6 Summary Review Questions Projects [CHAPTER]3 CONTROL STATEMENTS 3. Definite iteration: The for loop…… 76 3.1.1 Executing a Statement a Given Number of Times...76 3.1.2 Count-Controlled Loops 3.1.3 Augmented Assignment 3.1.4 Loop Errors: Off-by-One Frror 3.1.5'lraversing the Contents of a Data Sequence 3.1.6 Specifying the Steps in the range 3. 1.7 Loops That Count Down 82 3.1 Exerci 3.2 F 3.2 3.3 Case Study: An Investment Report.. …87 3.3.2 Analy 333D 3.3.4 Imple 3.3.5 Testing 3,4 Sclcction: if and if-else statcmcnts 91 3.4.1 The Boolean Type, Comparisons, and Boolean Expressions..91 3. 4.2 if-else Statements 欢迎加入非盈利 Python蝙程学习交流Q群/83452347,群里免表提供5004本 Pyt hon籍 3.4.3 One-Way Selection Statements 3.4.4 Multi-way if Statements......... 95 3.4.5 Logical Operators and Compound Boolean Expressions 3.4.6 Short-Circuit Evaluation 3.4.7 Testing Selection Statements......... 3.4 101 3.5 Conditional Iteration: The while loop 3.5.1 The Structure and Behavior of a while Loop 3.5.2 Count Control with a while Loop 3.5.3 The while True L nd the break statement ∴105 3.5.4 Random Numbers 107 3.5.5 Loop Logic, Errors, and Testing 109 3.5 109 3.6 Case study: Approximating square roots 110 3.6.1 110 362 analysis.… 110 363D 110 3.6.4 Implementation( Coding) 112 36.5 Testing l13 Summary… 113 Rcvicw Qucstions 116 118 [CHAPTER] 4 STRINGS AND TEXT FILES 121 4.1 Accessing Characters and Substrings in Strings 122 4.1.1 Thc Str 4.1.2 The Subscript Ope 4.1.3 Slicing for Substrings ng for a Substring with the in Ope 41 Exerci 126 42 D 126 42 Exercises 4.3 and Nuinber s 129 4.3.1 The Positional System for r 130 4. 3.2 Converting Binary to Decimal 131 4.3.3 onverting decimal to Bi 132 4.3.4 Conversion Shortcut 133 4.3.5 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers 4.3 F 4.4 String methods 4,4 Exercises 140 4 Text files 4.5.1 Text Files and Their Furr 4.5.2 Writing Text to a file .142 4.5.3 Writing Numbers to a File 4.5.4 Reading ' lext from a File...........143 4.5.5 Rcading Numbcrs from a Filc 145 4.5.6 Accessing and Manipulating Files and Directories on Disk 146 欢迎加入非盈利 Python编程学习交流Q群783462347,群里免费提供500+本 Pyt hon籍 45 148 4.6 Case Study: Text Analysis 148 46.1R 4.6.2 Analysis.... 149 463D 150 4.6.4 Implementation( Coding) 151 4.6.5 Testing Summa Review Questions… [CHAPTER] 5 LISTS AND DICTIONARIES 159 5.1 160 5.1.1 List Literals and Basic Operators 5.1.2 Replacing an Element in a 163 5.1.3 List Methods for Inserting and Removing Elements 514S: arching a list……… 167 515S 168 5.1.6 Mutator Methods and the Value None l68 5.1.7 Aliasing and Side Effects 169 5.1.8 Equality: Objcct Identity and Structural Equivalence 171 5.1.9 ExaImple: Using a List to Find the Median of a Set of Nunbers.172 5.1.10 Tuples 5.1 .174 5.2 Defining Simple Functions...... 175 5.2.1 Thc Syntax of Simplc Function Dcfinitions 175 5.2.2 Parameters and Arguments 176 5.2.3 The return Statement 5.2.4 Boolean Functions 5.2.5 Defining a main Function 178 5.2 179 53 Case study Generating Sentences .179 531R 179 5.3.2 Analysis 5.3.3 Design 5.3.4 Implementation( Coding) 5.3.5 Testing 183 5.4 Dictionaries 183 5.4.1 Dictionary Literals. .183 5.4.2 Adding Keys and Replacing Values 184 5.4.3 value 5.4 K 5.4.5 Traversing a Dictionary 186 5.4.6 Example: The Hexadecimal System Revisited.....188 5.4.7 Example: Finding the Mode of a List of Values 189 Xercises 欢迎加入非盈利 Python蝙程学习交流Q群/83452347,群里免表提供5004本 Pyt hon籍 5.5 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy 191 5.51R 5.5.2 5.5.3 Design…… 192 554 Implementation( Coding)…… 193 5.5.5 Testins 195 Summary 195 R stion P l98 [CHAPTER]6DESIGN WITH FUNCTIONS 201 61 unctions as abstraction mechanisms 202 6.1.1 Functions Eliminate Redundancy 6.1.2 Functions Hide Complexity 203 6.1.3 Functions Support General Methods with Systematic Variations. 204 6. 1.4 Functions Support the Division of Labor 205 61 Exercises 05 6.2 Problem Salving with Top-Down Design 206 6.2.1 The Design of the Text-Analysis Program 206 6.2.2 The Design of the Sentence-Generator Program 207 6.2.3 Thc Dcsign of the Doctor Program 209 62 Exercises .210 63 Design with Recursive Functions “--+“-++=-+ 211 6.3.1 Defining a Recursive Function 2l1 6.3.2 Iracing a Recursive Function 213 6.3.3 Using Rccursive Dcfinitions to Co 6.3.4 Recursion in Sentence Structure 6.3.5 Infinite Recursion 215 6.3.6 The Costs and Benefits of Recursion 216 6,3 6,4 Case Study: Gathering Information from a File System……… 219 6. 4.1 Request 219 6.4.2 Analvsis 220 64.3T 22 6.4.4 Implementation( Coding)...... 65 Managing a Programs Namespace…… 6.5.1 Module Variables, Parameters, and Temporary Variables 227 652S 28 6.5.3T.ifetime 229 6.5.4Default 230 6.5 Exert 66 Higher-Order Functions(Advanced Topic 6.6.1 Functions as First-Class Data Objects 66.2 Mapping…… 66.3 Filtering…… 66.4 6.6.5 Using lambda to Crcatc Anonymous Functions 237 6.6.6 Creating Jump Tables 238 欢迎加入非盈利 Python编程学习交流Q群783462347,群里免费提供500+本 Pyt hon籍 66 SuIIlImarv 240 Review Ouestions Project 244 [] 7 SIMPLE GRAPHICS AND IMAGE PROCESSING 247 7.1 Simple Graphics 248 7.1.1 Overview of Turtle Graphics 248 71.2 turtle Operations 249 71.3 Object Instantiation and the turtlegraphics Module 7.1.4 Drawing Two-Dimensional Shapes .254 7.1.5 Taking a Random Walk. 7.1.6 Colors and the RGB System 71.7 ple: Drawing with Random color 7.1.8 Using the str Function with Objects Exercises…… 260 72 Case study: Recursive Patterns in Fractals 72.1 262 7.2.2 Analysis 262 723 263 7.2.4 Implementation(Coding) 73 IImage processing 266 7.3.1 Analog and Digital Information 266 7.3.2 Sampling and Digitizing Images 267 73.3 Image File Format 7.3.4 Imagc-Manipulation Opcrations 268 73.5 mages∴ 73.6 e mades ovule 269 7.3.7 A Loop Pattern for Traversing a Grid 73.8 A Word on tuples 73.9 Converting an Image to Black and White. 73. 10 Converting an Image to Grayscale 277 7.3.11 Copy 7.3.12 Blurring an Image 279 73.13 Edge Detection… 280 73.14 Red 73 Exercises Review or [CHAPTER]8DESIGN WITH CLASSES 291 8.1 Getting Inside Objects and classes 8.1.1 A First Example: The Student Class 293 8.1.2 Docs 296 8.1.3 Method Definitions 296 8.1.4 The init Method and Instance Var 8.1.5 The s



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