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详细说明:AAV作为基因治疗的传递体一直备受关注,而不同血清型的组织特异性也是大家关心的重点。ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT
spine shrinkage
miR-134个> P-Limk1
Synaptic plasticity
(reduced synaptic strength)
depression-like behaviors
The hypothesis of molecular mechanisms underlying the modulatory effects of
miR-134 on neuroplasticity and depression-like behaviors.
MiR-134 modulates chronic stress-induced structural plasticity and
depression-like behaviors via downregulation of limk1/cofilin signaling in rats
liqin Fan, Xiuzhi zhu, Qiqi song, Peng Wang, Zhuxi Liu, Shu Yan Yu*
1. Department of Physiology, Shandong University, School of Medicine, Wenhuaxilu road, Jinan,
Shandong Province, 250012, PR China
2. Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Mental Disorders, School of Medicine, Wenhuaxilu
Road, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250012, PR China
Corresponding author: Shu Yan Yu
E-mail address: shuyanyu(asdu. edu.cn
Increasing evidence has suggested that depression is a neuropsychiatric condition
associated with neuroplasticity within specific brain regions. However, the
mechanisms by which neuroplasticity exerts its effects in depression remain largely
uncharacterized. In the present study we show that chronic stress effectively induces
depression-like behaviors in rats, an effect which was associated with structural
changes in dendritic spines and synapse abnormalities within neurons of the
ventromedial prefrontal cortex(vmPFC). Moreover, unpredictable chronic mild stress
(UCMS) exposure significantly increased the expression of miR-134 within the
vInPFC, an effect which was paralleled with a decrease in the levels of expression and
phosphorylation of the synapse-associated proteins, LIM-domain kinase I(Limk1)
and cofilin. An intracerebral infusion of the adenovirus associated virus
(AAV)-miR-134-sponge into the vmPFC of stressed rats, which blocks mir-134
function, significantly ameliorated neuronal structural abnormalities, biochemical
changes and depression-like behaviors. Chronic administration of ginsenoside rgl
(40 mg/kg, 5 weeks), a potential neuroprotective agent extracted from ginseng,
ignificantly ameliorated the behavioral and biochemical changes induced by UCMS
exposure. These results suggest that mir-134-mediated dysregulation of structural
plasticity may be related to the display of depression-like behaviors in stressed rats
The neuroprotective effects of ginsenoside rgl, which produces an antidepressant
like effect in this model of depression, appears to result from modulation of the
miR-134 signaling pathway within the vmPFC
Key words: Structural plasticity; miR-134: Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Depression; Ginsenoside Rgl
Depression, which is associated with notable alterations in neural activities within
specific brain circuits, is considered a major neuropsychiatric disorder in
contemporary society (Vaidya and Duman 2001; Mayberg 2003). Recently, the
ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) has emerged as the important brain region in
the pathogenesis of depression(Holmes and Wellman 2009; McLaughlin et al. 2009
Radley et al. 2006). Although the functional changes within the vmPFC as related to
depression have yet to be fully elucidated, the reciprocal pathways that exist between
the vmPFC and other critical structures associated with depression suggest some
potential relationships. In specific, the connections involving the vmPFC with that of
the hippocampus and amygdala, insinuate its involvement in deficits of executive
functions such as memory, cognition and reward-related processes, as well as
emotional dysregulation among other stress-related behaviors in rodents. In further
support for a significant role of the vmPFC in depression are results obtained from
neuroimaging studies which revealed that reductions of vmPfc activity were
associated with depression (Takahashi et aL. 2004 ). Moreover, alterations in the
structure and function of dendrites were also found within the vmPFC in response to
chronic stress in animal models(Cook et al. 2004, Goldwater et al. 2009). These
findings demonstrate that modulations in the plasticity of vmPFC neurons are
associated with modifications in brain circuity related to depression. However, the
molecular mechanisms underlying these neuronal plasticity processes within the
vmPFC and how depression-inducing stressors leads to these changes have yet to be
In the mammalian nervous system, microRNAs have been suggested to regulate
the translation of messenger RNAs, and thereby play critical roles in neuronal
development, differentiation and plasticity(lacoangeli et al. 2010; Presutti et al. 2006)
For example, miR-124, which was found to be preferentially expressed in neurons
represents an important regulator for the temporal progression of adult neurogenesis
Cheng et al. 2009), while mir-132 appears to be critical for the formation and
plasticity of neuronal connections ( Pathania et al. 2012). It has been hypothesized that
miRNAs can repress the translation of synaptically localized mRNAs until these
neurons are exposed to the appropriate extracellular stimuli, which will then result in
the formation, maturation and/or plasticity of the synapse(bredy et al. 2011; Higuchi
et aL. 2016). MiR-134, a brain-specific microrna which is mainly localized to the
synapto-dendritic compartment of ncurons, has been suggested to negatively regulate
dendritic spine development and plasticity(Schratt et al. 2006). Findings from recent
studies have also demonstrated that mir-134 negatively regulates hippocampal
synaptic plasticity to result in cognitive deficits by inhibiting mRNAs of
plasticity-associated proteins such as Lim-domain-containing protein kinasel (Limk1)
(Liu ct al. 2017). Limkl is considered to function as a positive regulator of actin
filament dynamics via its capacity to inhibit cofilin activity, the key actin
depolymerizing factor located in postsynaptic sites. The phosphorylation of LimkI
which subsequently phosphorylates and inhibits the activity of cofilin, prevents the
cleavage of filamentous actin, thereby stabilizing the actin cytoskeleton and spine
sizes(Bamburg 1999, Gunning et al. 2015; Sarmiere and Bamburg 2002). It has been
reported that a limki deficiency leads to abnormalities in dendritic spine structure
and synaptic transmission efficiency in Limkl knockout mice effects similar to that
found with miR-134 overexpression(Meng et al. 2002). Moreover, studies in rats
have demonstrated that stress produces a long-term inhibition of limkI mrNA
translation, an effect which is critical for changes in synaptic plasticity. Interestingly,
both of these alterations are ameliorated with antidepressant treatment(Nava et al.
2017). Thus, when subjected to stress, the mir-134-mediated reductions in Limk1
phosphorylation levels may be responsible for the de-phosphorylation of cofilin,
thereby resulting in depolymerization of actin filaments in post-synaptic sites to
induce morphological changes in dendritic spines. However, whether such
mechanisms are involved in the dysregulation of neuronal structural plasticity within
the vmPFC as induced by chronic stress to produce depression-like behaviors are
Recently, traditional herbal medicines have become novel pharmacological tools
for use in the treatment of various neurological disorders. The benefits of these agents
reside in their neuroprotective effects and high safety margins (Nemeroff 2007; Van
der Watt et al. 2008 ) Ginsenoside rgl, the active principle ingredient of the herb
Panax ginseng, is now being investigated as a valuable neuroprotective agent in the
treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders( zhang et al
2012, Song et al. 2013). It has also been reported that ginsenoside rgl shows
significant neuroprotective effects in a variety of cognitive and memory deficit animal
models(Wang et al. 2014; Zhu et al. 2014). In addition, findings from recent studies
have revealed that ginsenoside rgl could also function as an antidepressant through
its ability to reverse the decreases in hippocampal bdnf protein levels in mice
subjected to chronic stress (Jiang et aL. 2012). Studies within our laboratory have
shown that chronic treatment of ginsenoside rgl significantly ameliorated
depression-like behaviors in rats, possibly via activating the CREB-BDNF signaling
pathway, a crucial regulator in protecting and sustaining the normal structure and
function of neurons (Zhu et al. 2016; Liu et al. 2016). Recent evidence has
implicated that ginsenoside Rgl promotes the neural differentiation of mouse
ldipose-derived stem cells via upregulation of miRNA-124 expression (Dong et al
2017), as well as by promoting angiogenesis, possibly through the modulation
of mirna-214 or mirNA-23a expression( Chan et al. 2009: Kwok et al. 2015)
Therefore, these results suggest that the neuroprotective effects of ginsenoside rg
might serve as the basis to explain its antidepressant effects. However, detailed
characterization of the neuronal mechanisms underlying neuronal structural and
functional plasticity in depression and thus the antidepressant-like effects of
ginsenoside Rglis remains to be explored
Therefore, in the present study, we first investigated whether treatment with
ginsenoside rgl could prevent the neuronal structural changes and depression-like
behaviors induced by UCMs exposure in rats. To explore some of the underlying
mechanisms of the neuroprotective and antidepressant-like effects of ginsenoside rgl
the regulatory roles of miR-134 upon the structural plasticity-related proteins, Limk 1
and cofilin, were examined within the vmPFC, a crucial brain region involved in the
pathogenesis of depression in the UCMs animal model
2. Materials and methods
2. 1. Animals
Male Wistar rats(160-180g) were obtained from the Shandong University Animal
entre. all procedures were approved by the shandong university Animal Care and
Use Committee and were performed in accordance with the National Institutes of
Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals(National Research Council,
1996). Animals were housed under standard laboratory conditions and allowed to
adapt to these conditions for 7-8 days prior to use in the experiments Behavioral tests
were performed in the dark phase of the light/dark cycle. All efforts were made to
minimize the pain and numbers of the animals used in the experiments
2.2. Drugs and treatment
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