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 详细说明:最新SENT协议通信标准,广泛用于汽车行业内总线与各传感器件间的数据传输。SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 3 of 120 Appendix a Recommended application specific protocols 38 AppendⅸB Checksum examples 51 Appendix C Testing guidelines ppendix D Ap Serial channel message IDS 58 Appendix E ommon sensor definitions 着 Appendix F Fast channel multiplexing 93 AppendⅸG SENT connectors 101 Appendix H sent data frame formats .103 ppendⅸ Alternative receiver circuit .118 Figure 3.2.1-1 SENT standard structure and transmission layers Figure 5.2.1-1 EXample encoding scheme for two 12 bit signals Figure 5.2.3-1 EXample nominal nibble times EB国B面BB1B .12 FF ure523-2 Continued example nibble values 12 Igure Construction of short serial data message from 16 SENT messages .13 Figure Enhanced serial message format with 12-bit data field and 8-bit message li Figure Construction of enhanced serial data message from 18 SENT messages Enhanced serial message format with 16-bit data field and 4-bit message lo ... 15 Figure5.2.4.2-3 .15 Figure5.2.4.3-1 Order of the message bits,24- bit message used for CRC generation………….…...….…..16 Figure 5.3.2-1 Quantisation of sampled and calibrated nibble Figure Error pattern for successive calibration pulse detection 19 Figure Successive calibration pulse detection 20 Figure 6.2.1-1 lustration of clock error accumulation as given in table 6. 2.1-1 26 Figure 6.3-1 Example SENT system interface circuit topology 27 Figure 6.3.1-1 Example SEnT shaped waveform transmitter output 28 Figure 6.3.1-2 SENT transmit pulse parameters ∴28 Figure 6.3.1-3 SENT system interface circuit topology for a regulated 5v power supply of the transmitter by the receiver Figure 6.3.1-4 SENT system interface circuit topology for an independent 5v power supply in the receiver with identical signal ground line and power ground line.................………….,30 Figure 6.3.1-5 SENT system interface circuit topology for an independent 5v power supply in the receiver with separate signal ground line and power ground line 31 Figure 6.3.2-1 Legacy SEnT receiver interface circuit topology 33 Figure 6.3.2-2 Recommended SENT system interface circuit topology 33 Figure 6. 3.2-3 Example alternative SENT system interface circuit topology Figure C1.2.1-1 Error time examples ..55 Figure C. 1.2.2-1 Worst case age for signal as received by ECU Figure C 2-1 Supply current ripple test setup….…. .·: …57 Figure D6-1 Example: serial message cycle with 14 messages (table D 6-1)is transmitted continuously Serial message cycle can be captured within 64 messages Figure D.7-1 Start-up phase of the sensor and the ecu 73 Figure E.2.1.1-1 Nominal characteristic function of a sensor(with 12-bit data values) 4.面 78 Figure E.2.1.2-1 Partitioning of measurement data ranges and mapping onto senT data values( for illustration)..80 Figure E.2.2.1-1 Default temperature characteristic function(for illustration) Figure E.2. 2.2-1 High temperature characteristic function(for illustration) 83 Figure E 2.3-1 Ratio transfer function 85 Figure E. Application with default Y1,Y2 87 Figure E. Application with sensor-specifiC Y1,Y2 87 Figure G1.1. 1-1 Assignment example of the electrical signals to the contact numbers (senT ak connector)....101 Figure H 1-1 Format and data channels of sensors with two fast channels 106 Figure H 2-1 Format and data channels of sensors with one fast channel ..107 Figure H.3.1-1 Structure of the high-speed sent frame 109 Figure H4-1 Format and data channels of sensors with fast channel 1 and secure sensor information ww 111 Figure H.5 Format and data channels of single sensors with one 12-bit fast channel 113 Figure H6 Format and data channels of sensors with 14-bit fast channel 1 and 10-bit fast channel 2 .115 Figure H 7-1 Format and data channels of sensors with 16-bit fast channel 1 and 8-bit fast channel 2 117 Fic Igure 1.2-1 Worst case transmitter with reference circuit topology 119 Igure 1. 2-2 Fi Procedure to guarantee that pulse shapes of alternative circuit will always stay within the limits given by the tolerances of the reference circuit.... 120 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 4 of 120 Table 5.2.4-1 Status and communication nibble description Table5.2.4.3-1 Undetected 3 and 4 bit errors BBBm画B国画 16 Tab|e5.4.1-1 Bit flip patterns over two nibbles not detectable using the crc polynomial Tabe5.4.12 Checksum missed detection rate, edge shift between two nibbles (valid frames only, recommended implementation) Tabe54.1-3 Checksum missed detection rate, asymmetrical edge shift offset by 1 between two nibbles (valid frames only, recommended implementation) 23 Tabe6.2.1-1 Communication clock tolerance Tab|e6.3.1-1 Transmitter driver requirements 1面 Tab|e6.3.1-2 Independent 5v powered transmitter requirements 31 Tab|e6.3.13 Independent 5v supply high power transmitter additional requirements .32 Tab|e6.3.2-1 General receiver input requirements 3 Tab|e6.3.2-2 Discrete receiver component values .35 Tab|e63.23 Receiver power supply requirements Table 7.1- SENT configuration shorthand definition Table a.2.1-1 Data channels for maf sensors Table A.2.3.1-1 Short serial message format message ids for mass air flow sensor serial data Table A.2.3.1-2 Error codes for message id f, short serial message format mass air flow sensor serial data Table a.5.1-1 Overview of pressure sensor frame formats and protocols 1副 43 Table a 6.2.1 Interpretation of n-bit temperature data Table A.6.3-1 Overview of temperature sensor frame formats and protocols 47 Table a.6.3-2 Overview of temperature sensor frame formats and protocols using fast channel multiplexing 48 Table b 1-1 EXample 4-bit checksum calculations, legacy implementation 51 Table B 1-2 Example 4-bit checksum calculations, recommended implementation 51 able b 1-3 Example 4-bit crc calculation by polynominal division 52 Table B 1-4 Example 4-bit crc verification by polynominal division 53 Table b 2-1 Example checksum calculations, 6-bit crc 54 Table C.1.2. 1-1 Number of wrong frames for error time Table c 2-1 Supply current ripple test setup circuit parameters 57 Table d. 1-1 Serial message channel 8-bit message ids. ..............................................................................58 Table d2-1 Serial message channel 4-bit message ids able d3-1 SENT revision codes Table d,4,1-1 SENT sensor types 61 Table d.2-1 SENT Sensor classes 69 Table D 5-1 Definition of error and status messages, transmitted over the serial channel 70 Table d 6-1 EXample: sub-set of message ids that are used by a sensor within one serial message cycle....72 Table d 8-1 Manufacturers codes Table d9-1 Transmission of ascii characters over $90 to $97: encoding example 75 Table e.1.2-1 Examples: measurement data and signaling data regions of fast and supplementary channel data. 76 Table E1.3-1 Error indicators/ specific messages /initialization message Table E.2.1.2-1 Partitioning of the signal data space with default Y1 and Y2 79 Table E.2. 1, 4-1 Default Y1 and Y2 values Table E.2. 1.5-1 Transmission of generic linear transfer characteristic node values with 12-bit .81 Table e.2.2-1 Overview of temperature transfer characteristic functions Tab|eE.2.2.1-1 Transfer function parameters for default linear temperature data channe/ .82 Table e24-1 Transfer function parameters for pressure data channels 85 Table e24-2 llustration of possible values for and for pressure data channels ∴86 Table e24-3 Transmission of pressure transfer characteristic node values with 12-bit Table E 2.2.3-1 Transfer function parameters for special linear temperature data channels .84 Table E25-1 Illustration of possible values for and for linear position data channe/s Transfer function parameters for position data channels 88 Table e.2.5-2 Table e.2.5-3 Illustration of possible values for and for angle data channels ∴89 ab|eE.2.5-4 Illustration of possible values for and for relative position and relative angle data channels .....89 Table e2 6- Transfer function parameters for linear maf data channel 89 Table e.3.2-1 Setting of error messages and signals Table F2-1 Fast channel multiplexing data frame formats examples with six data nibbles 93 Table f2-2 Examples for mapping of sensor data into fast channel multiplexing data frame format.......94 Table f 4-1 Allocation of the bits of the status and communication nibble ∴95 Table f5-1 Example of failure cases with single sensor data channel .: 97 Table f5-2 Example of failure cases with two sensor data channels 98 SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 5 of 120 Table f.6.1-1 data frames with 12-bit sensor data 99 Table f.6.2-1 Data frames with 16-bit sensor data Table f.6.3-1 Data frames with two sensor data channels 100 Table f.6. 4-1 Data frames with free to use data 100 Table G1.1.1-1 SENT connector termination assignment 101 Table h-1 Basic sent frame formats data channels and nibble orders 104 Table h-2 Allocation of the bits of the status and communication nibble 104 Table h 1-1 Nibble and bit orders for sensors with two 12-bit fast channels 106 Table h.3.1-1 Nibble and bit orders for high-speed 12-bit sensors 109 Table h5-1 Nibble and bit orders for single sensors with one 12-bit fast channel Nibble and bit orders for sensors with 14-bit fast channel 1 and 10-bit fast channe/2 112 Table h6-1 114 Table h7-1 Nibble and bit orders for sensors with 16-bit fast channel 1 and 8-bit fast channel 2 116 Table 1-1 Allowed pulse shape deviation between reference receiver and alternative circuit 118 1. SCOPE This document defines a level of standardization in the implementation of the digital pulse scheme for reporting sensor information via Single Edge Nibble Transmission(SENT)encoding. This standard will allow ECU and tool manufacturers to satisfy the needs of multiple end users with minimum modifications to the basic design. This standard will benefit vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturers(OEMs) by achieving lower ECU costs due to higher industry volumes of the basic design Requirements stated in this document provide a minimum standard level of performance to which all compatible ECUs and media shall be designed. This assures data communication among all connected devices regardless of supplier This document is a communication interface specification and no to be treated as product specification The intended audience includes, but is not limited to, ECU suppliers, sensor suppliers, component release engineers and vehicle system engineers 1.1 Overview The Single Edge Nibble Transmission encoding scheme(SENT)is intended for use in applications where high resolution sensor data needs to be communicated from a sensor to an Electronic Control Unit(ECU). It is intended as a replacement for the lower resolution methods of 10 bit A/D's and PWM and as a simpler low cost alternative to can or LIN. the implementation assumes that the sensor is a smart sensor containing a microprocessor or dedicated logic device(AsIC)to create the signal SENT is a unidirectional communications scheme from sensor transmitting device to controller /receiving device which does not include a coordination signal from the controller/receiving device. The sensor signal is transmitted as a series of pulses with data encoded as falling to falling edge periods. Details of the signal encoding may vary for specific sensor applications described in various appendices of this specification SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 6 of 120 2 REFERENCES 2.1 Applicable Documents The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply 2.1.1 SAE Publications Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323(inside USA and Canada)or +1724-776-4970(outside Usa),Www.Sae.org SAE J551(All parts) Performance Levels and Methods of Measurement of Electromagnetic Compatibility for Vehicles and devices SAE J1113(All parts) Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures for Vehicle Components SAE J1930 Electrical/Electronic Systems Diagnostic Terms, Definitions, Abbreviation and Acronyms 2.1.2 Other Publications CISPR 25 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics for the protection of receivers Used On Board Vehicles(available at webstore. iec. ch) ES-XW7T-1A278-Ac Ford Component and Subsystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Worldwide Requirements and Test Procedures(availableatwww.fordemc.com.ThisdocumentshallbereferredtoastheFordEmc Spec GMW3097 General Specification for Electrical Electronic Components and Subsystems, Electromagnetic Compatibility( this document will be referred to as the GM EMC Spec) ANSI INCITS 4-1986(R2007) American National Standards Institute, 2007 USCAR United States Council for Automotive Research, USCAR EWCAPEWCAP Footprints Database, 1.2 mm Connectors(sealed),(availableathttp://www.uscar.org/quest/teams/10/electrical-wiring-component- Applications-Partnership 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS 3.1 GLOSSARY 3.1.1 Media The physical entity that conveys the electrical (or equivalent means of communication) signal transmission between electronic devices 3.1.2 Protocol The formal set of conventions or rules for the exchange of information between electronic devices. This includes the specification of the signal frame administration, frame transfer and physical layer SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 7 of 120 3.1.3 Message One sequence of calibration pulse and specified number of nibble pulses for that implementation The number of nibbles is constant for each implementation but the individual message times can vary depending on the specific values of the nibbles 3.1.4 Radiated emissions The energy that radiates from the physical layer 3.1.5 Radiated Immunity The level of susceptibility of physical layer components to communication errors in the presence of high energy electromagnetic fields 3.1.6 Receiver module The processor that receives the encoded signal. Generally an ECU with falling-edge detection and timing measurement capabilities 3.1.7 Transmitter module The device that generates the message to the receiver module. Generally a smart sensor 3.1.8 Nominal Time period assuming no transmitter clock error 3.1.9 Pulse period Time between consecutive falling edges of the transmitting signal 3.1.10 Error Indicates that a problem exists with current sample, data or message 3.1.11 Fault Indicates that enough errors have been detected (usually matured by counting X errors in-a-row or via up-down or X-out- of-Y counters or other filtering means )to develop into a fault which is latched until cleared 3.1.12 Clock Tick Time Fundamental time unit in transmitter used to construct SENT output signal 3.1.13 Signal ground Line The reference point from which all SEnT electrical interface voltage parameters are measured; transmitter requirements are defined with respect to the Signal Ground pin on the transmitting device; receiver requirements are defined with respect to the return pin on the receiving module. An equivalent term for the Signal ground Line is Signal Return Line. The suffix GND is linked to the Signal Ground Line 3.1.14 Power ground line The signal through which the primary power current for a module flows to a system level ground node. Under certain conditions it is possible, that Power Ground Line and Signal Ground Line are identical 3.1.15 Medium Temperature Measured temperature of a physical medium defined in the specification of the particular sensor of the transmitter SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 8 of 120 3.1.16 Internal Reference Temperature Measured internal temperature of some point within the transmitter(e.g, integrated circuit). This temperature can be used by the receiver as a reference to determine the status of the transmitter 3.1.17 Reserved data ranges Reserved data ranges shall be used, as specified in SAE J2716, or they are retained for future use by the SAE. These data ranges may not be assigned to any other use 3.1.18 Fast Channel The data transmitted on the data nibble pulses can carry the payload data of one or more Fast Channels. the data rate of these payload data channels is determined by the number of bits(e.g, 12 bits)in each signal data field and the period of the sEnT transmission sequence. These channels are called Fast Channels, since their data rate is significantly larger than the data rate of the serial Message channel 3.1.19 Slow Channe The Serial Message Channel is also denoted as slow Channel in earlier revisions of sAe J2716. The term Slow Channel is used as opposed to Fast Channel 3.1.20 Serial Message Channe Two bits per sent data frame can be allocated to a serial message channel. Either Enhanced Serial Message Format or Short Serial Message Format can be used for data transmission over the serial message channel. the enhanced Serial Message Format is recommended rather than the short Serial Message Format 3.1.21 Enhanced Serial Message Format Recommended format of the serial Message channel frame 3.1.22 Short Serial Message Format Format of the serial message channel frame 3.1.23 Supplementary Data Channels Enhanced Serial Message Format frames can carry supplementary data channels. These supplementary data channels can transmit measurement data from further sources at a lower rate than the data on the fast channels. a default assignment of supplementary data channels is defined for specific sensor classes 3.2 OVERVIEW OF SENT STANDARD STRUCTURE The main body of the standard defines the mandatory means of the physical as well as data link layer with limited degrees of freedom for implementation The system designer has to specify the sent compliant component by choosing the options and limit the variance given within physical and data link layer definitions of the main bod The application specific definitions within the appendices are intended to help the system and component designer to limit the variance of implementations to support interchangeability of components, but following them is not mandatory The system designer should start by using the application specific protocols of APPENDIX A and additionally limit from the available ranges and choose from the set of available options for the transmitting component. Regardless the application specific protocols defined with APPENDIX A there are still some options which are open to be chosen for different implementations by the component designers. These options need to be defined with the component specifications and either be covered by the receiver design or have to be limited by the system designer A flexible receiver design adapting to different options is recommended and supports the interchangeability SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 9 of 120 3.2.1 SENT Transmission Layers Figure 3.2. 1-1 illustrates the structure of the SENT standard and the relationship of as well the sections of the main body as the appendices of the document to the data transmission layers Since the functions which define one layer of the SENT protocol are required by the functions of the layer above it, this overview also explains the hierarchy of the sections of the SENT standard I D.4.1 Sensor Classes and Types i E 1 Reserved Signaling ranges E 2 Transfer Function 3 Error Messages and Signals A 1 Throttle Position Sensors A2 Mass Air Flow Sensors D.1,D.2,D.3,D.8,D.9 A.5 Pressure Sensors Message IDS A6T I D5 Error and Status Messages D.6. Serial Messaging Rules I A 7 Position Sensors and ratio Sensors D.4.2 Supplementary Data Cha 5.2 Framing of Bit Patterns, Frame App. H Frame Formats, Data Structure Channels, Nibble Orders i 5.2 Serial Messaging Channels lApp. F Fast Channel 1 5.3 Transmission and Reception of Multiplexing Data Frames 、154 Error detetion 6.1 SENT Tick Time Tolerances 6.2 Receiver and Transmitter Clocks i App. G SENT Connectors 16.3 Transmitter and Receiver Electrical Requirements 6.4, 6.5 ESD, EMC Reg 3.2.2 SENT Appendices Protocols and frame formats are common to multiple sensor types Application-specific sensor types, data transmission formats and protocols can be specified by references to respective sections that define generic functions and frame formats. SENT test conditions are specified in APPENDIX C SAE INTERNATIONAL J2716MAPR2016 Page 10 of 120 4 ACRONYMS. ABBREVIATIONS, AND SYMBOLS ASIC-Application Specific Integrated Circuit CAN- Controller area network ECU- Electronic Control unit EMC -Electromagnetic Compatibility ESD-Electrostatic Discharge FC- Frame Control (fast channel multiplexing) ISo-International Organization for Standardization kbits/sec -Thousands of data bits per second LIN -Local Interconnect network LSN- least significant nibble MAF-Mass air flow MidLSN- middle least significant nibble MidMSN -middle most significant nibble MidN - middle nibble MSN-most significant nibble OEM-Original Equipment Manufacturer RE- Radiated emissions RI- Radiated immunity SAE-Society of Automotive Engineers SENT- Single Edge Nibble Transmission TPS- Throttle position sensor 5. SENT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 5.1 General Requirements Transmission occurs independently of any action of the receiver module, i. e, the transmission shall not require a synchronization signal from the receiver module Assumptions used to design the encoding scheme Actual t ransmission time may be dependent on the data values being sent and the transmitter clock variation Message pulse order (i.e, message frame)is fixed for all transmitters Transmitter is allowed a maximum clock tick time variation of +20% Transmission time for the longest data message and max transmitter clock variation is less than 1.0 millisecond at 3 microsecond clock tick time and 6 data nibbles A transmitter specific nominal clock period (tick)between 3 microseconds and 90 microseconds The encoding scheme defines a number of diagnostic tests to be implemented in the receiving module. However for example, the CRC checksum is 4 bit and not as robust as other checking schemes(see section 5.4.1). Therefore the encoding scheme is targeted at systems that can tolerate a low probability of intermittent faulted messages not being detected via the scheme's diagnostic suite. In case additional robustness is needed, application level diagnostics should be used



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