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 详细说明:ARINC429总线协议又称ARINC是美国航空电子工程委员会(Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee)于1977年7月提出的,并于同年节月发表并获得批准使用。它的全称是数字式 信息传输系统DITS。协议标准规定了航空电子设备及有关系统间的数字信息传输要求。ARINC429广泛应用在先进的民航客机中,如B-737、B757、B-767,俄制军用飞机也选用了类似的技术。我们与之对应的标准是HB6096-SZ-01。ARIN<535A7■371?D023]己bb Copyright 199 AERONAUTICAL RADIO INC 2551 Riva road Annapolis, Maryland 24101-7465 ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 535A LIGHTWEIGHT HEADSET AND BOOM MICROPHONE Published: March 3. 1972 Prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee Characteristic 535 Adopted by the airlines electronic Engineering committee October 18.1956 Characteristic 535 Approved by the board of Directors March 20. 1957 Characteristic 535 pproved by the Member Airlines March 25957 Charactcristic 535A Adopted by the Board of Directors August 12,1971 ARINO535A7■03071?a2312?5T2■ FOREWORD Activities of AERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC. (ARiNC) ar Purpose of arinc characteristics Aeronautical Radio, Inc is a corporation in which the United states scheduled airlines are the principal stockholders. Other stockholders include a variety of other air transport companies aircraft manufacturers and foreign flag airlines Activities of ARINC include the operation of an extensive system of domestic and overseas aeronautical land radio stations, the fulfillment of systems requirements to accomplish ground and airborne compatibility, the allocation and assignment of frequencies to meet those needs, the coordination incident to standard airborne compatibility, the allocation and assignment of frequencies to meet those needs, the coordination incident to standard airborne communications and electronics systems and the exchange of technical information. ARINC sponsors the airlines Electronic Engineering Committee(AEEC), composed of airline technical personnel. The AEEC Equipment Characteristics is a principal function of this Committe airlines The establishment of formulates standards for electronic equipment and systems for the An arinc Equipment characteristic is finalized after investigation and coordination with the airlines who have a requirement or anticipate a requirement, with other aircraft operators, with the military services having similar requirements, and with the equipment manufacturers. It is released as an arinc Equipment Characteristic only when the interested airline companies are in general agreement. Such a release does not commit any airline or arinc to purchase equipment so described nor does it establish or indicate recognition of the existence of an operational requirement for such equipment, not does it constitute endorsement of any manufacturer's product designed or built to meet the Characteristic. An ARINC Characteristic has a twofold purpose which is 1) To indicate to the prospective manufacturers of airline electronic equipment the considered opinion of the airline technical people, coordinated on an industry basis concerning requisites of new equipment, and (2) To channel new equipment designs in a direction which can result in the maximum possible standardization of those physical and electrical characteristics which influence interchangeability of equipment without seriously hampering engineering Initiative ARINO535A?■030751?002312B4彐■ ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 535A TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION cope Associated Equipment Applicable Publications Regulatory approval MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS Weight 2223333 Earpieces 2.3 Boom microphone 24 Cord 3.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Microphone 3.2 Headset 3.2.1 3.2.2 Acoustic Output 3.2.3 Distortion 44444455 Plug 3.4 Interaction ATTACHMENtS Typical Configuration of Light-Weight Headset and Boom Microphone ARIN<535 AITEM*D**■D3075]7DD230?4438□ ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 535A Page 1 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Scope This Characteristic covers the requirements for a lightweight headset with integral boom micro phone suitable for pilot use in conventional air- borne radio installations. Characteristic 535A incorporates changes to the older Characteristic 535(dated March 1957)and serves as a continu- ation and modification of the original character- The changes are related to changes in Character- istic 538A (Hand-Held Microphone) and allude par ticularly to the microphone part of this charac- teristic (535A). The modifications were origina l ly suggested by EAEc (fa11 1969)and are consoli dated with the recommendations of an air france microphone analysis Microphones and headsets of many design variations are in satisfactory airline us age and many others are available; therefore, this characteristic does not preclude a particular design nor imply that the design outlined herein constitutes the ont satisfactory headset and microphone It is recognized that cockpit loudspeakers are widely used, and this characteristic in no eflects upon their utili ARINO535 A ITEM*1、口**■0307]?口0己307537■ ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 535A Page 2 1.0 GENE RAL DE SCRIPTION (Cont'd) 1.2 Associated equipment The Headset and Boom Microphone Assembly is normally used in conjunction with an isolation ampl ifier The microphone uses a solid state preamplifier that may be an integral part, or located at or near the microphone connector to raise the voice level to a predetermined value(as discussed in subsequent paragraphs ). a typical conf iguration is shown in Attachment 1.3 Applicable Publications (a) ARINc Specification 403 Guidance for De- signers of Airborne Electronic Equi pment, dated September 1, 1955 b)RTCA Document DO-138-Environmental Con- ditions and Test Procedures for airborne elec- tronic/Electrical Equi pment and Indus tries, dated July 27, 1968 [Not available from ARINC, but may be obtained from the radio Techni cal Commission for Aeronautics. Sui te 659, 1717 H Street, N W, Washington, D.C. 20006, Tele phone(202)296-0484.] (c) ARINC Report 412-Audio Sys tems, dated Sep- tember 30, 1964(AEEC Letter 64-2-47) (d) arinc Characteristic 538A -"Hand-Held Micro phonedated April 3, 1970. 1.4 Requl atory Approval pprova To comply with provisions for regulatory approval of the microphone, manufacturers should note the environmental test requirements outlined in the document referenced in 1.3(b). All applicable FAa type certificate or tso requi rements should be met ARIN535 A ITEM*己,**■30717己3720■ ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 535A Page 3 2.0 MECHANICAL CONS IDERATIONS 2.1 Weight The unit should weigh not more than seven ounces This figure includes headset and mi crophone but not cable and plug 2.2 Earpieces The earpieces should be des i gned to provide efficient sound coupling and noise suppression without discom fort to the user when worn for extended periods of To fulfil this requirement in conditions of high ambient temperature some ventilation of the ear- piece may be needed. factured from a material that is not vul nerable to Earpiece caps should be easily replaceable and man disinfectant fluid or similar detergent If insertion type earpieces are used, they must be easlly eplaceable and should be attached in such a manner that accidental removal will be unlikely 2. 3 Boom Microphone The boom should be adjus table in movement towar away from the user's face, Also, it should be pivoted at or near the earpiece so that it may be swung to a osition completely out of view of the user. The boom locking device should be of a type that permits th swing-up or swing-down to be done quickly and easily but has a positive lock at the up and down positions The mi crophone design should be such as to permit the use of some form of replaceable vapor shield The microphone element or the microphone/ boom assem bly should be eas ily replaceable. 2. 4 Cord The single four-conductor cord should be ligh weight rubber or plastic covered. The nominal length shoul d be six feet ARINO535 A ITEM*3。0**■03?1?00己3?714?■ ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 535A Page 4 3.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Microphone The mi crophone should be of the differential or noise-cancelling type. The electrical charac ter- istics of the microphone and its associated pre- amplifier as used in this equipment are defined in arinc Characteristic 538A 3.2 Headset 3.2.1 Impedance The headset should have an impedance of 600 50 ohms The impe dence may be that of two earphones connected In serles 3.2.2 Acoustic Output The acous tic output of the headset should be 100 dB eference 0002 dynes/square centimeter per 1.0 mi111 watt(0.5 mW per earphone)in the frequency range of 300 to 4000 Hz within the fol lowing iimits: 300 Hz +3 dB ref. 100 dB/0. 5 mw 1000Hz+1.5:dB 000 Hz t 3 dB 8000 Hz -10 db. or more NOTE: 100 dB/0.5 mw is equivalent to 20 dynes /square centimeter per 0.5 mw or 52 dynes /square cent meter per 1 volt. oMMENTARY The headset acoustic output should not exceed 100 dB per mill iwatt because a des ired si gnal-to-noise ratio of 46 dB requires that the system noise hum level be suppressed to a value below 4 mi11ivo 3.23 Distortion Distortion should not exceed 5% in the range of 0.1 to 10.0 milliwatts ARINO535AITE鬥*3.0米*■03071700230780B3 ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 535A Page 5 3.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Contd) 3.3 Plug A single plug and cord should be provided for the microphone and headset. The plug should be an TT-Cannon type XLR-5-12C or equivalent strai ght plug with the following pin connections: Pin 1- headset Pin 2- headset Pin 3 -mike(pre-amp)-higI Pin 4- mike (pre-amp )-reti Note: While this plug is preferred on the indust standard there may be some need, such as for retrofitting, to continue use of the PL-55 and PL-68 plugs or their commercial equi val ents, In such cases the microphone and headset line should be a single cord, branched approxi- mately 6 inches from the connector end. Pin connections should be as follows: Headset PL-55 standard connections Microphone- PL-68 s tandard connections Mike (pre-amp)-hi gh Mike (pre-amp)-retu Shield grout Sleeve 3. 4 Interaction Interaction between microphone and headset in the cord should be held to a minimum by suitable shield ing techn i ques



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