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 详细说明:这个是STM32F1芯片手册,上传供大家下载,仅供学习使用STM32F103XC. STM32F103XD. STM32F103XE Contents 2.3.29 Serial wire JTAG debug port(SWJ-DP) 2.3.30 Embedded trace Macrocell Pinouts and pin descriptions ■■■■■■■■■■■ 24 4 Memory mapping 38 Electrical characteristics 39 5.1 Parameter conditions 39 5.1.1 Minimum and maximum values 5.1.2 Typical values 5.1.3 Typical curves......,,,,..... 重重 39 5.1. 4 Loading capacitor 39 nput voltage 39 5.1.6 Power supply scheme 40 5.1.7 Current consumption measurement 5.2 Absolute maximum ratings 41 5.3 Operating conditions 42 5.3.1 General operating conditions 42 5.3.2 Operating conditions at power-up/power-down 5.3. 3 Embedded reset and power control block characteristics 5.3.4 Embedded reference volta 44 5.3.5 Supply current characteristics.......... ,,,,44 5.3.6 External clock source characteristics 53 5.3.7 Internal clock source characteristics 57 5.3.8 PLL characteristics 58 5.3.9 Memory characteristics 5.3.10 FSMc characteristics 59 5.3.11 EMC characteristics .,78 5.3.12 Absolute maximum ratings ( electrical sensitivity 79 5.3.13 0 port characteristics 80 5.3.14 NRST pin characteristics 5.3.15 TIM timer characteristics 84 5.3.16 Communications interfaces 85 5.3. 17 CAN (controller area network)interface ,,,,94 5.3.18 12-bit adc characteristics ,95 5.3. 19 DAC electrical specifications ,,,,,,100 Contents STM32F103XC. STM32F103XD. STM32F103XE 5.3.20 Temperature sensor characteristics 101 6 Package characteristics 102 6.1 Package mechanical data 102 6.2 Thermal characteristics 110 6.2.1 Reference document 6.2.2 Selecting the product temperature range 11 Part numbering n113 Revision histor 114 4/118 STM32F103xC, STM32F103XD. STM32F103XE List of tables List of tables Table 1 Device summary Table 2. STM32F103X C, sTM32F103XD and sTM32F103XE features and peripheral counts.. 11 Table 3 STM32F103xX family 12 Table 4. Timer feature comparison .17 Table 5. High-density STM32F103XX pin definitions Table 6. FSMC pin definition Table 7 Voltage characteristics Table8. Current characteristics Table 9. Thermal characteristics 42 Table 10. General operating conditions Table 11. Operating conditions at power-up/ power-down, 42 43 Table 12. Embedded reset and power control block characteristics Table 13. Embedded internal reference voltage 44 Table 14. Maximum current consumption in Run mode, code with data processing running from Flash 重D 45 Table 15. Maximum current consumption in Run mode, code with data processing running from rAm .45 Table 16. Maximum current consumption in Sleep mode, code running from Flash or RAM Table 17. Typical and maximum current consumptions in Stop and standby modes 48 Table 18. Typical current consumption in Run mode, code with data processing running from Flash ..50 Table 19. Typical current consumption in Sleep mode, code with data processing code running from Flash or RAM 5 Table 20. Peripheral current consumption ·· 52 Table 21. High-speed external user clock characteristics 53 Table 22. Low-speed external user clock characteristics 54 Table 23. HSE 4-16 MHz oscillator characteristics 55 Table 24. LSE oscillator characteristics(LSE =32.768 kHz) Table 25. Hsi oscillator characteristics 57 Table 26, LSi oscillator characteristics Table 27. Low-power mode wakeup timings 58 Table 28. pll characteristics 58 Table 29. Flash memory characteristics 59 Table 30. Flash memory endurance and data retention 59 Table 31. Asynchronous non-multiplexed sra/PSrAM/NoR read timings 60 Table 32. Asynchronous non-multiplexed SRAM/PSRAM/NOR write timings 6 Table 33. Asynchronous multiplexed PSRAM/NOR read timings 62 Table 34. Asynchronous multiplexed PSRAM/NOR Write timings Table 35. Synchronous multiplexed NOR/PSRAM read timings ..65 Table 36. Synchronous multiplexed PSRAM write timings Table 37. Synchronous non-multiplexed NOR/PSRAM read timings ■ 68 Table 38. Synchronous non-multiplexed PSRAM write timings 69 Table 39. Switching characteristics for PC card/CF read and write cycles ,,,,,,,,74 Table 40. Switching characteristics for NAND Flash read and write cycles Table 41. EMs characteristics 78 Table 42. emi characteristics 79 Table 43. ESd absolute maximum ratings 79 Table 44. Electrical sensitivities ..,79 5/118 List of tables STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD. STM32F103xE Table 45. l/o static characteristics 80 Table 46. Output voltage characteristics Table 47. 0 Ac characteristics 82 Table 48. NRST pin characteristics ,,,,,,,83 Table 49. TIMx characteristics 翻11 84 Table 50. 2C characteristi 85 Table 51. SCL frequency(fpCLK1= 36 MHZ. VDD=3.3 V) 86 Table 52. SPi characteristics Table 53. 2s characteristics 90 Table 54. SD/MMC characteristics ..93 Table 55. USB startup time. 93 Table 56 USB DC electrical characteristics..…… 4 Table 57. USB: full-speed electrical characteristics 94 Table 58. ADC characteristics 95 Table 59. RAIN max for fADC 14 MHZ ....96 Table 60. ADC accuracy-limited test conditions 翻重着■ 96 Table 61. ADC accuracy .....97 Table 62 dac characteristics 100 Table 63. Ts characteristics 101 Table 64. LFBGA144-144-ball low profile fine pitch ball grid array, 10 X 10 mm 0.8 mm pitch, package data 103 Table 65. LFBGA100-low profile fine pitch ball grid array package mechanical data 104 Table 66. WLCSP, 64-ball 4.466 x 4. 395 mm, 0.500 mm pitch, wafer-level chip-scale package mechanical data .105 Table 67. LQFP144, 20 x 20 mm, 144-pin low-profile quad flat package mechanical data.... 107 Table 68. LQPF100- 100-pin low-profile quad flat package mechanical data 108 Table 69. LQFP64-64 pin low-profile quad flat package mechanical data 109 Table 70. Package thermal characteristics 110 Table 71. Ordering information scheme 113 6/118 STM32F103xC, STM32F103XD. STM32F103XE List of figures List of figures Figure 1. STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD and sTM32F103 E performance line block diagram 22 Figure 2. Clock tree Figure 3. STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD and STM32F103XE performance line BGA144 ballout. 24 Figure 4. STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD and STM32F103XE performance line BGA100 ballout. 25 Figure 5. STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD and STM32F103xE performance line LQFP144 pinout. 26 Figure 6. STM32F103X C, sTM32F103XD and sTM32F103XE performance line LQFP100 pinout. 27 Figure 7. STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD and STM32F103xE performance line LQFP64 pinout. 28 Figure 8. STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD and sTM32F103XE performance line WLCSP64 ballout, ball side 29 igure 9 Memory map 38 igure 10. Pin loading conditions 39 Figure 11. Pin input voltage 39 Figure 12. Power supply scheme 40 Figure 13. Current consumption measurement scheme ...40 Figure 14. Typical current consumption in Run mode versus frequency(at 3.6 v) code with data processing running from RAM, peripherals enabled ,46 Figure 15. Typical current consumption in Run mode versus frequency(at 3.6v) code with data processing running from RAM, peripherals disabled 46 Figure 16. Typical current consumption in Stop mode with regulator in run mode versus temperature at different Vop values Figure 17. ypical current consumption in Stop mode with regulator in low-power 48 mode versus temperature at different Vpp values Figure 18. Typical current consumption in Standby mode versus temperature at different Vop values 49 Figure 19. High-speed external clock source AC timing diagram 4 Figure 20. Low-speed external clock source Ac timing diagram 55 Figure 21. Typical application with a 8-MHz crystal .....56 Figure 22. Typical application with a 32.768 kHz crystal Figure 23. Asynchronous non-multiplexed SRAM/PSRAM/NOR read waveforms .,60 Figure 24. Asynchronous non-multiplexed SRAM/PSRAM/NOR write waveforms Figure 25. Asynchronous multiplexed PSRAM/NOR read waveforms 62 Figure 26. Asynchronous multiplexed PSRAM/NOR write waveforms 63 Figure 27. Synchronous multiplexed NOR/PSRAM read timings 64 Figure 28. Synchronous multiplexed PSRAM write timings 66 Figure 29. Synchronous non-multiplexed NOR/PSRAM read timings 68 Figure 30. Synchronous non-multiplexed PSRAM write timings 69 Figure 31. PC Card/CompactFlash controller waveforms for common memory read access .70 Figure 32. Pc card/compactflash controller waveforms for common memory write access 71 Figure 33. PC Card/Compact hlash controller waveforms for attribute memory read access 72 Figure 34. PC Card/ CompactFlash controller waveforms for attribute memory write access Figure 35. PC Card/ CompactFlash controller waveforms for i/o space read access 73 igure 36. PC Card/CompactFlash controller waveforms for 1O space write access ...74 Figure 37. NAND controller waveforms for read access 76 Figure 38. NANd controller waveforms for write access ,,,,,,,,,76 Figure 39. NANd controller waveforms for common memory read access ,,,,,76 Figure 40. NANd controller waveforms for common memory write access ,,,77 7/118 List of fiqures STM32F103XC. STM32F103XD, STM32F103xE Figure 41. 10 AC characteristics definition 83 Figure 42. Recommended NrsT pin protection 84 Figure 43. I]C bus AC waveforms and measurement circuit 86 igure 44. SPI timing diagram- slave mode and CPHA=0 ,.,,,,88 Figure 45. SPI timing diagram-slave mode and CPHA=1(1) ...88 89 47. 1s slave timing diagram(Philips protocol 1) Figure 48. 12s master timing diagram(Philips protocol) (1) Figure 49. SDIO high-speed mode Figure 50. s default mode 92 Figure 51. USB timings: definition of data signal rise and fall time 94 Figure 52. adc accuracy characteristi Figure 53. Typical connection diagram using the ADC 8 Figure 54. Power supply and reference decoupling(VREF+ not connected to VDDA 98 Figure 55. Power supply and reference decoupling (VREF+ connected to VDI Figure 56. Recommended PCB design rules(0.80/0.75 mm pitch BGA), OA) Figure 57. LFBGA144-144-ball low profile fine pitch ball grid array 10 x 1D midr ,,.102 0. 8 mm pitch, package outline ..103 Figure 58. LFBGA100-low profile fine pitch ball grid array package outline 104 Figure 59. WLCSP, 64-ball 4.466.395 mm, 0.500 mm pitch, wafer-level chip-scale package outline 105 Figure 60. Recommended PCB design rules(0.5 mm pitch BGA) 106 Figure 61. LQFP144, 20 x 20 mm, 144-pin low-profile quad flat package outline Figure 62. Recommended footprint(1) ,,,,,,,,,107 Figure 63. LQFP100, 100-pin low-profile quad flat package outline .108 Figure 64. Recommended footprint (1) 108 Figure 65. LQFP64-64 pin low-profile quad flat package outline 109 FIgure 66. Recommended footprint(1) 109 Figure 67. LQFP100 PD max vs TA 112 8/118 STM32F103xC, STM32F103XD. STM32F103XE Introduction Introduction This datasheet provides the ordering information and mechanical device characteristics of the STM32F103X C, STM32F103XD and sTM32F103XE high-density performance line microcontrollers. For more details on the whole stmicroelectronics stm32F103xx famil please refer to Section 2. 2: Full compatibility throughout the family The high-density STM32F103xX datasheet should be read in conjunction with the STM32F10xXX reference manual For information on programming, erasing and protection of the internal Flash memory please refer to the STM32F10XXX Flash programming manual. The reference and Flash programming manuals are both available from the StmicroElecTronicswebsitewww.st.com For information on the Cortex TM-M3 core please refer to the Cortex TM-M3 Technical ReferenceManual,availablefromthewww.arm.comwebsiteatthefollowingaddress http://infocenter.arm.com/help/indexjsp?topic=/com.armdocddi0337e/ Cortex Intelligent processors by ARM: ARM 9/118 Description STM32F103xC. STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE Description The STM32F103XC, STM32F103XD and STM32F103XE performance line family incorporates the high-performance ARM CortexTM-M3 32-bit RISC core operating at a 72 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories( Flash memory up to 512 Kbytes and SRAM up to 64 Kbytes), and an extensive range of enhanced l /Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. All devices offer three 12-bit ADCs, four general-purpose 16 bit timers plus two PWM timer, as well as standard and advanced communication interfaces up to two I-Cs, three SPls, two 12Ss, one SDIO, five USARTs, an USB and a Can The STM32F103xx high-density performance line family operates in the-40 to+105C temperature range, from a 2.0 to 3.6V power supply. A comprehensive set of power-saving mode allows the design of low-power applications The STM32F103xx high-density performance line family offers devices in six different package types: from 64 pins to 144 pins. Depending on the device chosen, different sets of peripherals are included the description below gives an overview of the complete range o peripherals proposed in this family These features make the sTM32F 103xx high-density performance line microcontroller family suitable for a wide range of applications o Motor drive and application control Medical and handheld equipment PC peripherals gaming and GPs platforms e Industrial applications: PLC, inverters, printers, and scanners e Alarm systems, video intercom, and HVAC Figure 1 shows the general block diagram of the device family 10/118



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