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 详细说明:NULL 博文链接:https://zzc1684.iteye.com/blog/2210510private ServletInvocab lerMe thod createRequestMappingMe thod HandlerMethod hand LerMe thod, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) i ServletInvocab leHand LerMethod reques tMe thod requestMe thod= new Se rvletInvocableHandlerMethod (handlerMe thod) requestMe thod setHandlerMe thodArgumentResolvers (this, argumentResolvers): requestMe thod, setHandlerMe thodRe turn Va lueHandlers (this, returnva lueHandlers) requestMe thod, setDataBinderFactory (binderFactory): requestMe thod, setParameterNameDiscoverer(this, parameterNameDiscoverer): 767 return requestMe thod MethodParameter类 Handlermethod类中的 parameters属性类型,是一个 Methodparameter数组。 MethodParameter是一个封装了方法参数具体信息 的工具类,包括参数的的索引位置,类型,注解,参数名等信息。 Handlermethod在头例化的时候,构造函数中会初始化这个数组,这时只初始化了部分数据,在 HandlerAdapter对请求处理过程 中会完善其他属性,之后交予合适的 Handler methodArgumentResolver接口处理。 以类 DeptController为例: Controller Reques mApping(value =/dept?) public class DeptController Autowired private IDept service deptservice; RequestMapping( /update Responsebody public String update (dept dept) deptService. saveOrUpdate( dept) return success (刚初始化时的数据) newHandlerMethod= forg springfram ework web method HandlerMethade7966 public java. lang String org format. demo controller Dept Controller up date(org format. demo. m odel E logger= forg. apache commons logging. im. Loggere78903 p bean= fava. lang String] dept Controller beanFactory=forg springfram ework web context support Xm IWebA pplication Context5823 WebApplicationContext for namespace ' dispat cher-servlet': startup date [Sat May method= ava lang reflect. Method7949"public jav a lang String org. format. demo controller. Deptcontroller update(org. form at demo model. Dept)" a bridgedMethod jjava, lan reflect. Methode79497 public java. lang String org. form at demo controller Dept Controller update(org. form at demo model. Dept)" E param eters= forg springframework core Method Param eter(1J79721 VE[]=org springframework web, method. HandlerMethod SHandlerMethodParametere79861 E thisto=forg springfram eworkweb, method, HandlerMethod7966 public java. Jang. String org form at demo controller. Dept Controller. update(org. form at demo model D method=(ava. lang reflect. Methode7949) public java. lang String org. format. demo controller De pt Controller update(org format demo model Depty constructor null a parameterIndex=0 ull parameterlype= nul genericParameterType= null 刚初始化的时候仅有个 metho和 Daramererindex E parameterAnnotations= null parameterName Discoverer= null 三 parameterName=null 图 nestingLevel=1 E typelndexesPerLevel=null ( HandlerAdapter处理后的数据) parameter=forg. springfram ework web method. HandlerMetho d sHandlerMethod Param etere7986] this$o= org springframework web method. HandlerMethode7966"public java. lang String org. form at demo, controller. DeptController updat e(org. format. de m o model. Dept) method =ava. lang reflect Method7949 " public java. lang String org. format. demo controller. Dept Controller. update (org form at. demo model. Dept constructor = null a9 parameterIndex=0 containing Class= fava. lang. C1ass7026"class org. form at demo controller. Dept Controller E parameterType= Ava lang. Classe4555"class org form at demo model. Dept" >E genericParameterType= java. lang Class, class org. form at. demo. m odel Dept" BE parameterAnnotations = java. lang annotation Annotation[o18350) parameterNam eDis coverer= forg. springfram ework care Default ParameterNam eDiscoverere8351F parameterName null nestingLevel= 1 typeIndexes PerLevel= null Request Condition接口: Spring3.1版本之后引入的。是 SpringMVC的映射基础中的请求条件,可以进行 combine, compareTo, getMatchingCondition 操作。这个接口是映射匹配的关键接口,其中 getMatchingCondition方法关乎是否能找到合适的映射。 a public interface RequestConditioni T combine(T o ther); 58 TgetmatchinGCondition(httpservletrequestrequest 66側 int compareto(t other Httpserv letrEquest request RequestMappingInfo类 Spring3.1版本之后引入的。是一个封装了各种请求映射条件并实现了 Request Condition接口的类 有各种 Request Condition实现类属性, patterns Condition, methods Condition, params Condition, headers Condition consumesCondition以及producesCondition这个请求糸件看属性名也了解,分别代表http请求的路伓模式、方法、参数、头部等 信息 public final class RequestMappingInfo imp lements Request Condition hand LerType (handler instanceof String getApplicationContext(). get Type((String) handler): handLer getcLass ()) 130 / Avoid repeated calls to getMappingForMe thod which would rebui ld RequestMatchingInfo instances final Map () final Class userType Classutils getUserClass(handlertype) Set-Method> methods=Hand lerMethodselector, selectMethods (userType, new Me thodFilter()I Override blic boole an matches(Method me thod)i T mapping getMappingForMethod(me thod, userType)i It (mapping nulL)t mappingsput(method, mapping): return true 这个 mappings中key是 Method 141 这里的泛型T是 ReyuestMappinglnfo valuei RequestMappingInfo lse I return false 144 146 }) 注册 HandlerMethod getMappingForMethod是一个抽象方法 for(Method method: methods)[ regis terHand lerMethod (handler, method, mappings. get(method) 具体实现由 类 RequestMappingHandlermapping实现



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