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 详细说明:NULL 博文链接:https://zzc1684.iteye.com/blog/2210510Ia Property Editor ui t addProperty ChangeListener(Property ChangeListener):void o getAs Texto: string ubn get Custom Editoro: Component w)a getlavalnitializ ationStringo: String w)a getTagso: Stringll wDa getvalueo: Object u is Paintable: boolean w)a paintvalue(Graphics, Rectangle):void wD h remove Property ChangeListener(Property Change Listener): void ui o setAs Text(String): void G setvalue(object) void G supportscustom Editor: boolean 我们使用属性编辑器一般都是将 String对象转换成我们需要的java对象而使用的。 有个方法 setastext很重要。比如 String对象"1"要使用属性编绀器转换成 Integer对象,通过 metatext里Iη teger. parserηt(text) 得到 Integer对象,然后将 Intege对象保存到属性中 它的棊本实现类是 Proper lyEdilor Support,一般我们要编写自定义的属性编辑器只需要继承这个类即可。 Spring中有很多自定义的属性编辑器,都在 spring- beans jar包下的org. springframework. beans. propertyeditors包里 v Eli Maven: org. springframework spring-beans: 4.0.2.RELEASE I spring-beans-4.0.2. RELEASEJjar (library home) META-INF v Ed org. springframework beans annotatIon v ad property ao ByteArray Property Editor 7 Charact er Edito C a CharArray PropertyEditor Ca CharsetEdite ao ClassEr O Class Edito C Currency Editor Ct Custom BooleanEdito Ca Custom CollectionEdito t Custom DateEditor G Custom Map Editor C3 Custom NumberEditor C a FileEditor Ca InputSource Editor C. Input Stream Editor Locale Editor St PatternEditor C 3 Pro Ca ResourceBundleEditor Cb StringArray Property Editor a3 StringTrimmerEdit C% Timezone Edito CtURIEditor C% URLEdit or CtUUIDEdit Ca ZoneldEditor Custombooleaneditor继承 Property editor Support并重写 metatext方法。 99 ublic void setAsText(String text) throws ILlega LArgumentException 传递5ng参数 10e String input =(text != null text trim(): null) 101 f (this. allowEmpty && I Stringutils, hasLength(input))[ // Treat empty string-as null value setvalue(nuLl) 是否允许为空 CustomBooleanEditort的属性 else if (this, truestring != null & input, equa lsIgnore Case (this, truestring))t trusting和 alsestnng,可在构造函数中设 setvalue(Boolean, TRUE) 108 else if (this, falsestring != null & input, equalsIgnore Case(this false String))i 109 setvalue(Boolean FALSE) else if (this, trueString = null 65 triesting没设置的话,如果参数的x是 input: qua siGnore Case.11 input. equalsIgnore Case(VALUE0M)1tue.on、yes.1写死了, CustomBooleant setvalue(Boolean, TRUE: 的活那么设置属性 value为 Boolean,Tne 116 else if(this, falseString = null &5 alsestring设置的话,如果参数toxt是 (input. equalsIgnore Case(VALUE_FALSE)II input. equalsIgnore Case(VALUE_OFF)I false, off, no. 0(EstT, Custom Boolean input.equalsIgnore Case(VALUE_NO)II inputequals(VALUE_0)))t 的活那么设置属性vae为 Boolean.Fase setvalue(Boolean FALSE); else i throw new ILlega LArgumentException("Invalid boolean value [" text +I"): 重要接口和类介绍 刚刚分析了sun设计的属性编辑器。下面我们来看下 Spring对这方面的设计。 1. PropertyEditorRegistry接口 封装方法来给 Javabean注册对应的属性编辑器 public interface Prope ol void registercustomEditor(Class requiredType, PropertyEditor propertyEditor) void registerCustom Editor(Class requiredType, String property Path, Property Editor property Editor): o. Property Editor find Custom Editor[Class requiredType, String propertyPath) 2 PropertyEditorRegistrySupport: PropertyEditorRegistry接口的基础实现类 pubLic class Property Edi torRegistry Support imp Lements PropertyEditorRe gistry private static Class zoneIdcLass 9由 static{.. private Conversion Service conversidnservice: private boolean de faultEditorsActive= false;是否启用默认编目器 private boo Lean configva lueEditorsActive= false;是否启用 String,int,ong,shor数组属性编辑器 private Map , PropertyEditor> overriddenDefaulteditors:重与默认属性编辑器集合 private Map < class, PropertyEditor> customEditors:自定义属性生编辑器集合 private Map< String, CustomEd lder> customEditors ForPath;自定义路径属性编辑器集合 private Map cLasss?>, PropertyEditors customEditorcache;自定义属性编辑器缓存集合 PropertyEditorRegistrySupport类有个 createDefaulteditors方法,会创建默认的属性编辑器。 te void create DefaultEditorsoi 260 this, defaultEditors new HashMap, PropertyEditor>(64): / SimpLe editors, without parameterization capabilities / The Dk does not contain a default editor for any of these target types this, defaultEditors. put( Charset class, new CharsetEditor() this defaultEditors put(Class, class, new ClassEditor this, defaultEditors put(Class[l class, new CLassArray Editor()) 2222 this, defaultEditors put(Currency. cLass, new Currency Editor( this defaultEditors put (File class, new FileEditor() this, defaultEditors, put(Inputstream. class, new InputstreamEditor()): this, defaultEditors, put(Inputsource, class, new Input SourceEditor()); this, defaultEditors put (Locale, class, new LocaleEditor(): this, defaultEditors, put(Pattern, class, new PatternEditor( this, defaultEditors, put(Properties, class, new PropertiesEditor() this, defaultEditors, put(Re[l, class, new Resource Array PropertyEditor(); this, defaultEditors put(Time Zone. class, new Time ZoneEditor( this, defaultEditors put (URI, class, new URIEditori this, defaultEditors, put (URL, class, new URLEditort 218 this,defaultEditors put(UUID class, new UUIDEditor()): if (zoneIdCLass ! nulL)i this, defaultEditors put (zoneIdclass, new ZoneIdEditor()): } / Default instances of collection editors / Can be overridden by registering custom instances of those as custom editors this, defaul tEditors put(Collection c Lass, new Custom Co llectionEditor(Collection, class)): this, defaultEditors put(Set class, new CustomCollectionEditor(Set class)) this, defaultEditors put(SortedSet, class, new CustomCollectionEditor (Sorted Set class)) this detaultEditors put (List, class, new CustomCollectionEdi tor (List. class) this, defaultEditors put(SortedMap, class, new CustomMapEditor(SortedMap class)): / Default editors for primitive arrays 232 this, defaultEditors put (byte [l class, new ByteArray Property Editor() itors, put(cha ass, new CharArray Property Editor()); // The JDK does not contain a default editor for cha this. defaultEditors, put(char class, new CharacterEditor(false)); this, defaul tEditors, put( Character, class, new CharacterEditor(true)) //Spring's CustomBooleanEditor accepts more flag values than the JDK's default editor this,, defaultEditors put (boolean, class, new CustomBooleanEditor(false)) 241 this, defaultEditors, put (Boolean, class, new CustomBooleanEditor(true)) 243 / The Dk does not contain default editors for number wrapper types bean属性编辑器 244合 / Override JDK primitive number editors with our own CustomNumberEditor Boolean类型的参数允许为空 this. defaultEditors. put(byte. class, new Custom NumberEditor(Byte. class, false):ban类型的不允许为空 this defaultEditors put(Byte class, new Custom NumberEditor(Byte class, true 247 this, defaultEditors put (short class, new Custom NumberEditor(Short, class, false)) this, defaultEditors, put(Short class, new CustomNumberEditor(Short, class, true) this defaultEditors put (int class, new CustomNumberEditor(Integer. class, false)): this, defaultEditors put (Integer, class, new CustomNumberEditor(Integer. class, true)): this, defaultEditors put (long, class, new Cus tom NumberEditor(Long Class, false) this, defaultEditors, put(Long, class, new Custom NumberEditor(Long, class, true this defaul tEditors, put(float c Lass, new Custom NumberEditor[Float, class, false)) this defaultEditors put(Float, class, new Custom NumberEditor (Float, class, true)): this, detaultEditors, put(double, cLass, new Custom NumberEditor(Doub le, cLass, false)) this, defaultEditors put(Double, class, new Custom NumberEditor(Double class, true) this,defaultEditors put (Bi gDecimal class, new CustomNumberEditor(BigDecimal class, true)) this, defaultEditors put(BigInteger. class, new CustomNumberEditor(BigInteger. class, true) / OnLy register config value editors if explicitly requested 261 if (this, configvalueEditorsActive stringArrayPropertyEditor sae= new StringArray PropertyEditor(: this, defaultEditors, put (String ll, class, sae); this, defau ltEdi tors. put[short[l class, sae) this.defaultEditors put (int [l class, sae this, defaultEditors put (long[l, class, sae): 268 3. Type Converter接口 类型转换接口。通过该接口,可以将 value转换为 requiredType类型的对象 6 e pub lic interface Type converter 52创 T> T convertIfNecessary (Object value, Class requiredType) throws TypeMismatchException: 创 >T convertIfNecessary (Object value, Class requiredType, MethodParameter methodParam) throws TypeMismatchException: <> T convertIfNecessary (object value, Class requiredType, Field field) throws Type MismatchExceptior 4 Type Converter Support: Type Converter基础实现类,并继承了 PropertyEditorRegistrySupport 有个属性 type ConverterDelegate,类型为 Type ConverterDelegate, Type Support.将类型转换委托给 type ConverterDelegate操作。 5. Type ConverterDelegate 类型转换委托类。具体的类型转换操作由此类完成。 6. Simple Converter



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