文件名称: H.264/SVC Performance and Encoder Bit- stream Analysis
  所属分类: 编解码
  文件大小: 614kb
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  上传时间: 2019-07-28
  提 供 者: vince******
 详细说明:With the introduction of diverse variety of display transmission and resolutions channel capacities, the Joint Video Team (JVT) has developed the H.264/SVC as an extension of H.264/AVC. In fact, it provides a single compressed bit-stream with several scalability levels. Such a dataflow needs to be a not necessary for decoding video sequence's samples that△QP= SVC scenarios performance △ Bitrate△PsNR△ Bitrate△PSNR △ △ △ 辅械 takes the lions share of the bits consumption For all frame's type such as P and B frame dissect the enhancement layers Marpe, TWiegand, Constrained inte Wiegand, T,Overview of the scalability,, in Proc. ICIP, Genoa, Italy, Sep. 2005, vol 2 Standard. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for ures for fast " Overview of the H.264/AVc Video Coding Standard scalable sⅤ c streams,” IeeE Transactions on Heiko Schwarz, Detlev Marpe, and Thomas Wiegand AVC Extension” Kossentini, and Gary J. Sullivan Rate Control and Comparison of video Coding Standards Wenger “H.26L/JVT CODING NETWORK Lain E. G Richardson ,H. 264 and MPEG TRANSPORT”, multimedia", Wiley edition oct Kin Mun Lye, "Complexity Scalable H. 264/AVC NAL Level stream authentication for h.264/AVc2' IPsJ Encoding? IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIrCUIts ANd Andreas Uhl. "Efficient In cryptcd H 264/ SVC ContcntElscvicr, July 20, 2009 Joint Scalable video model ( svm)9. 17 Software",JVT Advances in multimedia Marpc, T Wiegand, "SVC Corc ISO/EC JTC1/SC29/WGll M11043, July, U. Reichel. h. Schwarz. and m. wien Joint scalable H.Scwarz and T wiegand,Further results for an RD Wo71) JVT Description", ISO IEC JTCl/SC29/WGll N7084, Busan ow,“ Spatial Xiang Li, Amon, P, Hutter, A, Kaup, A, " Performance Extension"IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Coding Extension of H. 264/AVC,Ieee transactions on Chiu Chiang 'Performance Analysis of SVC", IEEE ng,, 19 th European Signal Processing Conference Cheolhong An and truong Q. nguyen "Low Complexit Scalable video Coding,, Signals, Systems and Computers, 2006. ACSSC06 Fortieth Asilomar Conference



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